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SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

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    SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

    I need to get back to the gym/on my rebounder.
    Will commit to rebound today for 20 mins and do my back exercises from physio.
    skating session tomorrow evening but no sessions until 8 Jan now!!!!!

    I have big dinners planned for Christmas Day and Boxing Day and 28 December,31st December and 1 January days inbetween a max of 1200 cals and 30 mins of exercise minimum daily.
    My nurse weighed me formy pill check and I was 12 stone 13 - I am 5 foot 5 and should be 9 and a half/ten stone.

    Gonna take l glut this time - sugar cravings stopped me losing the weight when i went af earlier this year.Need/want to get back into exercise routine - really will help with my stress levels.
    one day at a time


      SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

      oooh, first hard workout yesterday in too long. walking funny today.

      keep up the great work ABersizers!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

        Well well well! And some holiday :b&d: to one and all Abbercizers!!

        So who is going to make it to the other side of this holiday season without gaining weight? It's been a bit dicey at times, but so far I'm on track.

        The new workout program is kicking my butt and I love it! :b&d: Deter, I'm starting to get a deeper appreciation for some of your escapades where you maybe have pushed yourself a little too hard, but you keep goin' back. I went too heavy with my weights on my lower body day Tuesday and LOL I was hobbling like an old granny yesterday and this morning! But I went back to the gym for more today. Today is a combo of upper and lower weights, and also sprint intervals. I did the upper stuff fine, did what I could on the lower (LOL my squats barely moved!). There are people using walkers that can sprint faster than I did today. But it felt good to put in the effort and just do the best I could.

        5X per day meals. I get the strategery of that. You get so frickin' sick and tired of going to the kitchen for meals and then cleaning up meals then it's time for more meals that I'm completely losing interest in food!! :H I was decidedly NOT on plan at the in-law family gathering last Sunday where I ate enough sugar to fuel an entire Olympic team. But I've been on plan since then. I will have one "cheat" meal tomorrow at my parents but I'm determined to keep it reasonable and not a free for all. Now that I'm working harder to gain muscle, I'd like to be able to SEE it which means getting rid of the last of this excess flab.

        Tomorrow? Hill intervals on the dreadmill. We'll see how hobble worthy I am for that!

        So...that's a bit about the new :b&d: plan. Happy Holidays!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

          My Christmas Hill Intervals are DONE! I was so tempted to stop early - a zillion excuses (NOT one of them a good REASON) rolling through my head. But I stuck with it to the bitter end and I'm so glad I did! No point lying to myself as *I* still know. And tomorrow is a day off from exercise. :yougo:


          Merry Christmas everyone!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

            Okay, guys, I am back here again for the ole whip and chain treatment! I have managed somehow to keep the 10 pounds I've lost off, but with no apparent self control lately, I know they will come back if I don't do something NOW!

            I really want to tone up, and get in shape and eat a proper diet that doesn't include so much sugar and white carbs..I have them all the Bob Greene Diet, Flip the Switch, Dr. Oz, You on a Diet, and the Mood Cure......probably use a combination on these..I don't think I'm ready to live a totally gluten free lifestyle yet--although I think it makes a lot of sense. I'm going to focus on eating way more veggies and fruit, with some meat protein added in. No extra sugar...gotta get these Christmas cookies out of my house! I'd love to lose another 10# in order to look a little less lumpy in the new yoga pants Santa got me for Christmas!

            I'm going to start by walking, biking, rowing (we have an excellent facility near by) and I'm going to play racquetball by myself if I have to! A friend is starting a Zumba? class--I'm not sure that's for me, but I may try it. And of course I will continue with my yoga.

            There you have it. Crack that whip DG!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              SOME Pain, NO Gain, MAINTAIN! aka December Abbercizers!!!

              :b&d: GO LVT!!!!

              Sounds like you are brimming over with motivation!! There are tons of fabulous gluten free recipes (and low carb, sugar free, and some are dairy free too!) on this blog. Healthy Indulgences I think the Biscuits are an awesome alternative to the real thing (using almond flour instead of wheat flour). I also like the muffins - there are versions with coconut flour and others with almond flour. I've also tried the Red Velvet Cake which I thought was great!

              Gluten free baked goods to me, are not exactly like their gluten laden high carb counterparts. If it were that simple, more bakeries would stop using wheat flour I think! But I am very familiar with that feeling of dread - What, no cookies??? ever???? This site has been a really useful resource in staying mostly gluten free for me. Also, I have had very good luck freezing lots of this stuff - muffins in particular. I can set aside one baking day and have some muffins or specialty bread or whatever for a long time to come.

              So...what's your excuse now, she asks sweetly??? :h :b&d: :b&d:

              Today is my day off. I'm getting ready to review all my exercises for tomorrow since each weight training day involves totally different exercises, so it's been a week since I've done these! Many are brand new to me, so I need to watch the vids again and make sure form is correct tomorrw. I love going to the gym with a plan.

              The food plan is restrictive for the time being (that will loosen up as we figure out how my body responds to things). But having it broken down into 5 meals a day instead of 3 makes this very, very doable. If I start feeling a bit hungry, I don't have to wait long.

              I discovered something today at Walmart. A Skinny Cow brand ice cream sandwich fits the parameters as my "carb" portion of my post workout meal on weight lifting days. That's a scary thought as I normall try to stay away from any dairy that is not hormone free, and also because I don't trust myself with just one. We shall see. For tomorrow, it will be a banana. :H

              Have a great abbercizin' day!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

