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monday 7 december

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    monday 7 december

    Hey there and good morning - up bright and early today.
    I went to derby practice yesterday and got lots of glowing feedback on how well I am doing I really needed it - felt I was rubbis hand lagging behind. It reinforced for me that I don't want to drink/smoke - I was jammer for a bout and that is really hardcore aerobically.Wicked bruise on my thigh too!

    Feeling better this week - need to tackle relationship with jobshare this week - basically good but we need to iron out a few issues.

    Day off today so I'm going to put the tree up and decorate the house with a christmas cd on, dye my hair, return a parcel and meet a friend for lunch.
    I may even hit the gym after a little nap this afternoon, hope you all have a good day.

    I am frustrated as I felt really anxious all weekend so it didn't feel like much of a break - still I would have felt a lot more anxious at work!
    one day at a time

    monday 7 december

    My Monday is tired, so off bed early...

    Hope everyone has a good day....


      monday 7 december

      **Sandwich Warning!**

      Good morning/afternoon/evening/middle of the night/whatever time Abbers! The weekend flew by and I wasn't here at all yesterday and can't recall about Saturday. Friday and Saturday are sort of melded together in my head what with getting hardly any sleep and watching figure skating at strange middle of the night hours!

      I did at least read yesterdays thread to catch up a bit.

      Bear, one of the great things about getting sober is becoming aware of some of our inner issues / insecurities and having a chance to explore them and understand them and work on them. Taking the booze out of the equation is only the very beginning of the journey. You are doing great and learning so much about yourself! I'm sure next time you are in a similar situation with friends/sports pals being offered things you would rather say no to, you will find a way to say no. It takes time to get comfortable with all that. Sounds like you have a fabulous day planned for a day off today!

      Leelou, I too want PICTURES of you in your sexy dress! Sounds like you were the belle of your own ball and had a great time until the "incident." It was interesting to read Greenie's take on it. I'm beginning to believe that too - sometimes things happen because they are just supposed to and it's all good in the end, even if it doesn't seem so at the time. I hope that is the case for your "incident." Good for you seeing the benefits of life without AL. Seems like we all have to go through some sticking our toe back in that water to finally figure out what is best for us.

      Sausage, welcome back!! Sometimes this journey truly is like "trudging" moreso than "hippity skippitying." Onward we go.

      Greenie, I think I missed something about the bird nest. Is that a real nest you brought in from outside for your tree? How cool! I can relate to "hydrate more and coffee less." I'm about to embark on a new fitness regimine and I already know that is coming - as if my eville chiro doesn't nag me enough about it already! I think I will need some support for the more water / less coffee mission soon. Maybe we should start a thread for that!!

      Lav - :lol: on "easing into decorating." I love the way you put that - sounds far less stressful than what I remember about holiday decorating back when I actually decorated. (none here again this year, and I'm fine with that!! )

      Marshy - I can't imagine fighting the crowds in the shops only to buy everything on-line anyway. I love seeing the stores decorated but just can't fact those crowds! When I read your post about Hard (mod) v. "Easier" (AF) I thought of something I learned on my second or third trip skiing. When I first went skiing, I thought I was taught that Green dots were "easy" and Blue squares were "medium hard" and Black diamonds were "you will die on this one." But then I went to Idaho on a ski trip and found out that the Green blobs are not necessarily "easy." They are just "easier" than the Blue squares or deadly Black diamonds. And for me that wasn't "easy" at all. (I spent most of that trip on my ass whether it was on the slopes or in the bar!) So it's a relative thing not an absolute thing. LOL - for me I think AF is a Blue square in Idaho, and drinking is a Black Diamond (you will die on this one) on any slope. :H, I think you will LOVE your first sober Christmas! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season so far. Hang in there - it's worth it!

      Pamina, good to see you as always. Sorry to hear about the lost post! You are another brave shopper!

