Greenie's got her groove back! I have moved into the phase of disengagement from FH. I agonized over it, stalled and got stuck. I have made the first step into the arena and got the adrenaline surge. I'm ready. I hate it for him, but this is about me, not him. Keep reminding me, if you would please
I worked all day at home until 1AM on "holework" :H. That included a cathartic tearing up of 3 stacks of personal mail and papers I thought I needed to attend to while I got tech support and computer fixes and cleanup from my next door neighbor. Some were dated 2007 :H. It felt SOOOO good to do that! I am on top of my game again. I was out of town a bit and FH didn't do a single thing. Go figure. I'm pondering my next career move in stead of feeling insecure and threatened. Man, this feels good.
I didn't read yesterdays thread so I hope everyone is well. I have a kick-arse day away from the hole but I have leftovers ready for dinner and a funny movie from netflix: Death At A Funeral arriving today.
Have a very happy day and make someone smile...... after yourself. Like the airplane mask. :H