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AF daily - Friday November 27th

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    AF daily - Friday November 27th

    Hello abbers!

    That's me today. It's strange to remember that I used to feel terrible every day when I had a hangover. At least I can whinge at work when I go in with a cold today, whereas I always kept verrry quiet about having a hangover. :H

    Hope y'all (especially for you LVT :H) across the pond had a good day yesterday.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Friday November 27th

    Hi marshy and all to drop by soon,
    oh how nice it is Friday night! It's a glorious night, warm, and very relaxing night. Just what I need before training tomorrow morning in 34 degree heat!

    Sending everyone smiles and good things for Friday!

    Get better soon Marshy!


      AF daily - Friday November 27th

      Good morning and Happy Black Friday! (it's probably only "Black Friday" in the US - the day after Thanksgiving is usually the biggest retail shopping day of the year. The stores run crazy sales and it's a mad house. Stores open at crazy hours like 4AM. I'm sure by 8AM there will be news stories of people getting run over by other shoppers / carts and a fight to near death over some hard-to-find "hot" kids toy...)

      I will not be drinking OR participating in "Black Friday" shopping today. :H

      Marshy - thanks for getting us started! Sorry you are under the weather. :H that you can freely whine about it since it's not a hangover. OH you got me thinking about how I handled my hangovers. Somehow, getting through them without 1) staying in bed instead of getting up an/or 2) barfing and/or 3) complaining about it somehow was a "good sign" (to me) that I wasn't really an alkie. :egad: I'm glad those days are behind me. And I hope you are feeling better soon!

      That cheesecake was really good by the way. Sorry you missed out on it. The offer is open for me making another one if you decide to send your folks to the "'til we fall over" party and come here instead.

      Leelou, I still can't get over your fanglypangly avatar and the fact you have a whole TREE of those pretty flowers in your yard!! I hope you are resting soundly in preparation for boot camp tomorrow!

      Hello to everyone yet to come!

      Thanksgiving was all good here. Lots of laughs sober. For today I'm starting it off with an AA meeting then the gym. Then back to the office - I really MUST catch up on some tedious book keeping stuff today. Blah, but must be done soon as the end of the year is coming!

      Have a good sober day one and all,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF daily - Friday November 27th

        Good Morning, Abbers!
        I am up early.....but, NO Black Friday shopping for me! Nope! I hate crowds and this stuff is insanity! It was bad enough having to fly for a business trip earlier this week......Boy! that was crazy!

        Marshy..:l hope you feel better soon... are such a early shaker and mover!

        Leelou....good luck with your training!

        As for me, I have the day off....Yeah! So, I have bunch of stuff to bring to Goodwill, then I will go and spend some time with my oldest son and my granddaughters....Dave has to work we will have a quiet super in tonight and then a movie.

        Have a great day All!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          AF daily - Friday November 27th

          Good morning all you ASs! :H Anti-shoppers. I don't have the shopping gene either. I am nesting at the sisters. Still in my robe which is now has muddy paw prints on the back. It was the washing dog feet in the bucket extravaganza. Little doggie acutally played chase! I'm thrilled! 4 doggies and 8 people yesterday. All the food was safe as we all honed our peripheral vision skills. :H Loads of sober laughter here too. 4 doggies still here so we are still honing.

          Hope everyone has a great day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF daily - Friday November 27th

            Good morning Abbers!

            I pledge no shopping for me today either.............always hated that Black Friday craziness, traffic, etc.
            Nope, the majority of my holiday shopping is done right here on my laptop with a nice cup of coffee

            Marshy, hope you feel better soon!

            Leelou, enjoy your warm weather - we're lighting fires here to stay warm

            DG, thanks for the reminder - I need to do some business paperwork as well!

            Greenie, hope your bathrobe makes it through the weekend

            OK, a little work for me then the afternoon starting preparations for my grandson's 1st BD party, fun!

            Have a great AF Friday everyone!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF daily - Friday November 27th

              Good morning Abbers!!

              So sorry you are sick Marshy! Hopefully you get it out of your system by Christmas and are good to go for the holidays.

              34 degrees Leelou? I'm jealous!

              Doogygirl I can't blame you for avoiding the shopping today. People lose their senses when a big sale comes on-no excuse for rudeness
              but disaster happens every year..wonder what CNN will report tonight.

              Enjoy your day off Kate! What movie are you going to see?

              :H:H at the peripheral vision greeneyes!! Was half expecting a story of stolen food..

              Lavande that's a good idea-Christmas shopping online. Never did it..not sure why..

              Big hello to those joining us soon...

              Well for me it's off to buy oven cleaner and gloves so I don't burn my skin off. Spoke to Landlord yesterday finally, and am meeting him to get

              Have a happy AF day!!!
              DLA :h
              Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
              Sir Walter Scott


                AF daily - Friday November 27th

                hello all - physically and emotionally draining super busy week this week.
                got a meeting with hr and someone i manage next week i (and HR luckily) agree I have been fair/she is reactign agains ta couple fo decisions she didn't agree with but still not looking forward to 3 way meeting next week.
                Also there are lots of close friendships within our team so I feel very exposed.

                I only have 3 weeks until Christmas then I am off for 2 weeks - can't wait!
                Well it's day 7 af and day 1 sf for me here - feel like giving up on sf but i could have done that with af. I do really want to give up both
                It's just taking it one day at a time I think and not fooling myself e.g. one drink, one cigarette do not exist for me - I also managed to quit both for 3 months.
                derby practice tonight - can't wait - such good fun/exercise/nice people.then more buffy dvds and bath and early night for me. Day shopping in London tomorrow - window shopping already bought tonnes!
                one day at a time


                  AF daily - Friday November 27th

                  Too tired to say much but still thankful for every day AF, so glad to have connected with this positive site full of positive people all wanting to help each other out.
                  I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