      There is a woman at my gym who has been 29 for several years more than me. She is VERY fit and lean and she does REAL weight lifting. Not the sissy stuff I've been doing. Then there is this other woman I know through another internet site (known her for several years now - much like we get to know each other here over the long haul). She has not been 29 quite as long as me, but she is also a very SERIOUS weight lifter and looks fabulous and STRONG. I have decided I want what they have and am taking a different route with my training at the gym. My friend from teh low carb board has worked for several years with a guy who works remotely with folks. He has an internet site for group type support and communication, and he plans everyone's workouts and eating plans individually. He has clients ranging from people like me - beginners who just want to progress with fitness goals to competitive body builders. I am going to try working with him for 12 weeks and see how it goes! I finished all the questionnaires, contracts, pictures, etc. etc. stuff last night, so I expect to be starting with my plan in about 1 week. I'm excited! I still have to let my PT at the gym know I'm making this change and I'm not looking forward to delivering that news. But I'm going to do it honestly rather than making up some story. All part of my new way of living sober in more ways that one in my life!

      Anyway, the only other big news here is that we are having our first real snow of the year! I left the house intending to go to my frightfully early Monday AA meeting, but turned around and came back home. I'm sure the roads will be salted later but they were not at 4AM! So..I guess that means it's official - winter is here!

      Have a wonderful AF day.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        monday 7 december

        Morning abbers!

        Bear you sound better and your day sounds like a good one!

        Leelou, zzzzzzzzzz

        DG, I found the bird's nest in the christmas tree when I was in the yard pulling leaves out of it before bringing it in the house. Someone said it is good luck! I said in an earlier thread that the universe put it there for me as I was on such a roll. (Before I lost my mojo.) It feels like Peter Pan trying to maintain his happy thought when I loose that vibration level. I truly believe water was the root of it. I've been lax for a bit. (LMAO about the sandwich warning)

        Yesterday I worked on that aspect and drank lots of water, ate well and went to the doggie park to be outside. Little doggie PLAYED!! I am thrilled! An actual full speed, butt tucked romp with 2 other doggies her size. I wore a fuzzy scarf around my neck and had to tuck the ends away as the dogs were positive it was a toy I wanted them to snatch from me. :H:H

        I'm off to my yearly physical. My last "free" one. I'm changing ins. co.s after this and they don't have that perk. But the premium more than makes up for it and the tax bene. of the HSA aspect I won't have. Feckin' insurance. Grrrrrrrr......

        Have a loverly!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          monday 7 december

          Good morning Abbers,

          Brr - it's 25 degrees here this morning!!!! I have the woodstove stuffed, helping to warm this place

          bear, glad you're feeling better - be careful with the bruises!!

          Leelou, hope you are sleepnig nicely

          DG, I forget now how many anniversaries of my 29th birthday have passed...........
          I am seriously fed up dealing with weight issues! It was never a big deal until I hit 43-44. In my case - losing hormones = gaining weight!!!!! You can only decrease your food intake so much......... I've gone low fat, low carb, nothing seems to help. Exercise has been sketchy for me due to some old injuries but I am by no means a couch potato. Now I find, due to receiving an 'F' on my last Dexa Scan, I need to change my diet again. Supposedly a more alkaline diet will help you regrow more bone. I tried the Osteoporosis meds, couldn't tolerate them so I need a more natural approach. Changing my calcium & other supplements as well. Now we all need a sandwich

          Greenie, have a 'nice' time at your physical, ha ha!

          Wishing everyone a great Monday, need to get to work!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            monday 7 december

            Hi-de-hi abbers,

            Day off work. Was going to go to the gym but as it's the last netball match of the season tonight :yougo::yougo::yougo:, I thought I'd save my energy for that. Need all the help I can get.

