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sat 14 nov af daily

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    sat 14 nov af daily

    hello there

    Well off to gym in a bit then to pub with dad, not ideal activity but what he wants to do on his vist down here - I will definitely stick to diet coke.

    Eating tonnes of food due to dad's visit - limiting portion sizes so I don't massively expand!

    Firmly back on the af way of life after my blip - I feel so much happier just knowing I don't drink or smoke anymore. removes the debate that sets up so much anxiety/what ifs.

    Have a good day all xx
    one day at a time

    sat 14 nov af daily

    i am up and off to the gym and then work myself.
    i couldn't handle a visit to the pub w/my dad yet and not falter.
    heck, to be honest i can't even manage my sushi joint yet.
    i'll be happy w/one free at a time.
    enjoy ur saturday!


      sat 14 nov af daily

      Good morning all. Bear, thank you for kicking things off today. Sorry to read of the choice to drink but it sounds like it was a valuable learning experience. It's such a relief to have the "mental debate" off the table and just move forward, isn't it?

      Good to see you 1967! The gym sounds great. Wish that's where I was headed!

      Sandwich worthy posts! Lava lamps! Gogo boots! Clearly I missed all the fun yesterday! I was in and out of here a little bit but not a whole lot of posting time. And as Deter would say, it's zoom zoom for me this morning.

      M3, thank you for sharing that link. I didn't get a chance to look it over yet but book marked it!

      Mr. Doggy left with the camper and 4 of the 5 dogs last night for the trial. I was to drive separately and meet up with them this morning. It's a good thing we didn't go together as the camper has a bad break down. Not sure what it's going to take to get it repaired, but I'm getting ready to leave to shuttle 2 of the dogs and all of our stuff back home - will probably take me a couple of trips at least. So lots of driving on the agenda this weekend.

      Stuff like this sucks but I'm SO grateful to be sober and unHung to deal with it. I don't even like to think about how angry and nasty and "unable" I would have been in my drinking days. I would much rather be enjoying a pleasant, relaxing, do what *I* want to do sort of AF day. Truth is, MOST of my days can be like that. Only a few days are stressful, "do what the UNIVERSE says" kinds of days. I need to appreciate the easy days more, and be grateful for them on the days like today where I just need to step up and take care of business.

      Have a great day all. There will be no drinking here, that's for sure.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        sat 14 nov af daily

        I woke today feeling tired. I didn't go to Bootcamp this morning either, I will have to make up for it tomorrow. The rest of the day was relaxing, lounged on the deck for most the morning reading, cleaned the fish tank and washed the cars. Then went to a work dinner with DH! First AF dinner, and we both drank water only. I was not worried about going where AL would normally accompany the meal, but I was abit unsure if I would feel like I was "missing out" during the meal.
        Well I coped fine, didn't feel left out at all and so glad it was not hard to handle. DH is off AL too, for the fitness challenge we joined but mostly he is doing both things to support me! I am grateful for that!
        We both talked on the way home how neither of us missed it tonight, I am also happy that now we are home, feel great.

        Hope everyone has a great Saturday.


          sat 14 nov af daily


          bear, bless your heart for going to the pub with your dad. I'm not sure I would be so gracious.

          "67 ODAT works! Keeps the worry list short!

          DG, ugh. double ugh. I would be very tempted to rent a pick-up for a day and knock it out in one trip if possible. How does that affect the trials? Doesn't sound too good. I would have SO used that as an excuse to drink all day making things worse. I just shake my head when I remember all that crap I used to do.

          I hooped at the river park last night with the drumming circle. It was a small group and fun. I really need to practice. Those girls are GOOD! One had her performance hoop that was sparkling silvery gold. The river was so high it covered the path and a chest high info sign about the bridge. The ampitheatre floor will be underwater this AM. I was offered a beer by (newish) friends who make their own beer. Without thought, I said:
          Thanks that sounds great, but I had to quit drinking. (They didn't know me when I was drinking)
          Puzzled look.
          I don't seem to have a cut-off button and it was just too much work to keep looking for it and the mistakes were dangerous.
          So I realized it's easier to just not drink and I'm much happier.
          No doubt that you are a happy person.
          Smiles and nods and laughter.

          Turns out wife is new to drinking and still trying to figure out her cut-off point. Whole-hearted agreed with the errors in judgement.

          And that was that.

          I watched "Bernard & Doris" last night. It was about 2 alcoholics. I didn't know that when I put it in my que. I found myself pleading to Ralph Fiennes from the couch when he started to fall. Felt his shame when he secretly disposed of the stash of empties from under the bed. Recognized the ongoing buzz of Susan Sarandon from morning till night; the erratic behavior. I'm so grateful I can write that in past tense.

