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AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

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    AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

    Morning abbers!!

    Leelou is a tough act to follow!

    I've been awake for a while having a delicious moment of reflection in the flannel sheets.

    I am safe. REALLY safe. I trust myself. Finally.

    I had a telling dream again. I flew! (I've been waiting for that) I was going to fly away to far places to find where I belong. I wore a little aviatior hat and steered with an elbow jutted out. Breathing was my propulsion. I came back to the stucco house where I lived on the hillside at the end of the dusty lane. You could see the dazzling blue ocean. I realized I belonged wherever I was, that I didn't need to find it. My sense of belonging was to the universe and my connection to it; not a location. My house became an artist studio and we threw pots and blew glass and painted. Fun dream!

    I'll think about it the rest of the day. Remember the woman who has a kiln I met last year? I hope to see her today. I'll ask her to teach me to throw a pot.

    Enjoy every moment of your day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3


    Wow, how I would love to join you in the studio, flying there of course, all the way from Brisbane, would be 30 hours plus on an airliner!!

    Me,?....closing my eyes, opening my soul..being open to where I could go in this the moment, enjoying the experience...and feeling the sensations of flying.....????

    I think I could make it in 20 minutes!

    Count me in, pop the kettle on!

    I'm unfortunately not enjoying such delights here today, as I am trying to tie perfect stupid bows for my wreath and it is doing my head in!

    Have a great day everyone to follow.....


      AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

      I am safe. REALLY safe. I trust myself. Finally.
      Wow Greeneyes that's great really great. And to have the dream as well to corroberate what you know means that your subconscious agrees with you! All the parts are congruent. You sense of connection is to yourself! That's where you need to be and that place is called FREEDOM!!
      Keep on keeping on


        AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

        Come to think of it... is it normal to dream going AF? I have had more lately, not as lovely as Greeneyes, but random ones, more than I've had in years.


          AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

          I'm unfortunately not enjoying such delights here today, as I am trying to tie perfect stupid bows for my wreath and it is doing my head in!
          Bring me up to speed. What wreath and why? Oh and breathe deeply darling girl.
          Keep on keeping on


            AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

            you know... xmas wreath on the front door? round, green like..


              AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

              Good morning ABBERS!

              greeneyes, you're one funny lady. Good job on starting our thread today, and love your aviator story.

              Leelou I'm sure your wreath would turn out beautifully. Sounds like you're not just slapping it together if it's doing your head in ; ) I've not had the AF dreams yet..just the
              ones that make me feel hungover in the morning ughhh.

              Good morning Suni!

              So, went at the windows and window sills yesterday. Got to the last one, and it looked like there was a big chunk of insulation stuck in the corner. I've seen that before on
              older windows, except these ones are new so I was confused for a sec. Upon closer inspection, the insulation had what appeared to be ears. Can't be.. Slightly opened
              the window and the insulation moved...


              A BAT!! What the hell??

              So..I call Hot LL and ask him to come get!! way!!! I'm touching the thing. (I did not put that bat there to get hot LL over. :H) Long story short the little hissing critter
              finally flew away when my older son poked at it a bit with a broom handle later at night. LL just took out the screen to move it along. Now, my dilema is how it got there
              in the first place.

              On my way over. Wonder what little creature I'll discover today?

              Be good, and enjoy a terrific AF Thursday all!! Hello to all on their way..

              DLA :l
              Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
              Sir Walter Scott


                AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                Just wanted to pop in and say I've had a really good AF week.

                Leelou - I have a tropical style wreath - some part of a 'coconut plant' (that's what the lady in the shop told me!) arranged artfully and sprayed gold. Lots of glitter. I hope your bow's turned out well, did you look on youtube for bow tying methods? That's how I learned to truss a chicken....

                Everyone sounds really positive today - keep it up!

                I'm wrangling thoughts /emotions about seeing a career psychologist last week.....she thinks I have ADD. I was 'tested' and get the report next week. Quite what difference she expects it to make to me at 41 I have no idea, and I'm not doing the drugs. *Sings Loudly* I am what I am, I am my own special creation.....

