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AF Daily Monday November 16th

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    AF Daily Monday November 16th

    Good morning ABBERS!!!!!!!!

    An extremely early start to my day for no real reason other than I couldn't sleep :H:H

    Have a biggish day ahead of me, but feel very healthy today, and looking forward to the sun coming out.

    Have an excellent day my friends!

    DLA :h:h
    Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
    Sir Walter Scott

    AF Daily Monday November 16th

    Morning abbers!

    Hi dry! Sleep fairy eluded you last night, eh? Bet you sleep well tonight!

    What an absolutely lovely weekend I had!!! It is so wonderful to be out of the AL prison! I bought myself a lovely necklace at the artisan fair. Promptly lost it at the oyster festival. But when I realized it, I bid goodbye to my disparing friends to go look for it, saying I knew it would be returned to me. (I really did) and as I rounded the corner of the historical house, I bumped into the woman that had it. She was coming to look for me and was so excited she hugged me! Life is good.

    Fun things happen this week as the season approaches. Craftsmen shows, open house in the shopping area of the river vista, my neighbor's housewarming (boo hoo - she moved), a birthday, a club supper and meeting that I like, hooping Tues and Friday night (at a new indoor place) All outside the prison! Weeee!

    Hoping your day is a delight!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily Monday November 16th

      Good morning friends!

      Glad to hear you're feeling great these days--and you too Greenie!

      I had a pretty darn good weekend myself! No big events to go to (that is one reason it was good) I gave myself permission to take it easy and do what I want. I slept in a little Saturday morning, then watched a Netflix movie that no one else was interested in, and episode of my soap that I never watch anymore, and took a little nap. Then I went to an auction and bought some more pretty stemware. I popped in the bar where hubby was and said hello to some people I know and my in-laws. Then I graciously offered to drive my son to his friend's house so hubby didn't have to. Had a nice visit with his friend's mom, then came home to a nice quiet house again. Then came a knock on the door and my in-laws and their friends showed up. My house was kind of a mess, but I tried not to let that bother me. We had a really nice visit! The fact that I don't drink with them is not a big deal at all. I figured it would drive my SIL nuts, but she hasn't said anything for a long time. Her friend doesn't drink either. Hubby came home a little too inebriated and he cannot stop himself from talking politics and his concerns for the world. My BIL handled the discussion quite well and even helped me discuss the issues of dog training with him--whether he remembers or not is another story.
      Yesterday was a nice relaxing day as well. Hubby even came to church because #1 son was playing drums with the praise team.
      Today I am tired though...could have something to do with my diet and lack of exercise lately! Time to work on those things more seriously before I blow up like a tick.

      Any of you just starting out on this AF journey....stick with it. You can't imagine how much better life CAN be without alcohol!

      Have a great week everyone!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily Monday November 16th

        Happy Unhung Monday ABeroooos!

        quick heyo from my hotel room before I venture off. Thanks for the nice kickstart Drylife! great to see you and Greeneyes and LVT at this early hour.
        I was feeling a bit blue last night but chatting with Rusty and Lodestar was so fun they cheered me right up. All this travel has been getting me down but i'm hanging in there.

        I leave you with this pearl of wisdom: wherever you go.....starbucks isn't far away

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily Monday November 16th

          Morning Abbers!

          Thanks for waking us up early DLA Don't fret, sleep will come eventually. Took a very long time for me but it was worth the wait!

          Greenie, glad you enjoyed the artisan fair! Are you grateful for finding the lost necklace or what? That's terrific!

          LVT, life is so much better without AL! I'm better able to handle the in-laws & anything else that comes my way too. Love the AF life

          I have a few hourse of work to tend to then the afternoon is set aside for Mr Busy - my 11 month old grandson!! Wow, he is a workout!!!!

          Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily Monday November 16th

            Hello all,

            Not working today. Been for a swim, and I have netball this evening. It's an outdoor court and it's getting brrrr cold out there but we were all told off by the captain last week for our lack of commitment, so I'd better show my face. I was actually invited to something else tonight but didn't want to incur the wrath of the cap'n again :H
            Only two more games to go this season, fortunately!

            Drylife - what was the outcome of the thread you started last week about contacting AA? Did you get to a meeting?

            Greenie - you're sounding full of beans!

            LVT - I love the phrase "blow up like a tick"!

            Det - I lurve staying in hotels but I suppose the working isn't so much fun. Hope you're home for a while soon.

