From yesterday...
Sausage, we are reaching out to you our friend!!! What you describe is the progressive nature of this __________(disease / obsession / addiction /whatever-you-like-to-call-it). It gets harder and harder to get back on the wagon. At least that is what I experienced. But you CAN do it. Many of us have gotten back on the wagon many many times and that just proves that you can do it too. The only way to fail is to stop trying. So how 'bout we just try for 1 AF day, OK? Just one. That's all. One hour or minute at a time - whatever it takes just for one day. OK? You in??
Maslow, OUCH is all I can say about that Bears game. I confess to changing the channel once Cincy was over 30 points.
Peace - I will never frown in Walmart again, that is for sure!! You MUST live 50 miles from BFE if you have to drive 125 mi to the farmers market!! How far is Walmart from you????
Marshy - :H on your new avatar. I'm sure the person in it is NOT plucking ear hairs, but that's what it looked like to me on first glance. I hope the EU stands it's ground on the growth hormone issue. There is TONS of evidence that all these growth hormones used in the cattle and dairy industries in the US are NOT good and are causing health problems. Where is the "bribing smilie" that we have on the Figure Skating board? I need that smilie to adequately describe my opinion of the FDA + Big Agribusiness. I only buy Eurupean or certified hormone free cheeses for that reason. And grass fed / hormone & antibiotic free beef from a local farmer. I'm really disappointed that the US can't respect other people's decisions about what's healthy and is "muscling" to try to force this crap on people in other countries who have already decided they want no part of it. :soapbox2: So...would anyone like to know what I REALLY think??? :H Thank you for the link...
Lav, you sound terrific. So happy that AF life is agreeing with you!! NOW. Where is MY cookie?????
Hula, what a great sounding report about your discussions with daughter. Honesty can be SO refreshing when the time is right. I hope the rest of the visit is MAHVALOUS for you both!
Leelou you are doing GREAT!! I have quite a vision of you on Tea Overload and probably making 39573957 trips to the bathroom too.

LVT - no, unfortunately I am not kidding about the slightly used kleenex EWWWW(tm).
I am SO GRATEFUL to be sober today. I try to never take my sobriety for granted. But some days I feel overwhelmed with gratitude at how my life has changed for the better, and continues to change for the better all the time. Sometimes the changes are gradual and then sometimes there are big spurts - this weekend was a big spurt in several ways. Part of that was recognition of the personal growth and progress I have made, and part of it was the recognition of important areas where I still have a lot of growing to do - namely in the area of developing the skills necessary to have real deep and meaningful relationships in my life. So much of how I have operated has been very superficial and "arms length." I want more, but it's scary. Lots to work on but I have faith that the rewards will make it all worth while.
Have a wonderful AF day one and all!!