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af daily friday 11 Dec

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    af daily friday 11 Dec

    morning all - feeling much better after my takeaway and sleep.
    Fell asleep about ten in front of tv again and slept in make up and didn't clean teeth - yuck.

    These are signs that I am getting depressed, today is skate practice - so no falling asleep in front of TV possible! My plan is to have 1 or 2 simple tasks and half hours of exercise to do most evenings - I'm aware that I am not seeing people in the week either and not exercising.Slippery slope to lower mood!

    I think I need 1 or 2 evenings to do nothing and when I am in bed (not on sofa in make up!)by ten, but I need to be doing something other than work.
    I don't mean this in a 'should' way but in a giving me 'balance to life' way -otherwise all it is is work - and that is hard at the moment so it doesn't make for a happy bear!

    Otherwise today I am meeting a friend for lunch, picking up new crash pants, doing a bit more tinsel hanging(my house is covered). Cleaner is coming too today - bliss!

    I may start my Christmas list of things to do/buy too and things I need to cook and have a siesta later.

    Tomorrow I am off to see friends who live 100 miles away in day and some christmas lights! Then I am off to see OH's band in their home town in evening then sharing minibus back ETA 4am Sunday morning!

    Alcohol wise I really don't fancy it - confident this will be an af weekend - with my supportive old friends. I also am getting a cold which feels like I have smoked so that isn't tempting.Good day y'all from a perkier bear.
    one day at a time

    af daily friday 11 Dec

    Good Morning Bear!
    Wow it is so gorgeous here today. Cold but blue skies and sunshine and Ma nature is begging me to take a walk in her company so I'm off for a brisk one soon.
    You're absolutely right. Balance is everything. You have a plan-all ya need to do is work it baby!
    Good Luck meanwhile.
    Keep on keeping on


      af daily friday 11 Dec

      Good morning Abbers,

      bear, glad you're doing better. Be sure to do whatever you need to do to keep that depression demon away........for me it seems to be a lifelong battle! When I allow my mood to sink too low I start feeling sorry for myself & the trouble begins. My herbal supplement is a huge help in that department

      19 degrees & sunny here too Suni, Brr.......

      I'm getting into my shop & getting today's work out of the way asap! I have a large list of Christmas chores I'm anxious to get to today

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af daily friday 11 Dec

        Morning abbers!!

        Hi bear, glad you're feeling better!

        Cold but pretty here too suni & lavande!

        I have lots to do but need to work out the details of the order of things. I've been hitting "stall" in the AM lately.

        Stay hydrated!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          af daily friday 11 Dec

          greeneyes;773247 wrote:
          Stay hydrated!
          I'm drinking like a fish! An AF fish, that is.

          Hello all!
          Zoom, zoom from work. Wanted to say - DG, I ordered The Mood Cure you recommended from the library and picked it up this morning. Just had a quick flick through on the bus on the way into work, and one thing HIT ME between the eyes. Sugar cravings can be caused by lack of protein. Guess what? I never eat meat, I very rarely eat fish or eggs (maybe once a year). I do eat soya protein but it's not a big priority for me, and I eat cheese but not too much coz it's high in fat. Sooo, I have to read the book properly, of course, but it's got me thinking that I ought to try to eat fish at least once a week if I can face it. Can't eat meat, it makes me :yuk: Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            af daily friday 11 Dec

            Marshy, protien suggestions: quinoa (yum), whey protien (mix in water, tastes good), hemp powder (gag).
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              af daily friday 11 Dec

              Thanks Greenie. I've never heard of whey protein. I'll check it out. I feel a Sunday stroll to the health food shop coming on.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                af daily friday 11 Dec

                Also check spirulina, vegetable superfood, mega high protein B12 and beta carotene. Available in tablet/capsule form. Most places in expensive jars of 50 pills but Brixton wholefoods sells loose by weight and is cheaper.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  af daily friday 11 Dec

        ;773358 wrote: Brixton wholefoods sells loose by weight and is cheaper.
                  But that would involve going south of the river... Thanks, I'll check out those suggestions too!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    af daily friday 11 Dec

                    Happy Friday!! TGIAFF!! (brain teaser!)

