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af daily sat 28 Nov

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    af daily sat 28 Nov

    hey everyone day 8 af for me- I have decided and committed to day 1 smokefree.It's not too much to take on - it's about my attitude towards it.
    I've done it before/it's important to me and I'll feel great when I start to rack the days up.
    I need to kick this too - espec v derby it really doesn't help with stamina I only smoked when i drank so no excuse now!

    I'm off to london today to buy roller derby padded shorts/maybe a new top - padded shorts are a must!
    I'm wearing snow boarding ones at the moment and they're just too bulky.

    A nice lazy evening in tonight - buffy dvds and a takeaway - bliss.
    There's only 3 weeks to work until Christmas for me -I have 2 weeks off and I am going to make the most of it.
    one day at a time

    af daily sat 28 Nov

    Good morning Abbers!

    Thanks for starting us up bear & good for you!!! You are a brave person to battle 2 quits together but you sound so dtermined.........wishing you the best
    After 6 months I still log on to QuitNet everyday to make my pledge to remain smoke free - it helps!
    Happy shopping in London today, sounds nice!

    I have a busy day of party prep ahead so I really should get started. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af daily sat 28 Nov

      Good morning bear73 and Lavande and all the other Abbers on their way..

      A crappy nights sleep last night, too much going on in my head, and this morning I woke up with a pimple on my face.

      My boy/f is bringing down my furniture with his daughter..boy/friend who I haven't seen in a month. So, busy day,
      and a busy night ahead. Not complaining, just hope I'm awake enough YIKES.

      Dear roomie decided yesterday to go AF again, so started the librium. It's horrible how alcohol messes with you..
      only took 2 days for her to go right back where she was. She had been feeling so well that week or so she was dry
      and I'm hoping the last two hellish weeks she experienced drinking again helped her see it's no way to live.

      Off to do some laundry, take a couple pills for this headache brewing. Nice I can say it's not a hangover though.
      Have a fabulous day all!!

      DLA :h
      Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
      Sir Walter Scott


        af daily sat 28 Nov

        Today was meant to have been William Blakes birthday. So a good time for the marriage of heavan and hell. Always good to own the dark parts so they don't get out into the world. Went for a walk in the woods.
        I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


          af daily sat 28 Nov

          Happy UnHung Saturday one and all!

          Leelou - I'm thinking of you and hoping all is still well.

          Bear, thanks for getting us started and congrats on both of your quits! Shopping in London. OH how I wish I were there with you! We could go get Marshy and then shop shop shop. OK - back to reality! Hope you find the derby pants you are looking for, and treat yourself to a shirt as well!

          Lav, I kept logging on to Quitnet every day for a LONG time. I still get the daily e-mails! It's a good reinforcement for not smoking, and how many $$ I'm saving and also how many days I am theoretically adding back to my life expectancy! I wish there was an e-mail service just like that for booze.

 I hope you enjoyed your walk in the woods! I will confess that the other part of your post was over my head. It sounds so beautiful though - like poetry. I wish I better understood.

          The sun is shining today but it's COLD. Brr.... I think the warmer than average fall temps are behind us now. Got an early start on the day and went to AA, then the gym, than some other errands now that Black Friday is over and it's almost safe to go back in the stores again. :H:H:H After a little catching up around here I'm going to get the chiropractic exercises and sauna out of the way, and then read or watch movies. Any sort of official effort at dinner will be optional. Mr. Doggy is at dog training today so it's my own special time this afternoon!

          I'm very happy and grateful to be sober today. Strength and hope to all.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            af daily sat 28 Nov

            Hello bear, Lav, Drylife, Raven & DG,

            I'm . Off sick - first Saturday I haven't worked for a year! I've got lots of oranges, soup and hot chocolate. Need. Cheesecake.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              af daily sat 28 Nov

              Marshy;766279 wrote: Need. Cheesecake.
              I cannot deny a sick person. As soon as I am done posting, I will be attaching One Cheesecake to a helium balloon and launching it. So keep an eye out of that window with the broken latch for your cake to roll in.

              (hope you feel better soon!)

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                af daily sat 28 Nov

                Haha. I'll probably have weird dreams now about a cheesecake blowing in the window.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  af daily sat 28 Nov

                  I sent cheesecake with a homing pigeon, but it came back and I ate it. Sorry. :H It was pumpkin with a gingersnap crust. Whoa!!!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    af daily sat 28 Nov

                    That sounds good Greenie. I might have to make another cheesecake soon. Mine was cranberry / orange / walnut cheesecake with an almond crust and cranberry sauce for the top. Marshy, did you get that?????? And are your sufficiently hungry for cheesecake now????

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      af daily sat 28 Nov

                      Doggygirl;766631 wrote: That sounds good Greenie. I might have to make another cheesecake soon. Mine was cranberry / orange / walnut cheesecake with an almond crust and cranberry sauce for the top. Marshy, did you get that?????? And are your sufficiently hungry for cheesecake now????

                      I may faint!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

