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SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

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    SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

    Congrats on your progress Leelou! I hope your team does well in the overall competition too. Glad you were one who hung in there! That must feel great. :b&d: to the drop outs!!!!

    I'm still waiting for my new plan. When he said on Friday "3 days" I skimmed over the word "business" which LOL was between the number 3 and the word days! So either tomorrow or Wednesday. Then :b&d: for me too! A rest has been nice though. I haven't taken more than a couple days off in a row in over 1.5 years so I'm thinking my body was ready for a break.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

      Still Running
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

        Day 14 done! 2 1/4 inches gone from my naval measurement alone and 5 lbs down. This rate of loss may seem dramatic and unhealthy but it isn't and will slow down the further I progress into my protocol. 6-8 weeks left to single digit bodyfat!
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

          Sweaty Betty;775316 wrote: Still Running
          Still goofing off!

          (but everybody else better get your a$$es into GEAR! :b&d::sofa::b&d

          Great progress LoOp!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

  , that is always something I wanted to Hmmm, I think that may make a great New Years resolution.

            Ok Loop, Now I understand what you are saying, and I totally agree. It's impossible to spot reduce fat, but possible to build
            certain muscles. My bad!!

            Sounds like the rest of you are doing well!

            As for me, well I came down with a lung infection a week ago, am on antibiotics, and a puffer. Killed my appetite, so now I fit into all my
            clothes. I am guessing I am around 130ish, but haven't weighed myself, don't have a scale yet. I fit into my clothes, but am 'soft'.
            Need to strengthen my muscles...but am still tired out by medicine..have 7 days to go on it. I swear I think coughing is giving me definition in
            my stomach area haha...seriously bad infection, but getting better. Tomorrow will see how I feel, try and do something productive in terms of exercising..anything...

            DLA :l
            Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
            Sir Walter Scott


              SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

              I do yoga at home in the morning before work. But learnt first from classes and books.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!


                Geez. I'm away for a bit and you guys all start slacking!! What's up with that???? :H DROP AND GIVE ME 50!! :b&d:

                Today: New dynamic mobility warmup, new upper body workout, and sprint intervals. After having some time off, I felt the endorphins like a buzz rush! It was awesome! I'm going to be sore in all kinds of places tomorrow, but I'm going to do hill intervals anyway. I love being back to the gym! If nothing else, time off showed me how much I enjoy it.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                  Doggygirl;777851 wrote: :b&d::sofa:

                  Geez. I'm away for a bit and you guys all start slacking!! What's up with that???? DROP AND GIVE ME 50!! :b&d:

                  Would like to say I did just that DG, but alas...that be pure f'n lying :H:H

                  Good for you on your resolve!!

                  DLA :l
                  Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                  Sir Walter Scott


                    SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                    For goodness sake, Doggygirl, can you stop with the whipping nonsense?

                    And Lo0p, you are even much crazier than I thought (but in a good way)

                    If all we are discussing here is weight, exercise and body, well, even though I've gained a few kilos since I started bac, I'm still pretty svelte and not too bad in the muscle department-- and here is my secret, low-maintenance recipe:

                    1) live close to the arctic circle (shivering burns calories and builds muscle tone)

                    2) walk fast or run to everywhere you have to get to (I've done this since I was a child, the logic being that the amount of ground you have to cover is a given, so why not minimize the time it takes to get there?)

                    3) Be a vegetarian -- yes, you can get plenty of protein, you body builder types!

                    4) lots of sex (this part I am still working on)
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                      beatle;777859 wrote: For goodness sake, Doggygirl, can you stop with the whipping nonsense?

                      And Lo0p, you are even much crazier than I thought (but in a good way)

                      If all we are discussing here is weight, exercise and body, well, even though I've gained a few kilos since I started bac, I'm still pretty svelte and not too bad in the muscle department-- and here is my secret, low-maintenance recipe:

                      1) live close to the arctic circle (shivering burns calories and builds muscle tone)

                      2) walk fast or run to everywhere you have to get to (I've done this since I was a child, the logic being that the amount of ground you have to cover is a given, so why not minimize the time it takes to get there?)

                      3) Be a vegetarian -- yes, you can get plenty of protein, you body builder types!

                      4) lots of sex (this part I am still working on)

                      :b&d: GET BUSY on #4!! What's the matter with you ya slacker!!! :b&d:

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                        DG, I'm gonna ask Santa to get you a whip for Christmas! I think it would come in good use, or if you already have one (or many) it could be added to your collection!

                        Also, my 8 week challenge is over.... I'm really happy where I got to, and it was a major kick start to my lifestyle changes. - The 18cm off my waist is a real Xmas pressie too.... I feel so much better...

                        SO - It's still December, and what now? Well.... During my holidays, I will make it Priority 1 to exercise daily, vary it, increase it, and get more into a routine, so when I go back to work, its standard protocol.

                        DH upgraded his bike today, and I will look to upgrade mine over the holidays as my goal is to ride to work each day in the new year. (It's the perfect opportunity - bikeway for 6klm along the river to my work.... shower available etc.. I'm an idiot not to do it really.

                        Also, DH and I will increase our fun rides on the weekends etc... When I say fun... well, I'm optimistic! plus I'll take a picnic!

                        2010 is going to be a year of exploration,


                          SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                          Leelou;778006 wrote: DG, I'm gonna ask Santa to get you a whip for Christmas! I think it would come in good use, or if you already have one (or many) it could be added to your collection!
                          Thank you Leelou! I would LOVE to add one to my collection!!! :b&d: (I'm a former horse woman)

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                            The options to expand your collection are endless.....
                            Santa will have a tough time choosing the right one


                              SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                              Leelou;778009 wrote: The options to expand your collection are endless.....
                              Santa will have a tough time choosing the right one
                              Only one??????

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

                                Doggygirl;778008 wrote: (I'm a former horse woman)

                                Is that what you call it over there? :H

                                Leelou - I'm jealous of your bike track! That sounds great - I'd love to not have to do battle with traffic. Too damn cold & icy to cycle here at the moment though.

                                I'm officially slacking until after Christmas now. I'm working all week anyway, so don't feel toooo guilty about that.

                                Should be back in the saddle (but not being whipped by a "horse woman" hopefully) next Sunday.
                                AF since December 22nd 2008
                                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