            Lav - enjoy the nipper
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily Monday November 16th

              Edited to add Sandwich Warming!!!

              Good morning all! And a special hello to any newcomers to the alcohol free world. It's a good world. Well, life still happens but for me it's WAY better to learn to deal with my problems sober than to hide from my problems in a bottle of wine or vodka.


              Thank you DLA for getting us started today! Sorry to hear that sleep is elusive at times. I found after a while that my body clock was re-setting. When UnHung, I naturally want to wake up much earlier than the Hung days, and also go to bed much earlier. So my schedule these days is just different and earlier than it used to be. Not sure if that's part of what's happening for you, but thought I'd toss it in there!

              Greenie, your posts are so ALIVE these days. You have surely embraced the sober, and now single life - getting out there and EXPERIENCING stuff! You are a good role model for me as I can tend to end up in ruts. I'm really interested in your hula hooping and love your new avatar. Good that your necklace found it's way back to you! It's a wonderful Universe sometimes.

              LVT - WOW it sounds like you handled all the family things with grace and calm over the weekend! I know I missed a lot over the weekend - how did the counseling session go on Friday? Good I hope.

              Deter - sorry to hear that you are tiring of the road warrier thing, but I can sure understand that. I had enough of that for several life times and hope that career wise, I never have to make a return! I will hope for the Universe to present you with alternatives sooner rather than later. I thought of you over the weekend. I was driving to Mr. Doggy's dog event and occupying the time listening to a couple of AA speaker CD's. One that I like is a former rock star from the Woodstock days. In her speech, she references "coffee houses" of the 60's LA type. She pauses in her speech and says something like "now for you younger people, the coffee houses I'm talking about are NOT Starbucks!!" :lol: Boy her speech included a walk down memory lane for sure. Anyway...hopefully you are going home soon? Or are you on the road all week? Either way, this is a great place, isn't it? I know that all of you sure help me stay grounded in AFness!

              Lav - I love how you describe your time with G-son. I think you are both energizer bunnies!! Have fun today!

              Marshy, I love your descriptions of your :b&d: Netball coach. :lol: Boy do I have a vision in my head. It's sort of like the basketball game scene in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest which I'm sure is quite unfair to all of you!! That "sports image" today is only rivaled by my Sister sponsor's comment that her and her elderly Sister friends could make a better front line for the Bears with their wheelchairs and walkers than the current team. And at a great cost saving to the owners as well. Sister Act III or IV is in my head now too! I TOTALLY relate to what you said about the cycle of procrastination, then anger. DUH????? :nutso:

              Hello to all others I might have missed and yet to come!

              Mr. Doggy had a rough outing at the trial. I gain more respect for the people who are successful in the sport of Schutzhund every time I watch. It's so impressive to watch National / World level competitors. But watching a club level trial - where it all begins - gives true perspective on how impressive the high level really is.

              I am so proud of Mr. Doggy for getting through this first trial experience with such a good attitude! Dog training of this kind truly is a long term journey, and one that is best served by a humble attitude rather than a macho one. Mr. D was VERY nervous (of course) and the dogs sense that. When they came out to track, Mr. D did everything wrong to get his dog started on the track. But eventually, the dog figured out "Oh! it's Tracking!" and started just doing his job. So it ended up fine. The training "took over" which was interesting to watch. The judge offered some advice for "fixing" the start of the track and of course had to deduct lots of points, but still passed them.

              For obedience, Mr. D was worried about his dog being nervous and "flat." So he REALLY go thim wound up before they took the field. LOL - I've never SEEN that dog so excited!! So they looked really pretty even though some mistakes kept happening mainly because the dog was almost TOO excited. (a good problem to have with this dog!) So the score wasn't great, but still passed and this phase showed optimism for the future. (some problems really are big training issue problems. This problem not so much!)

              They ended up failing on protection work. But once again, the problems causing the failure were of the "not so bad" variety. What you DON'T want to see is a dog that shows temperament problems of any kind - any fear or nervousnous. Those are genetic issues that really can't be changed - only masked which is sometimes a scary prospect. The issues Mr. D. had were in the "control" realm in the obedience part of the protection testing. That might be a really bad thing for some types of dogs, but for this dog once again, it was good. We had a bigger concern that he might not want to engage the helper or something - and that was not the problem. Mr. D is happy to know he can be stronger with the OB work and not bring down the drive that is needed to engage.