                    Bear, sounds like you are working on figuring out your moods and what is important for you to stay balanced. That is awesome! I am listening as I have to really watch out for depression at this time of the year too. Balance balance balance. Thanks for the reminder! Sounds like you have an awesome weekend planned with your friends.

                    Oops - Mr. Doggy here with a different monitor! Yeah!! Will be back to add more in a moment...

                    Well, I was hoping for crisper resolution but didn't get that. Will need a new video card for the resolution part. BUT..this new one is bigger so it's still easier to see blurry stuff. I'm prepping for the rest of the figure skating season and internet viewing of men in sequins.

                    OK...back to things! Suni, you sound chipper and I hope you had a nice brisk walk!

                    Lav, Hope you had fun in your shop and with your Christmas activities today!

                    Greenie, your avatar is still distracting to me. :H I have not been on "stall" as much as just piling up lots I want to accomplish - more and more each day! This weekend I do need to take some time to get myself organized.

                    Marshy, wow - that might have been a bingo moment with the protein realization it sounds. I've always assumed a minimum protein amount for me daily at about 90 grams. To some that might sound high. But it's important we get enough! Especially if you are active, as you are with gym n swim. I will be getting new protein requirements in another day or two from my new :b&d: trainer. Will share whatever that is in case it's helpful in your research on that topic. I too just got my own copy of that book from Amazon to review (it's been awhile since I read it) and add it to my library. I especially need to go back and review the whole amino acid protocol as I KNOW I am low on several key ones back from the Metametrix testing. I still haven't figured out what to do about it!

          , good to know you are also a good resource on the nutritional info front! It's a subject I'm very interested in, and often baffled by!

                    I had my first outing to leads group today as a Mary Kay consultant! I had fun saying "a good referral for me is anyone with skin!" My Sales Director (and long term Mary Kay lady) brought me my new consultant Mary Kay pin. and several catalogs and a bottle of the newly forumlated SatinHands lotion to pass around at the leads group. That was really nice of her. I'm having fun so far, after about 36 hours as a Mary Kay lady. No orders yet, but good activity. :H

                    I'm so very grateful to be sober and taking on more activity and challenge in my professional life and in my personal life - i.e. the new trainer! LOL his e-mail yesterday said "definitely stay out of the gym the next couple of days.." LOL - gotta love a new program that begins with time off! However I'm sure this means I will be huffing and puffing and probably sore next week. I can't wait.

                    Love you guys. Strength and hope to all who are struggling. Do whatever you have to do to stay sober. It gets easier, and IT'S WORTH IT!!!

                    DG, sober and unhungover
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      af daily friday 11 Dec

                      Aloha Friday my little AF-Cherubs across the fruited plains,

                      so wonderful to be home and have slept in our bed last night

                      Marshy, protein is critical! yes get some all natural whey protein (Jarrow makes a great one) and take it 2X per day and Dr Det swears you'll feel like a million quid in no time.

                      I saw the cutest thing sitting here at the computer this morning. the snow near the window bulged a bit, then a rabbit head popped up. it was like a cartoon scene. They must have a network of tunnels under the snow, crazy little wabbits.

                      DG I misread that product as satanhands hahahahah OMG ok, I'm off to make my last coffee for the day.

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        af daily friday 11 Dec

                        Marshy;773391 wrote: But that would involve going south of the river...
                        You SNOB you!! Some of us live here, you know!

                        I'm loving all this talk about sugar cravings and protein. I'm still in the middle of an intensive work project but will join the research effort soon enough. I've already dug around for my stashes of L-glut that I haven't used in a while. I don't know if it's a seasonal thing or what but I've also been hit with massive sugar cravings lately. And not just cravings, alas, but some serious chocoholic behaviour....

                        Thanks for all the suggestions!


                          af daily friday 11 Dec

                          Pamina;773490 wrote: You SNOB you!! Some of us live here, you know!
                          :H :H :H I KNEW you'd pop in and see that. I was kidding! Kidding! :whee:
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