            So instead I'm pottering and doing some housework. Have just written Xmas cards for friends who live in different countries, only to discover that I've already missed the last posting date to Bangladesh. Luckily, my friend who lives there doesn't really celebrate Christmas, so it doesn't matter if it's late. :H

            DG - Where do you get your energy? Weight-lifting sounds like a good next step.
            Green blobs? red squares? Idaho? :nutso:

            Better go and queue up at the post office...
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              monday 7 december

              Good Morning Abbers!
              It is 16 degrees F, here in CO....brrrrr! The weekend was nice, but very busy.....this week is going to be pretty crazy! Tonight I have to attend the first of many work related Christmas parties. This one is a dinner at a great Italian restaurant put of by P&G Professional. It will be fun! I will be drinking "Arnold Palmers"! Anyone else like those? Yummy!

              Today I also have what I hope is my last visit with my OC Med doc. This is from that horrible fall and broken bones that I suffered back in April. I really wan to move on and get past all of this. I do have nerve damage in my hand and wrist and my ankle is still quite weak. But, I have learned how to compensate quite well.

              Thursday my best friend from HS, will be here for a short overnight visit and then on Friday is Dave's birthday. Saturday is Natalie, my (soon to be 4 years old), birthday.....Party!!!! It will all be lots of fun!!

              I am so happy to know that drinking will not be an issue this week! Or any other, for that matter! Celebrations without alcohol are TRULY Celebrations!

              Have a Great Day Al!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                monday 7 december

                Hello friends!

                Wow, we have some early go-getters this morning! Not me, I couldn't get to sleep last night--I was wound up from the football party we planned and had last night. I was so tired, but could not shut off the brain! I am really glad it's over, it went pretty well overall.

                So many thoughts and comments I want to make, not sure if the old brain can remember them.

                Kate--how's come you guys are 10 degrees warmer than us this morning?? It is up to 5 degrees just a couple of hours north of you with about 4 inches of snow on the ground. They are calling for 4-6 more with 40 mph winds. I REALLY want to just stay home by the warm wood stove in weather like this--but unfortunately that is not the case! And--my son LOVES Arnold Palmer--I have to buy him one every time I go to the store. CONGRATS on a big milestone this weekend by the way--I'm glad you stick around here.

                DG-- I really like the analogy of the ski slopes. I can sure relate to your skiing experiences-especially my last one a couple of years ago!

                Lav--I lost weight without a lot of effort after I quit smoking/drinking. Then I lost a little more and have kept most of it off even though the way I eat--I should have gained about 10 pounds. And then I remembered I started the Progesterone cream shortly after I quit drinking. I assume that has something to do with the weight issue.

                I really need to join you guys in the less coffee/more water area. Some days I don't drink any water and end up with a headache from hell. It is even harder for me in the winter.

                Oh, and hubby got word, that we get to keep our family insurance through his job for another year! Yay! I will be able to keep seeing my counselor as long as necessary. Which reminds me--I need to come up with a "bucket list" for my appointment with her tomorrow. She's helping me find my inner child and learn to have fun and lighten up without alcohol. Guess I better get started on that.

                I got 2 more 1950's aluminum Christmas trees that I found in a closet at Church that they were going to throw away. I am looking forward to setting those up--probably next weekend along with the "beast" of a tree my family picked out a couple of years ago.

                Well, I better get this posted before I lose it! Have a great week all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  monday 7 december

                  I started a water thread in holistic healing if anybody is interested. We all give water advice to people detoxing, but sometimes fail to follow it as a daily routine.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    monday 7 december

                    Netball rained off! :yougo::yougo::yougo::yougo:
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      monday 7 december

                      Greenie, I'm going to change my "location" to "Greenie's avatar. :h:l :sticking out tongue smilie: IT'S THE WATER!!

                      OK - now that I have wasted all my smilies over Greenies new avi, I will also say that your new avi is nice too Marshy! Just not as hot. THE BEACH!! THE BEACH IS HOT. Geez you guys have dirty minds! Good luck at netball tonight! - oops, scratch that. Just saw your post that it was cancelled. You seem a little TOO happy about that!

