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AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

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    AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

    Greetings all.... Guess what - I'm not cranky anymore, had a crappy day at work, but feeling really good inside, which is SO nice after my upset and cranky days just gone.

    It's December..... Silly Season is upon us! ------Stay strong is the first words that come to mind when I say that.

    I've been focusing on "me" lately, being kind a nurturing to myself, an all in parcel of beating this beast, creating a life changing experience in general to let the real me grow...... and have visualized you all, and this site as my "Pocketful of Rainbows"!

    The reason being, is back in October, when I came back here, I needed to know I wasn't alone in my hurdle (mountain) I needed to climb. It helped me to hear other real peoples stories. And, well, you have all been such a big part of my life since. Even if it is text on a screen. You share your souls and real issues. For that I'm so so grateful. So much so, for the last month, your all in my pocket.

    In my job, I am isolated completely from anyone else. Yet I have moments I can do things for myself. Well you have all been traveling in my iPhone for over 4 weeks. Your all there if I want or need to read a post to help me rid voices, or make me laugh, or know Im not the only person in the world that has to deal head on with this, and you guys have helped me so much.

    So.... as I remember a cute little song of elvis Presley's - Pocketful of Rainbows.... I think of you all, and feel comfort in knowing that your all out there in the world... just like me...

    Hope you all have a good Tuesday. and....Thanks

    AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

    Good morning Leeloue, Thanks for getting us started so nice and early!!

    In my job, I am isolated completely from anyone else. Yet I have moments I can do
    things for myself. Well you have all been traveling in my iPhone for over 4 weeks.
    Your all there if I want or need to read a post to help me rid voices, or make me
    laugh, or know Im not the only person in the world that has to deal head on with this,
    and you guys have helped me so much.

    I can relate Leelou...even if I am not online, I think of everyone here, such a huge part
    of my life the last two months.

    Sometimes I wonder if just the thought of having to admit a drink is also what is stopping
    me. I just can't let anyone down, I would feel awful. For all of us.

    So yesterday I got down and dirty with the oven/stove. Wow, how can anyone leave it like in such filth?? That was a 5 hour job, a whole can of Easy Off (easy off my a$$:bang)
    and a scraper and half a box of SOS pads. My shoulders hurt from all the scrubbing
    so I'm counting that as my exercise for the last day of NoSlenders. Hear that DG? :H
    Had to buy new thingys that go under the burners on the stove top since the ones there
    were so bad and corroded my hand went right through trying to clean.

    Today back to painting. Hot LL finished the bathroom..working on the second now. Obviously
    not moving in just yet...looks like Wed or Thursday latest.

    Hi to all on their way, and a happy AL free December 1st everyone!
    Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
    Sir Walter Scott


      AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

      Zoom zoom - gotta run to AA, then to business leads meeting, then to personal torturer. But I'm here and I'm sober and there will be NO drinking today. Looks like good posts so I will definitely be back later to catch up!

      WE CAN!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December


        Leelou, that was the absolute sweetest post. :h Thank you! I'm so glad you are feeling better. The good wouldn't feel as good without the contrast of the not-so-good. Everything has it's purpose I guess.

        dla, I hope you keep telling about your painting and stuff - they are bound to motivate me!
        Whassa Hot LL?

        get a sandwich

        I gave blood yesterday for the first time. In my mind's eye, you go in give it, drink oj and leave. should prep for it - who knew? I stopped by with groceries expecting to be in & out. Had to leave & came back at appointment time of 6. Crowded but they bump me to the front of the line amid silent boos and hisses. Go through lots of questions. "In the past 12 months had I been given drugs or money in exchange for sex?" To be perfectly honest nobody has given me any of the three! :H:H

        Numerous things went wrong (both arms, musical chairs, nearly passing out) and it took 2 hours. Mid-way through I began thinking the universe was telling me this wasn't a good idea. I had to sit there forever to even be able to walk around and I had to call them when I got home after describing my car and where I lived in case I didn't. Of course there was a train and it took forever. What a fiasco. I hope I save someone's life. At least I'm not sick anymore this AM. The only thing I didn't have to fret over was to refrain from alcoholic beverages.

