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AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

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    AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

    Hello Abbers,

    My workday was a complete shambles and I got frustrated. I don't have time this week to fart around... I have been sick for a day or so, which doesn't help coping with the unknown at work.... but the countdown for holidays is on... I finish work on Thursday....then get 2 weeks off. No holiday plans, staying home with family...just gotta get there first.

    Hope everyone is doing ok with the Xmas plans etc...

    I am happy I am AF , and grateful for more lately than I have been in years.

    AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

    Hello Leelou and thank you for kicking things off for today. It's so ironic that "peace" is on such a huge % of holiday greeting cards, and yet the holidays seem so stressful for so many. So for is my contribution as a reminder to myself first, and for anyone else who mind enjoy..

    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    The courage to change the things I can,
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

    Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
    The courage to change the one I can,
    And the wisdom to know it's me.

    (LOL, that second one is in honor of all the family parties this holiday season!!)

    I am grateful that I ENJOYED yesterdays in-law party for the first time ever. I am grateful to be sober and unhungover today. Life is good. I'm sure stressful crap will happen today, but when it does I'm going to say the serenity prayer as many times as it takes for it to be effective. Because it DOES work eventually if I keep saying it long enough! I will surely need it when I stop at the post office today. :H

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

      It's good to be back here in AF land - day 1 for me - I've given up on moderation already - it's a fantasy for me.

      It's easier with AF in some ways - no thinking/debating/stressing - just one option.
      I have a hangover today, had one yesterday too - had forgotten how awful that was.

      Well today is a work phonecall to update a senior manager - hopefully not too long a call/no follow up - I am on holiday technically and really need a break.

      I'm just pottering today, lazing, may sew my fancy dress outfit for Christmas Day later, spend time with cats and watch snow coming down, all cosy and nice inside.
      I am off to run a big aromatherapy bath in a bit.
      one day at a time


        AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

        Good moring Abbers!

        Leelou, hope your day improves & you begin to feel better! No one should feel sick over Christmas!

        DG, nice to hear you enjoyed your family get together. I used to fortify myself with brandy infused tea when around my mother-in-law. We all did actually, she was just too much for anyone to cope with.......really! Those days are long gone now, I am grateful

        bear, welcome back & wishing you strength on day 1! I decided on day 30 to not even try moderate drinking - I really don't think it's possible for me. I too think it's just easier to avoid it all tolgether. I'm not missing AL in any way, shape or form

        I'm going to venture out for a bit - feeling a bit cooped up after Saturday's blizzard. The sun is out, I want to go enjoy it.

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

          Hello all,

          I'm think I'm all set for Christmas. No more shopping! Of course it helps that I'm not hosting anything and am going to friends on Xmas day. :H No stress for me :H I just need to collect a passion fruit cake I've ordered from a patisserie, take the champagne I was given at work last week, buy some flowers for the hostesses and I'm done.
          I'm working all week, Xmas day off, then back in on Boxing Day. And that's the way I wanted it!

          Leelou - hope you feel better soon. Only three days to go until your hols - hang on to that thought!

          DG - I love your version of the serenity prayer. I need to write that down somewhere.

          Bear - does this post supersede your thread about drinking on Christmas Day? I'm getting mixed up

          Lav - gonna build a snowman?
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

            hi there - Marshy yes I am back in AF land - it needs to be one day at a time for me right now but back all the same. Can't wait to see my af days build up again - skate practice with a hangover yesterday was not fun.Hangovers full stop are not fun.

            It will be a really nice way to end the year meeting some of my goals and enjoying 2 weeks off work with friends. For the rest of today I will be enjoying looking at the snow fall out of the window, sewing my fancy dress outfit and making a yummy low fat pork chilli to warm me and OH up.

            Tomorrow is payday, so it will be ten tonnes of christmas food shopping and having my hair cut - not sure whether to go for drastic chop and have my long hair cut into an assymetric/angled bob.
            Good to be back - off to re read some old posts to inspire me - ifanyone knows any helpful ones to bump that would be great.
            one day at a time


              AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

              Happy Winter Solstice guys, my first AF in years.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily, Monday - 21st December

                happy unhung Monday ABeroooos!

                Bear, iv'e found that AF is WAAAAAY easier than MODs. there is just no comparison. when I finally realized that AF was my path, something wonderful happened: a huge emotional weight was lifted from me. that's the best way I can describe it.

                Marshy, passion fruit cake? wow, that sounds loverly.

                off to Hawaii tomorrow!!!! woooo wooooo, packing up......

                be well me loves,
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

