Hi All,
I haven't posted in a while, but I do lurk on occasion. As some of you are aware, I have "dabbled" in AA for a few months. Dabbled but not committed. I am tired of my so called "life". Alcohol doesn't play a big part in it these days, but it is always in the background waiting to make things better, which of course, it never does.
I have been wanting a sponser for some time, but was a bit put off the last (well first) time I asked about one. It was after the meeting, and I was, as it felt to me....chastised for not speaking up at the meeting. I didn't know I was supposed to, I thought I would ask afterwards, so needless to say, I walked away without a sponser and not a very good taste in my mouth..(read this as an excuse NOT to pursue a sponser).
I have attenended a few meetings since then, picked up the Big Book and Living Sober a few times, but have not made a committment. I woke up the other day and really, I mean really, realized...I'm 52yrs old and I don't have a clue how to "live" life??? Sure, I exist, and I exist pretty darn well. But I have no friends, I'm married to a fellow alkie, my Dad is ill (he's one of the only humans I truly care about) and my time on this earth is diminishing. I don't mean to sound morbid, but damn, how many years are left, 10, maybe 20? Am I going to do the same "nothing" for the rest of them that I did the first half? I hope to hell not.
So I went to a meeting this morning, it was a womens group, which I selected on purpose because I fully intended to speak up and ask for a sponser. Well there was me there as a "newcomer" and a young girl who was on house arrest and admitted she was there against her choice. And she asked for a sponser. Well most of the available sponsers were drawn to her because of her urgency. I consider myself lucky because one woman gave me her number and basically said she would be my temporary sponser and see how it goes. For that I was grateful, for I was a bit concerned that I was going to walk out of there without someone to be held accountable to. And even though this didn't go as played out in my mind, I am grateful to her.
She wrote down an assigment on the back of the phone list for me to work on the first step, as I indicated to her that I wanted to work the steps. She wants me to look up the words, "admitted", "powerless", and "unmanageable" in the dictionary and apply them on paper to how they affect my life either sober or in active drinking. I haven't had homework to do in a long time, so I look forward to getting on this straight away!
I guess my HP has other plans for me than how I laid them out in my mind. I have followed DG and Mary's journey into AA and I know I have to just let things happen and not try to control them and not get too discouraged when they don't go the way I think they should.
You guys talked about anonymity as well. About 15 minutes into the meeting this woman walked in late. She seemed very sweet, and she looked familiar as well. We spoke at the end of the meeting when she came over to give me a hug and welcome me, and it turn out she is my neighbor a few doors down! Funny, you just never know who is stuggling with alcoholism, they could be your neighbor, your grocer, just about anyone! We are definately NOT alone.
Thanks for listening to my long post, it feels good to be here again.