        This month I am going to watch everything I put in my mouth in terms of sugar. Yesterday I had 8 cookies. Grrrr. 4 were before I ever gave blood - mindless cookies.

        Smart sober sistas stay strong during silly season.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

          What a fiasco greeneyes! Didn't know it took so long to give blood!!

          Hot LL = HOT Landlord *drool*

          Was the one bright spot of my day yesterday :H:H

          DLA :h
          Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
          Sir Walter Scott


            AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

            Hello friends!

            Leelou I am so glad you are feeling better--and that was a really sweet post!

            Dry--I had to chuckle when I pictured you scrubbing your oven --"Easy off my A$$" :H:H
            I really am grateful I have a "Self cleaning oven my A$$"!:H And thanks for clearing up the Hot LL terminology for us.

            Greenie, when I read that you were going to give blood yesterday, I thought to myself "self, maybe you should try to give blood again now that you have no AL in your system--it might go better." But, now I think I might stick to the fact that I am not a good blood donor. I have been in several times--wait in line, answer their embarressing questions--only to find out I don't have enough red cells. I asked them last time, if we couldn't just START with the finger poke and save everyone a lot of time and trouble.
            Plus, I have lousy veins and it just isn't easy for me.:upset:

            Had a conversation with the daughter of a friend who we are trying to plan a 50th b-day celebration for. She was telling me how much fun they had at Thanksgiving getting drunk and her mom told her what a fun drunk she was. I'm sorry, but I think it would sicken me to watch my kids get drunk. I've seen friend's kids drunk at wedding receptions and it bothers me. Even when mine turn 21, I am probably NOT going to be the one to go to the bar with them. (Not that they would want me to) But I might offer to be DD if they need one.

            This is my day off, but I keep thinking I need to be somewhere. I forgot to go to yoga schedule and calendar are so full this month I better get organized!
            I think I'll clean my office today and get things cleaned up so I can start putting Christmas stuff out in a week or two. Do not want to start too early!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

              Happy December 1st Abbers!

              Leelou, we are in this together - absolutely - never thought of myself as a rainbow before though.......

              DLA, Thank God for self cleaning ovens, I have 2 of them in my kitchen! Bless you for doing that dirty job!

              Greenie, donating blood can be a pain in the butt at times but it is for a good cause. Someone, somewhere will appreciate that pint you donated. Good girl!

              LVT, my kid's friends took them out to the bar when they turned 21 - I didn't want to witness that event either. Some things are just not meant for the parents...........

              My embroidery business is busy, busy right now. The Christmas season brings me a lot of work - have to love my customers, keep them happy
              But I have to remember to love myself too this month. I want to stay strong & focused with my eyes firmly on the AF goal!!

              Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

                Lavande;767988 wrote:
                Greenie, donating blood can be a pain in the butt at times but it is for a good cause. Someone, somewhere will appreciate that pint you donated. Good girl!
                Next time I will know to eat real well during the day and drink lots of water. I'll try again as I know it's important but if I get that sick again, I may not continue. The time issue was just a fluke; well that an me not having tanked up on food so I could handle the blood sugar hit. I'm still chuffed
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

                  Hey there - day 11 alcohol free and day 4 smokefree for me here.
                  I'm coming down with a cold so I am missing my mid week skate tonight and resting up.
                  Chilling with dvds and planning a big bubble bath later - bought some curried lentils and naan as a treat and ate a bit too much chocolate.
                  Least I'm not drinking and smoking - I will be cycling/walking to work tomorrow.
                  I got lots of support from my manager today and I am feeling a lot better/stronger about Thursday's tricky meeting (partly cos the woman in question gave me a whole load of attitude today, just when I was feeling unnecessarily guilty!)
                  Anyway it feels good being af - harder with smoke free at the moment but hanging on in there - i don't want to be a smoker anymore.
                  one day at a time


                    AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

                    Hi Everyone - Can I join you on this thread please? I've been on and off the site for a long while, with some success, but a lot of failures. As it's 1December, it's 'another' good day to start. I need some support. I've done weeks and weeks in the past, but I always persuade myself that I can drink again - I can't. Deep down I know that. Christmas is a difficult time, but I want to do it. Hope you don't mind me jumping on. Tylyr


                      AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

                      Hello again! Now for a proper post after actually READING what everyone has to say today!