                Take Care and enjoy what's left of Thursday. I'm off to bed and hoping for a flying dream.

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

         what you said about being Safe! I think that we can all probably relate to that thought.......I will ponder this thought today!

                  I got a call from my old high school friend yesterday.....she is coming for a short visit next week!! Yippee! We will hang out and act like 18 year olds!! LOL

                  I have been reflecting on "Contentment"...I am truly content. Life still has its struggles, but without alcohol present.....the drama is nearly non-existant....who knew!!!

                  Have a good day everyone!

                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                    Good morning Abbers!

                    Had to wait for the power (internet, cable, etc) to return this moring! We had some crazy storms move through last night! I woke to the hum of the generator which kicks on automatically but it only powers a few of the necessities around here (heat, well pump, etc). Everything is back up & running now, I am grateful.

                    I love the talk of safety & contentment! I'm getting pretty close to enjoying those special feelings as well It's been a very, very long time........

                    Greetings Greenie, LeeLou, Suni, DLA, Bets, Kate & all to come today

                    Time to get to work - have a great Thursday!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                      Come to think of it... is it normal to dream going AF? I have had more lately, not as lovely as Greeneyes, but random ones, more than I've had in years.
                      Normal? What's normal and who cares?
                      Dreaming of going AF is just fine.
                      The subconscious is your friend on whom tyou can rely 100 percent.
                      Keep on keeping on


                        AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                        Hello friends,

                        I am going to post this over in the appropriate section, but Leelou's mention of a wreath reminded me of something.

                        The Christian Season of Advent

                        After reading this, I decided it would be a good tradition to include an Advent wreath in our Christmas season. So I ordered one for our family the other day.

                        Have a great day all! :h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                          Hello everyone and Happy Thursday! I have a horrid stomach ache today - hope it's not the flu! I already blew off my PT appointment at the gym and my chiropracter appointment. We'll see about my business lunch and business related holiday party (BLAH!!) tonight. But it's not looking good so far.


                          Greenie thanks for kicking us off today with a beautiful dream! I've never really dreamed of flying other places. BUT...I have been very brave for my entire life about geographic moving around. Somewhere along the way in recovery, I read about "fleeing" being a common way of trying to "solve" our alcohol or other problems. I always fantasized that a "new start" in a different location would be "better." (solve drinking problems, relationship problems, job problems, etc.) And as one who acted on those opportunities many times in my life, I can say for SURE that it doesn't work! Or at least it didn't for me! I thought of this when reading about your dream. Maybe your flight dreams were about a desire to "change the venue" and maybe now you realize you don't have to. Makes me want to have a "no need to fly away" dream! :H

                          Love all this talk of safety and contentment. My worst sober day feels way more "safe and content" than my best drunk day, that's for sure!!!

                          Happy Abness to all!


                          PS - DLA, what a great idea to put bats in your windows as an excuse to call in HLL to save the day! :h:H
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                            Hi everyone - third day of the month. I had a few cravings earlier on today, but rode them out, and they've gone - great. The 'freedom' of being AF is where I want to be. i've been there before, it happens after a week or two, the cravings go and I feel good. Unfortunately, in the past I think I'm safe and I give in. Christmas is going to be a difficult time for me I think


                              AF Dailey - Thurs 12/3

                              hello all - feels great to still be here - I had my difficult meeting with employee today - was hard BUT we made some progress/HR praised me for the way I handled it and can see where my issues are with the person.

                              I had a back massage this afternoon - therapist commented how tight my shoulders were - booked in for another massage on Christmas Eve and booking 7 treatments for cost of 5 in New Year. It feels better already - got evening meeting to go to tonight between 7.30pm and will be home about 11pm - expecting confrontation too but I feel much better placed to handle it.

                              Still it's coming up to 2 weeks alcohol free for me and a bit less than that smoke free - feeling good - urge to stay in atthe moment and kind of hibernate with OH.Can't wait to put tree and decorations up this weekend - I LOVE Christmas!
                              Ho ho ho everyone..
                              one day at a time

