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AF Daily, 10th December

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    AF Daily, 10th December

    Hi Abbers,

    I can barely move, oh how my tummy had a working today... Over full and feeling it!
    I feel like a beached whale!

    Today I had a lovely day, I had a day off work, drove to the Gold Coast for an Italian Cooking Class with a guest chef from Tuscany with a Slow Food group I'm with!

    We had handmade pastas, entree's, killer chocolate cake etc...
    As I am still on my fitness challenge, I havnt had any of this kind of food since mid October, but had to taste each dish of course! I did just have tiny portions, but still, my body went into hibernate mode, and after I drove home, I had a well earnt siesta... What a treat! I didn't move an inch except to move my head back on my pillow as my dribble mark was wet!

    After my lazy siesta, DH took me out for Thai food, MORE food! Oh my belly is so full I could pop! For the last few months, I'm normally only eating on average about 600cal a day! Today I think I averaged 10,000!

    Hope you all enjoy your Thursday,
    it's great mine is an AF one!

    AF Daily, 10th December

    Mmmm pasta, mmm chocolate cake. Actually, my appetite has reduced now I'm taking l-glut for sugar cravings, but I forgot to take it this morning so anything could happen today.

    It's one of many Christmas work bashes tonight, free booze all the way, but this is the big company bash - 3,000-odd people - so I can easily avoid it without being missed. I'm planning on going to an AA meeting tonight that I've found that I really like but I've had to work late the last few Thursdays and haven't been able to make it. Today looks like a fairly easy day, though, so I should be able to get away in time.

    Haha. I've just read that back. If someone had told me a couple of years ago that I'd prefer to drink tea with a bunch of AA-ers than guzzle free booze all night, I'd have thought they were mad. Funny how things turn out!

    Have a good day all.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily, 10th December

      Hi abbers, I know just what you mean Marshy, I also prefer hanging around drinking tea, how sad am I?
      but happy to be sad?


        AF Daily, 10th December

        Since I have been AF and vegan I have drunk far too much coffee. Its organic and fresh ground but its still making me manic. Seems caffeine has become my replacement unhealthy vice but at least it is not destroying my life.
        I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


          AF Daily, 10th December

          Morning abbers!

          Wow, leelou, what a food extravaganza!

          Marshy, funny! I have a party to go to a birthday party Sat night and I have to show, but already know it'll be an early exit for me. I'm hoping it starts early :H

          Hi Paula, long time no see!

          Quiet again today. Sucked on my coffee/water intake yesterday. And now I'm out of coffee. Buying some would probably be like opening a bottle for one more drink. Grrrr. X-posted raven - take a look at the water thread where we are trying to cut back coffee and up water intake.

          Cold today and it's in and out of the car all day. Big sweater and snuggie shoes ought to do it!

          Have a good one! Where's hulagirl been?
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily, 10th December

            Morning Abbers!

            All that food talk.........I'm about to begin some serious dietary changes to make my body more alkaline/bone building friendly. I don't know how successful I'll be through the holiday season - we'll see!

            Much of the country is dealing with bone chilling weather. We woke up to a sunny 43 degrees here today - feel lucky

            Gotta get to work, lots to do.
            Have a great day one & all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily, 10th December

              Oh, Lav, I am soooooo jealous!!! It is up to minus 11 here right now! Wind is picking up so wind chill will be at least 20 below! I was out and about yesterday running errands and doing books at various places and it was just MISERABLE!!! I was so happy and grateful to get home to my cozy, warm home and sit by the wood stove until I started to sweat!

              Today, I have to be out and about again!:upset: Hopefully for not as long--and the good news is, it will start to warm up a little.
              I am very proud of my puppy who I brought in to sleep on the porch through this cold spell. He hasn't had one accident, chewed anything up, nor made any unnecessary noise!

              Hubby was having a few beers by the fire when I came home last night, and it made me irritable--that and the chill. I wish it didn't, at least he was present, and visiting with me and not drunk....I will work on it.