                      :welcome: Tyler! Of course you can join us!! This is such a great Daily AFer group and more are always welcome to help the sober train keep movin' along. I don't think there is an alkie alive who hasn't been a sucker for the "just one" thinking. AL is cunning, baffling and powerful (and sneaky) that is for sure. Now you know it's just another lie. "One Drink" = One Way Ticket To Hell for me. So I won't be entertaining those "just one" thoughts any more.

                      Leelou, what a beautiful post. You got me thinking about stuff I love about MWO, and the 24X7 access and "portability" for those of you savvy techie types with iPhones is sure a biggie. Not to mention the wonderful personalities! FA81E&index=0&playnext=1[/video]]Just for you Leelou - Rainbows from Elvis!

                      Excuse me one moment while I go beat my barking dogs - oops I meant yell at my barking dogs...

                      ...Ok I'm back now. I would never beat them really, but I sure want to sometimes! :H

                      DLA I'm falling out of my chair :H over your description of Easy Off! I will confess I knew immediately what "Hot LL" was. I guess that shows where MY mind is. I'm a DOL. Who knows what THAT is????? (quiz time)

                      Greenie, I'm sorry you had the blood donation day from hell! I have one good vein and one impossible to find vein. So if they screw up sticking the good one, I call it quits right then and there. The blood mobile that used to come to the place I worked in FL had small TV screens mounted in it and they played vampire movies. :H I haven't donated blood in ages and ages and you guys have given me a good kick in the pants to start doing that again.

                      LVT - I don't think I'm going to get the holiday decorations out at all this year. We're not hosting any stuff, so I'm thinking I'll just admire everyone else's stuff and not have any clean up / put away come January. Wow - getting drunk with ones kids. Hard to imagine, especially since I don't have kids. But .....EWWWW!!

                      Lav, I've been curious what type of business you have and now I know!! What a great service. The lady that does our embroidery and screen printing works out of her home work shop and is terrific. She is in one of the leads groups I'm in, so I see her nearly every week. I will think of you each time I see her going forward! I know she is really busy this time of year too making cool customized gifts.

                      Bear, good that you are feeling better about the upcoming meeting. I'm sure it will be a huge relief once that is over. Congrats on Day 11/4!!! For me, the first 100 days or so of SF were really, really difficult. But it got WAY easier after that. For AF, it seems like it wasn't QUITE as hard at first, but for some reasons stays a little more difficult in the long haul. Whatever - I won't be smoking or drinking AL today so it doesn't matter!

                      LVT I'm with you about needing to get organized. I have a lot going on work wise this week, + my friend and AA sponsee had back surgery today so want to go visit her a bit, + FIGURE SKATING starting at 2AM on Thursday morning from Japan. It's the Grand Prix Final and the feathers and sequins will be a flyin' - especially in the Men's division. Unless there are some chumpy withdrawls at the last minute, it will be hot competition in Men's. Ladiezzzzz will be YUNA KIM and then some other skaters. Pairs should be a good show down between the top 2 teams. Dance will be a show down between Canada #1 and USA #2 who have been head to head since Junior division. USA #1 (Belbin / Agosto) "withdrew due to Tanith needing emergency teeth surgery" which is really comical. I suppose not unexpected when from all smile appearances, she has twice as many teeth as the rest of us. I think they are chicken to possibly get beat by Canada #1 or USA #2. But what do I know?

                      Anyway, that is the figure skating update that I'm sure has you all running for a sandwich. One thing is for sure. It's a lot easier to keep track of things in ANY sport when one is not drinking through it. I can't even count the number of competitions where I really don't recall much about the performances. Well, of course I can't count them! One cannot count what one cannot remember.

                      Anyway...Happy UnHung AFness to all.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily, Tuesday 1st (yes....1st) December

                        missed you all!

                        I survived Thanksgiving family visit and computer is set up again actually family was a ton of fun and we had a great time...I'm really fortunate. Served wine for guests and never did have any urges or problems happy to say.

                        Tylyr, hey, it's been a while nice to see you here

                        well, as of this evening I've very suddenly come down with something. Headache and nausea out of the blue. ugh! hope you all are feeling better than I am.

                        will try to catch up on the thread shortly

                        be well
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

