Well 2 days trying to 'moderate' I am back up to a bottle of wine a night (or equivalent,at social occasions but it's the old situation of ,feeling a bit nice,so want more to make the nice feeling last longer - it doesn't work and you just end up drinking more).
I plan to be AF until Christmas Day then plan is to have 2 drinks max.
I am so confused - part of me wants the occasional drink - but if i could do that would I have gone af in the first place?
Moderation doesn't appear to be happening for me does it,and it seems like such a lot of work. I like diet 7UP, it's cheaper and doesn't make me feel ill the next day.
I also have smoked tonnes whilst drinking I had lapsed anyway but alcohol definitely exaccerbates it.
I have 2 af friends coming over Christmas Day,some big drinkers and some normal drinkers. I think I know what I need to do- the battle of shall I shan't I is exhausting - af life is simple.