I slept like a baby last night, busy day today, but it was good. I'm increasing my exercise this week and again next week.. I feel so much better for making that a regular thing in my life.
For those who wanted a photo of my party dress.... I'm the photographer, so always behind the camera. Might I say... that pavlova did taste great, but just as well it was a treat only. The day after the party, my son ate the biggest bowl of it possible... I watched in amazement, as he had a big bowl of potato salad just before it... and I just bet he doesn't have to worry about fitting into his clothes!!
I ate my first potato in 2 months at the party....oh, it was so good!
Fortunately, I am not fussed at all about AL since the party. I think I should pack the leftover bottles of wine away, or wrap them up and give them to someone just so if I do get a craving, they are not jumping up and down saying 'pick me'. Im glad this task isn't hard for me to do right now. It would have been impossible before, I would have left them there chilling and given them a cone thing (you know, the ones they us at sporting events to yell loudly).
Have a great Tuesday everyone.... you were in my pocket today!