          Local artisan fair and sale at the art museum tomorrow and an oyster festival on the grounds of a historical home. Surely I'll get a date soon considering all the oysters I've been eating lately. :H

          Finish your sandwich?

          X-post leelou! Congrats on your night!!

          Have a lovely!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            sat 14 nov af daily

            Hi all,

            Quick check-in from work. It's wild and stormy here. Saw someone's whole roof lying in the road this morning. It was a temporary roof of corrugated plastic while they were having building work done, but even so... And I've still got wet feet after getting caught in a sudden torrential downpour.

            DG to the rescue! Do you have a lot of distance to cover?

            Greenie - the hooping and drumming sounds cool. Do you have bonfires too? I picture it all going on round a big fire!

            Have a good day all!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              sat 14 nov af daily

              Marshy, my first exposure was around a bonfire at a party. No fires at the park. That was the last outdoor practice. The drummers hands get too cold. Now it will be at a Bagel Eatery downtown that is closed on Friday nights.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                sat 14 nov af daily

                Good morning Abbers!

                Looking out at overcast skies again but the wind & have have ceased! No outdoor activities planned for this weekend unless you really like mud Guess I'll pull out the inside things to do list.......

                bear, stay strong! I totally agree with you - having the smoking & drinking debates off the table really rocks! Don't ever want to go back there

                1967, strength to you too! I continue to stay out of place & situations that might set off my triggers. I'm much happier that way!

                DG, sure hope things smooth out for you this weekend! I could never handle all that if I was still drinking. Being AF truly is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves!

                Greenie, have fun hooping! What a great way to get moving

                Marshy, have a good day, stay dry!

                Wishing everyone a good AF Saturday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  sat 14 nov af daily

                  Damn I've got to remember to fill my coffee cup before I get on here! I love the sandwich worthy posts greenie and dg! Maybe we should start a competition!!

                  DG-sounds like your weekend is not off to a good start! Those are the types of situations that could really send me into a tizzy as well--looking for someone to blame also.

                  Leelou--I'm so envious that you dh is joining you in af-ness, you are lucky there!

                  Hellowww everybody else. I'm not joining the sandwich worthy post competition, so I won't even try to remember what everyone else has said here, but please know that I read them all and enjoy hearing from everyone!

                  So. I went to the counselor yesterday!:goodjob: I wasn't smart enough to go early, so I spent a good portion of my allotted time filling out paperwork. Oh, well, live and learn. It was cool. I opened my mouth and stuff came pouring out like a flood. My brain was going faster than my mouth and I even forgot was I was going to say a couple of times. WHEW! She said it all made perfect sense. I asked if she could help me--and she said ABSOLUTELY! We are going to meet every 2 weeks. And the frosting on the cake, is my insurance will pay for this (I think) so it only costs $30 a session! I don't know why I didn't do this a long time ago, I guess it is my stubborn mentality that I can handle things on my own--I don't need any stinking help! I've decided to keep this a secret from my hubby (I know--my bad) but I want to see if he notices a change in me before I tell him. If I tell him. He has a real issue about "airing our dirty laundry" and I don't think he would like the idea of me talking about him. I was so nervous, but I think it will be well worth taking this step!! Thanks for your support!!! I don't think I ever would have even considered this if it weren't for you guys.:thanks:

                  The rest of my day was busy, with computer issues--grrrr---I finally got home about 7:30 pm and I was tired! My guys are deer hunting this morning, and I have NOWHERE to be, so I am going to CHILL!! And this afternoon, I'm going to an auction. Life is good!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    sat 14 nov af daily

                    Good Morning Abbers!
                    LVT...I am so happy that you had a good, if not brief....first ecounter with your therapist!!

                    We are bracing for a big snow storm coming in!! So, I am getting some cleaning done this morning and I will spend the afternoon and evening with the love of my life.....reading and watching movies!

                    We will be having homemade ravioli, tossed salad and garlic bread for dinner!! Yummy on a cold snowy night!

                    OH! I have a new steamer and I am going to steam clean my wood floors!!

                    Did I say that I love being Sober!! Yippee.....I OWN My WEEKENDS!!

                    Hugs to All!
                    xxx Kate
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      sat 14 nov af daily

                      Happy Saturday All,

                      LV--Good for you for going to see a counselor!

                      Kate--I feel the same about sober living. I take pleasure in the simplest things and I love how I have energy to make things happen and get things done.

                      Bear--I wish you the best today and I hope you are careful at the pub. It is a lot to put yourself through when you are trying not to drink--the environment, the smells, etc. Even after 1 and 1/2 years, it would be not easy for me. I don't think I would drink but why put myself through that? Be gentle on yourself.

                      Be well all.

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!

