Gonna take up the slack this morning and show some initative...Okay i didn't answer yesrerday about "The One" topic....Some very good views on this yesterday....I dont think there is one person for everyone either...I think after time that the person you are with can become The One...
A good relationship i think has to start with understanding and tolerance....None of us are perfect...so we shouldn't exspect that from our partners..Also having an equal relationship....Sharing the mundane tasks in life...
But most off all honesty.....
I think relationships require effort..As does anything worth doing.
I,m not saying my relationship with Lisa is an effort...Its not....We are best friends....But we were 17 when Lisa got pregnant....A lot of youngsters like us didn't last...Too much too young....So i think we did something right......
Have a good day all...Speaking of mundane tasks cute little Callum is making me a present.........In his nappy