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AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

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    AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

    So...where IS everyone today??? I know there is bad weather in some places - here included. We dodged an early AM ice covered world in my town as the temperature stayed slightly above freezing. That was awesome. When it sleets over night, I can't even safely get out of the driveway. Now the temps are dropping and it's gone from rain to sleet to snow and windy. Brrr... I will count the roof over my head as a real blessing today. I've gotten to know a couple of homeless people at AA, and my prayers are with them (and anyone without a home around here) as it is supposed to get down to 11 degrees F tonight. Winter is definitely here, and global warming my ass - at least today!

    Mr. Doggy has been battling some sort of head cold grunge for a couple of weeks now. It seemed to be getting better but today took another turn for the worse. I'm getting a little worried and am encouraging a doc visit. I feel lucky I'm not sick too. (knock on wood fast) No need to pack a sandwich today as I'm going to dash off and check in on him. It is wonderful to be sober and unhungover to deal with days like today. Calm and clear headed is good.

    Greenie - thanks for the MK tip yesterday. I'm thinking about just going for it - what's to lose?? Some (well, most) multi-level marketing type companies give me the creeps but Mary Kay and a SMALL handful of them do not.

    Strength and hope to all for a sober day,

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

    Wow! Where is everyone today?

    I have an excuse - I had a doc appt. this morning then had to go get more bloodwork done.............
    The good news is my B/P in finally under control (on 2 meds)! I ordered some super duper calcium/Vit D supplements that I hope will help with my Osteoporosis problem. Getting old really sucks!!!

    Going to try to squeeze just a little work in before my energizer bunny grandson arrives - once he's here everything else goes on hold

    Wishing everyone a good Wednesday!

    DG, I hope Mr DG feels better soon! Make chicken soup

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

      Well it is freezing here..-8 degrees this morning and it is now up to 4 degrees! My girlfriend who is traveling here from Wisconsin is stranded in Iowa....but, at least she has a hotel room and food! My company is based in upper Wisconsin and they are without phone and electricity! So, we are totally disconnected today! Feels wierd!

      But, I too am happy to have a roof over my head and heat!

      I hope that Mr. DG gets better soon! Also, Lav...hope the osteoporosis improves.....Yep...I have it too and it sucks!

      OK...I am off to get some projects done! Have a good day, All!
      xxx Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

        Hey there - more hassle at work - relationship with job share today - seems never ending at the moment. All coupled with the fact that people I manage keep talking to another manager about their issues with me/job share.

        It just all feels really unprofessional and school girlish - job share wants to act on feedback gained that way. I say no way they need to stand up and be adult and professional about things.

        Anyway - grrr 6 working days left until Christmas, I am booze free and cigarette free - lots of drinking thoughts today about Christmas Day.
        I cycled into work today - I am very pleased with myself for doing that - more Christmas decorating today and a nice bath and some breathing exercises.
        one day at a time


          AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

          Afternoon abbers!

          I just haven't anything to say. Greenie has a quiet day once in a while. Believe it or not.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

            I look forward to a quiet day tomorrow, I am just home at 21.30 after a 5am start, work, meeting, swimming with kids etc etc. bedtime. x
            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


              AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

              Hi all,

              Lav - good news about the BP.

              DG & Kate - brrr, stay warm. My friend who lives in Connecticut sent me pix of making snowmen with her kids this morning.
              DG - the cold I had recently did that.. seemed to go away and then suddenly came back with a vengeance. There are some nasty bugs going around.

              Greenie - :xmouth:

              Bear - hope the work situation gets better. One of the many things I'm enjoying about being freelance is that there are no office politics to deal with. I just swan in and swan out and don't get involved with any crap :H

              Raven - busy is good!

              I'm actually using work as a bit of a "tool" this Christmas. I'm choosing to work the whole way through Xmas and New Year (with just Xmas day off). I've recognised this as a difficult time of year for me and am absolutely determined to get through happily sober and thought it would be a good idea to keep my nose to the grindstone for a while. Then I'm hoping I can reeelaaax a bit more and take some time off in Jan/Feb.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Wednesday December 9

                Late night howdy doody from unseasonably cold Las Vegas. brrrrr!

                had a wonderful AF dinner with member Morrison and life is good and well happy to say.

                Healing vibes for Mr Doggy. woof!

                be well everyone,
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

