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AF daily - Friday 13th November

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    AF daily - Friday 13th November

    Hi everyone,

    I'm having my usual domesticated Friday morning because I don't start work until 2pm. Made bread, done laundry, vacuumed and am taking a break from cleaning the bathroom. Phew.

    I went to a new AA meeting last night. Found the right place (side entrance of a church) and there was a guy outside smoking and I asked him if this was the AA meeting. He said yes, so I went through the door and there was a tiny room full of people and a guy was explaining that the meeting room wasn't quite ready and we had to hang around there for 10 mins.

    So I started talking to a guy, saying it was my first time there etc, and he was explaining the agenda for the meeting, and it was all admin and policy stuff, and he mentioned that it was only held every two months. And I said "It's only held every two months?". And we both realised at the same time that I was in the wrong place. And he said "Oh! Are you here for the AA meeting?" And I said yes, and he took me down some stairs into the bowels of the church to the right place.

    Then of course, I was 10 minutes late and walked in while the speaker was in mid flow. And you know those squeaky church floors? So I went squeak-squeak-squeak-squeak across the floor. Embarrassing!

    Anyway, it was a good meeting, nice bunch of people. And I know where to go next time!

    Have a good day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Friday 13th November

    Morning all ye abhorers of AL!

    Funny marshy!!! What shade of red was your face?

    I finally got some phone numbers for info on sign language credentialing. What a damn chore!!! The Uni here has a special self contained college of speech pathology and audiology that was noted at in the top ten inovative blah blah blah. The have ONE teeny 2 credit signing course that is ONLY offered to THEIR students who MUST be degree candidates. I found that unbelievable - not just the restriction, but the paltry course offering. I already HAVE a degree. That said, the woman was not even able to point me in a direction for information even on a national level - just to "call the college of education". Anyway, a woman I tracked down at the National Institute for the Deaf and other Communication Disorders was extremely helpful with contact numbers for entities I had never heard of. I am secretly pleased that Uni doors are not opening for me though. I take it as a possible sign that I may not have to do uni coursework. I just want certification and gainful employment. You don't necessarily need to know the details of why grass is green in order to rake it.

    Anyway, point is.... None of this would be possible with my old pal AL. It would have been a grand excuse to drink and thus make no progress whatsoever. Or foget the conversations, etc. And that is if the plan even occurred to me which is doubtful.

    What a rant! Sorry, but thanks for listening.

    I also ticked off some things I've been needing to do and have a meeting today with the guy that shops for my health ins. Spouse status makes a diff. Boy is FH not going to like the reality of that one. I found my water filter system guy (I REALLY liked him) and get those changed today. His business closed but I had his home number. These too would not have happened with the old pal AL.

    This is the e-mail from "The Universe"

    Thinking brand new thoughts that you've never thought before, greenie, is wildly more conducive to creating big life changes than just thinking different varieties of the same old thoughts.

    Think about it -
    The Universe

    DG is training me to write sandwich-worthy posts :H

    Have a beautiful day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily - Friday 13th November

      Good morning Abbers,

      Marshy, glad you finally found your way to the meeting - I'm usually the one getting lost & embarrasing myself

      Greenie, I'll try to get in touch with an old friend of mine for information on learning sign language. Her grand daughter was born profoundly deaf & the entire family had to learn to sign. Fortunately the little girl did have cochlear implants & is now hearing & doing very well! Thinking brand new thoughts sounds like a step in the right direction! Go for it!

      Hello to everyone who stops in today! I have plenty of work to keep me busy & out of trouble so I'd better get to it
      Have a great day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Friday 13th November

        Good Morning, Abbers!
        I am soooo looking forward to the weekend. I have a busy day today....doing an intense training this afternoon and then....WOOHOO!! I have the first season of Mad Men to start watching.....breakfast with my oldest son and granddaughters tomorrow and just hanging with Dave and family....."These are a few of my favorite things'!. always make me hungry.......I can just smell that fresh baked bread!

        Greenie.....great insights into academia.....I am certain that you will find the program that is right for you!

        Lavende...always nice to see you!

        Have a wonderful day all abbers!!
        xxx Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          AF daily - Friday 13th November

          Kate, Mad men season 1 is next on my netflix que!!

          Lav, that would be fab!!! Thanks!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Friday 13th November

            Greenie....should we go shopping for our Lava Lamps and white Go-Go boots today!!! LOL Let's not forget the two martini lunches and ash trays on everyones desks! It is a wonder that anyone got any work done......or....did they?????
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              AF daily - Friday 13th November

              White GO-GO boots!! Don't tempt me! They would look groovy with my hoop! :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Friday 13th November

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF daily - Friday 13th November

                  Aloha Friday AB-noxious peeps far and wide!

                  typing from my car between meetings (love the wireless modem).

                  back tonight after an 8 hour drive. ugh. but being home is always grand.

                  Marshy, that's too funny!


                  zoom zoom

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF daily - Friday 13th November

                    well i drank yesterday eve with meal with family 2/3 of a bottle of wine definitely wanted more while i was drinkign it. it didn't taste good, but i could feel myself losing control - i felt hazy and know i would have enjoyed the evenign more sober,i felt sick and bloated.

                    BUT has confirmed for me i cannot just have one/ideas of Xmas drinking, I am happier without alcohol and I enjoy myself more without alcohol.

                    I am lucky, I got off lightly (so far) - no cravings at all today. I will be vigilant though.
                    It could be seen as risky and stupid but i am glad in a way as it confirmed things for me.
                    I also am aware it shows i have a problem as i felt the need to 'test it' (normal drinkers wouldn't have anything to test,also it's the addiction)

                    i do accept i have a real problem now - previously thought i was a binge drinker by circumstance - felt others further down the road would say i wasn't as bad as they were/exaggerating my problems - nope it's cos i crave it.
                    No more for me - if people don't like fact i don't drink then tough - i am going to be open about the fact i don't drink (rather than not wantign to stick my neck out in case i 'fail')

                    will be here lot more - I need to be.
                    one day at a time


                      AF daily - Friday 13th November

                      Hello all

                      Very good website put out by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) called "rethinking drinking." Lots of good information on such as whether you are an "at risk" drinker, strategies for quitting, etc.

                      Rethinking Drinking - NIAAA

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF daily - Friday 13th November

                        My Friday was busy, I was so tired on the way home from work, I did have an urge on the way home but stayed focused on my goals, am happy I stayed strong and noticed that once I got home I didn't feel like any then anyway. Movie night with DH, tea, and fed theleftover roo sausages to my cats who totally loved them. Oh by the way, roo doesn't taste like chicken, it's gamey and quiet strong and if overcooked, it's tough, cooked well, it's so tender.
                        Bear, I will be pondering on your post today to help guide me over the festive season approaching fast.


                          AF daily - Friday 13th November

                          whew, home finally. always wonderful to be home

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF daily - Friday 13th November

                            Happy to hear that you are home safe Det!! Have fun cuddling with your love!!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              AF daily - Friday 13th November

                              Hello abbers;;
                              I have bounced on and off here thinking for some time, oh a year or so, that I'd be trying to be a 'modder'. Well, the modding never works so I'm looking at the ab side as my only solution. Didn't realize lots of people incorporate AA meetings with this forum. So, as I went to a dr. and he gave me an anti depressant, doesn't believe in the meds such as naltrexone etc, and mentioned I might try an AA mtg. - who, me? I don't need that, I'm wondering what you can tell someone who knows she has a problem to get her to try these mtgs. without thinking how awful....and any hints you have on initial abstinence (from a 3/4 time wkly bout of excesses of 1-2 bottles of wine!) Thank you!