              So anyway...not the Schutzhund 1 title he hoped for, but a very good learning experience. The dog showed him a lot of good stuff, and the husband showed the wife a lot of good stuff. A very good day.

              Mr. D and the camper are still up away from home. Today Mr. D will deal with the broken axel and then make his way home. Fortunately our dog trainer is a welder by profession, so that will keep the cost of the breakdown lower. We still will have to replace some tires though. I am grateful to be sober and calm to deal with this rationally rather than upset and drunk all weekend.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily Monday November 16th

                Good Morning Abbers,

                It is so great to hear about how wonderful weekends are for the abberoos! Whether we are tearing up the our friend greenie, or relaxing and spending time doing what we enjoy.....the commen denominator is that we are all living, and living well without alcohol!

                My weekend was spent, catching up on projects around the house, relaxing and reading and cooking a lovely sunday night dinner for Dave and me. Life is good, very good!

                Det, hang in there! You know that I and others can really relate to how tough it can be when our travel schedule keeps us away from home.....but, you handle it so well....hopping into chat and keeping yourself busy and away from the hotel bar! This week, I have a turn around trip to Kansas City, next week I have an overnight to Minneapolis....then no more trips till the first of the year! Sometimes I wonder how I survived traveling 45 weeks a year?!?!?!?

                OK...well time to get to work.....have a great Monday, All!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF Daily Monday November 16th

                  Hi greenie, LVT25, Det, Lavande, Marshy, Doggygirl, and Kate!!!!!
                  Yes, a very early day for me. 530am. I don't mind, but I hope I am awake enough to watch Intervention, and Hoarders. Been sleeping
                  very well, restful sleeps, one huge benefit from being AF. I think I just have too much going on, so my brain said GET UP GET UP.

                  Went to see my sisters Saturday night for dinner. We went out for seafood, and had such a GREAT AL free time (well I did), got
                  back and I picked the movie. The Good Shepard. I fell asleep. I don't recommend it needless to say.

                  Just back from searching for some home essentials, like a couch and chair and some place to put our plates on when we eat...
                  So much I need-slowly but surely...

                  greenie, did you ever find the missing head?
                  The cats here come home with 'presents' all the time laid at the back door. Unfortunately their idea of presents
                  are dead mice and chipmunks. Heads attached -whew!! :H:H

                  'Drylife - what was the outcome of the thread you started last week about contacting AA? Did you get to a meeting?'
                  Yes, I went Friday night, and then agreed to go for 2 more Sat morning. I called my sponsor to find out exactly where to meet, and
                  she hadn't showered yet, and so we missed the first one. Met for the second, a 20 yr old female speaker who has been with AA for 3 years.
                  She was very entertaining as she spoke of her life, not much about AL abuse, just about her upbrining and so forth. Again I really
                  didn't get much out of the meeting, but will go again later this week. Normally I would give up by now, but I think from my
                  heart this is worth at least one more try. I like my sponsor (the sleepy head :H) so at least I can talk with her should this third try not
                  work out.

                  The sun is trying to appear, will hopefully break through the hazy sky soon.
                  DLA :h:h
                  Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                  Sir Walter Scott


                    AF Daily Monday November 16th

                    hey there - af for 4 days so far this time- feeling tired and blue - missing cigarettes - having a snuggly evening in. evening meeting at work tomorrow- gonna do some rebounding when i get back so i am moving.
                    few gym sessions planned and busy but af weekend - I plan for it to be sf too.
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily Monday November 16th

                      Hi everyone, monday was a good day for me, it's getting hot here. No urges at all today, especially on the way home from work so I feel grateful for that.

                      I broke my toe, that wasn't clever, but hope it doesn't stop me from doing my excercising as it really helps me on this AF journey.


                        AF Daily Monday November 16th

                        Doggygirl;758404 wrote: Edited to add Sandwich Warming!!!
                        I had a tofu sausage instead :H Glad you and Mr D and the dogs all had a good weekend in spite of the car trouble!

                        Dry - good for you for giving it a go even if it doesn't turn out to be your favourite pastime! I don't know how many different meetings you have locally but I found it does help to shop around until you find a "fit".

                        Leelou - ouch! how did you do that?

                        Played netball tonight and my team lost but it was good fun. Off to have a hot bath with ylang-ylang to soothe my old codger limbs.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF Daily Monday November 16th

                          thanks for the pep everyone

                          Bear, hang in there, your on the right track.

                          off to check chat.......
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