                      Lav, now I'm trying to remember. Have you had your thyroid tested? And TSH is NOT a thyroid test! Free T3 and Free T4 and probably TPO antibodies??? Lots of people are told their thyroid is "normal" when it's really not at all normal. What you describe about inability to lose weight no matter how strictly you diet, etc. SCREAMS "get your thyroid tested" to me. I just can't recall what you've said about that before. That's exactly where I was before I got mine checked so I can relate to the frustration level! Actually, you are handling it way better than I did!

                      Kate, congrats again on your 2 year anni yesterday! That rocks! You sound like you are really enjoying the holiday season sober and that is an inspiration to me and many others. I'm glad you keep coming here to share.

                      LVT - sounds like another successful party in da house! Those aluminum trees sound awesome. I might even consider having a tree if I found one of those in a closet somewhere!!

                      This probably won't sound like much, but I just finished e-mailing my current personal trainer about my change in plans that means I won't be training with her any more - at least not regularly or in the same way. In the past, whether drinking or not, I would have lied about this. I would have made something up that was "easy" like "we just don't have it in the budget any more..." I would not have wanted to fess up that I've decided to work with someone else and take a radically different approach for FEAR that she would 1) think I'm nuts for what I've decided to do and/or EGO that she would be oh so hurt by my abandonment.

                      Trying to live my life in a rigorously honest way really is different for me. I never thought of myself as a "liar" but boy did the "little white ones" sure add up in my life, and eat me up inside. While telling her the truth felt harder to do up front than an easy white lie would have been, now I know I can look her straight in the eye with my head up no matter what she thinks of my message. And hopefully she will accept my decision in a way that will allow us to keep the door open to working together in the future, just maybe in a different way.

                      Hope that makes sense. Sounds small, but that was huge for me.

                      Thanks for listening and I hope your sandwich was outstanding! (I'm going to have to start giving out sandwich coupons)

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        monday 7 december

                        Doggygirl;771397 wrote: . Sounds small, but that was huge for me.
                        I completely understand that. I would have been very tempted to lie (even now). It's that thing about "letting people down gently" maybe? I'm sure she'll be fine about it - she's a professional and knows that people come and go. She'll wish you well!
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          monday 7 december

                          Hi everyone - I missed yesterday's thread, and slipped up. Just read Sunday, and realized that I'm not alone. I felt a failure, 'shared' a bottle of red with my OH, only I had the most as usual. Felt fine today though. This is the only slip in a week. Going away for a few nights tomorrow, so the temptation starts again. tylyr


                            monday 7 december

                            Marshy you are so right! While it was difficult for me to be completely honest, I'm so glad I was. She wrote a very nice and supportive e-mail back to me. The door is open for us to work together in the future if that's where the paths lead us. I'm so glad I didn't take the "softer easier way" which would have left me feeling uncomfortable - ducking and dodging her every day at the gym. Fixing an alkie is a lot of work.

                            Tylyr, it was very difficult for me to finally accept that as much as I wanted - desparately - to control my drinking, I can't control it. It controls me. There will never be a "just one" or any form of reasonable drinking that my pea brain tries to conjure up and convince me of. I've got 30+ years of problem drinking to prove it. Sounds like you might be going through some of that....the "I can control it this time..." thinking that never really works. Or maybe I'm reading that all wrong. In any case, I hope you travel safely and soberly. I know that travel presents it's own challenges. Do whatever it takes to stay sober our friend!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              monday 7 december

                              Evening all

                              At the end of day 2 AF - feeling quite strong , no desire to drink. Thanks for all the welcoming back messages / support. I suppose I will get there one day. No-one is more tired of my relapses than me!!!
                              I did an Af Christmas (and new year) last year in my 8 month AF stint, its not such a scary prospect this time around - and thinking over my relapse time(s) over the past few months, its not as though I was any happier than when I was sober so WHY DO IT!!!

                              I've done most of my Christmas shopping (quite a bit on line which is easier than trudging round the packed out shops) - still one or two bits to get but farely organised. I try to hit the shops during mid week (I only work part time) when things aren't quite so bad - I certainly won't try shopping on a Sat pm!!

                              Have a good day everone

                              Sausage xx