              I feel for you guys that have to go to Christmas parties with all the alcohol present! I do not have to deal with that--I think it would be hard because it can be an uncomfortable situation. My friend's daughter had a little 50th birthday party complete with cake, ice cream and tea last weekend. It was uncomfortable and not really that much fun because that particular group always drank together. I could tell some of them couldn't wait to get out of there and have a beer! But not me, I wanted more cake!:H

              Ok, gotta go get bundled up to go out and face the beyond cold.:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily, 10th December

                BRRRRRR!!!! Man it's cold here today! At about 7:30AM it was 1 degree F and minus 18 wind chill. Based on the forecast I had already decided last night not to go to 7AM AA meeting. I then told the cleaning lady to stay home (and that I would pay her anyway) and also cancelled Dr. Chiropracter. No need for any of us risking car trouble or something in this deadly cold if we don't have to!

                So, as an alternative stay-at-home activity, I am now officially a Mary Kay Lady!! Of course I have tons to learn both from the web site - they have some great training stuff there, and also the Sales Director that signed me up. She should have a few good ideas given the number of pink cars she has earned over the years. (really!) LOL I don't know what I'm doing yet, have no product samples yet, or catalogs - not even a business card but I'm already a Chamber member and signed up for a business lead sharing group and will be going tomorrow. Not going to let the grass grow under my feet! :H I guess I'll be selling virtual makeovers until some stuff comes in the mail! I know several people in this group from our computer business. That's one of the reasons this made sense to me is that I'm already out there networking one business, so why not just add a second one??

                Well, that's my big sober news for today! I got all that stuff done long before I would have been past Stage 1 of the hangover. (and there were at least 5 stages to my daily hangovers!)

                Marshy and Paula.. :H about preferring AA meetings to parties. Me too. There is a big Chamber of Commerce party tonight at The Jacob Henry Mansion which is really a cool place. And the holiday decorations are amazing. BUT...the booze will be overflowing and so will the people. So we are staying home and staying warm.

                I could tell some of them couldn't wait to get out of there and have a beer! But not me, I wanted more cake!
                That's me these days too LVT! :H (but I can also remember all too well those events where I was the one uncomfortable, and itching to make a hasty exit to the nearest bar....)

                Lav - I'm interested in hearing what dietary recommendations are involved re: the alkaline thing?

                Leelou, What you described is called Food Porn. Thank you for sharing!

                Raven and Greenie, I'm sort of sucking on the coffee front too. There is only one baby step, and that is only ONE pot of regular coffee made in the morning. Any subsequent pots are decaf. But still no added water. I'm only at 45 ounces of pure, unadulterated water per day and that's not nearly enough since coffee doesn't count!

                Well, I think I'll toddle off and watch some makeover training videos.

                It's a great day to be sober and unhungover!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily, 10th December

                  Hey Guys,
                  I notice that you have been AF for about a year now? Is that right? I'm so happy for you. When is the anniversary?
                  Also you say that you are still taking Lglut for cravings.
                  I'm sorry if it sounds like a dumb question but do cravings still occur even after a year ?
                  I'm kinda hoping seven weeks in, that they might eventully go altogether just like cigarette cravings.
                  Is that being optimistic? Am I not understanding the nature of dependency?
                  I guess only people who have been off for a long time would be able to answer that.
                  What do other people experience?
                  Another point, I'm already taking LGlut (500mg a day) for cravings but I'm not finding them much use. It's not strictly alcohol cravings I'm having. It's sugar. Is there anything better than LGlut? Am I taking enough of it? Sorry If I sound a bit loopy doo.
                  Answers on a postcard! :-))
                  Keep on keeping on


                    AF Daily, 10th December

                    happy Thursday ABerooooos!

