Hope your Sunday is peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable....unlike mine!
Both Sat and Sunday I am woken AGAIN by our oblivious little rooster next door. Well thats what I call him now!
Our neighbor is in his own little world, and has no awareness that starting machinery like grinders, saws etc..early on the weekend, our yelling full throttle at the kids before the neighborhood wakes up might be abit annoying to the rest of the street! Worse still, he/they have been constantly noisy and oblivious all weekend! Until of course they want to go to sleep early in order to wake up tomorrow early and act like the street's rooster!
That and the fact that I counted 8 lawnmowers at different stages of the day did not help me in having a nice quiet SUnday at home on a beautiful day.
I tried very hard to be un-frazzled but - Not Happy!
Happy it was AF though! That was good.