                    LeeLou what a fabulous experience! when I was a lad growing up in Oz we were members of the Italian culutural club and it was big fun.

                    cutting down on coffee? nooooooo my last vice. oh well. I spose it's time to pull back a tad. Let me start with no coffee after 4pm today and see how I feel. Although if all coffee tasted like this hotel crud I'm sipping at the moment I wouldn't drink it at all. blick!

                    well, better pack up and off to the airport.

                    be well ABsters
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily, 10th December

                      Suni, L-glut is fantastic for al cravings but the dosage is not very well understood. a therapeutic dose is between 7 and 15 GRAMS (7,000 to 15,000mg) per studies cited by the late Robert Atkiins in his book. I buy L Glut in bulk powder form from walmart for cheapo. 1 rounded teaspoon is 6 grams. mix a couple in juice and you are good to go. if cravings are bad I'd do that 2 or 3X per day. Hope that helps
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily, 10th December

                        Hi Suni and Deter! D - I am very sorry to hear about the sucky coffee at the hotel. I don't know how you road warriers do it! Good to read on yesterdays thread that you and Morrison had a nice time though.

                        Suni, I shouldn't speak for Marshy (but why let that stop me!)..but she recently started up L-Glut for sugar cravings.

                        For me, there have been similarities as well as some big differences between giving up alcohol and giving up nicotine. I would imagine everyone's mileage varies, but here are some of the differences for me. I had a MUCH harder time not smoking during the first 3 months of not smoking than I did in the first 3 months of not drinking. And the not drinking was certainly no cake walk. But nicotine - oh my goodness!

                        Longer term though, I really don't get urges at all to smoke, but urgers to drink creep up on me. It's different. It's not something that is daily and consistent that I feel the need for daily L-Glut over by this time. However, I will L-Glut if I feel the need. I too am L-gluting again, but that's for sugar. I get really out of control with sugar if I let it creep into my life (which I have) and it's tough for me to ditch it again. There IS a connection with AL. (see books by Julia Ross ie. the Diet Cure or The Mood Cure)

                        That's my experience for whatever it's worth.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily, 10th December

                          Hey there - still hanging on in here - day 5 af and sf here, my truly horrible week is over.
                          I cried at home last night and cried at work on my manager.feel better to gte it out and had a bath with essential oil straight after work today.

                          Decided I am treating self and oh to chinese takeaway today - sod the calories!

                          I have 3 days off then just 5 days in work next week then off for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year - bliss! I don't plan to do a great deal!
                          I will see friends and eat - and drink - diet 7UP and be merry!!

                          I am hoping to get an appointment with tattooist in new year now to begin my japanese half sleeve - exciting!!

                          I have had drinking thoughts today BUT I remember how ill I felt physically and mentally, I can feel a slightly toxic/poisoned feeling on a very small amount of alcohol now. Need to hang onto that thought.
                          I am trying to think of all the calories I can save by not drinking - and spend on food!!
                          I love Christmas - can't wait, finishign decorating house today and tidying ready for cleaner's visit tomrorow.
                          Have a good evening all
                          one day at a time


                            AF Daily, 10th December

                            Hello! Well....I am working like the energizer bunny today.....I am taking tomorrow off, as I must take my personal and vacation days before the end of the year or loose them. I will also have the week between Chrismas and New years off too! Wooooopeeeeee!

                            My girlfriend that is traveling here from WI is finally on her way again, after being stuck in Iowa since Tuesday! Dave's b-day tomorrow, I am taking him to lunch!! 4 year old Natalie's b-day is Saturday and My youngest son's b-day is Monday, but I am taking him to lunch on Sunday...weeeeeeee! Busy!

                            So....NOPE! No way am I giving up Coffee!!LOL

                            Sounds like lots of great stuff is going on with everyone! Det, I am so happy that you and Morrison were able to get together again!

                            OKAY...Hugs to All!!

                            XXX Kate
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              AF Daily, 10th December

                              Doggygirl;772959 wrote:

                              Suni, I shouldn't speak for Marshy (but why let that stop me!)..but she recently started up L-Glut for sugar cravings.
                              Suni, did my spokeswoman answer your questions? :H :H

                              Yup, trying l-glut for sugar cravings, not alcohol cravings. I've seen some people say they get over the sugar thing quickly but we're all different. I think because I was drinking so much over a long period, my body got used to loads of sugar and is taking a while to adjust.

                              My AF anniversary is Dec 22nd. I might just mention it on the day. Think I'll change my signature...

                              Bear - Chinese and a hot bath sounds like a great idea!
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

