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AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

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    AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

    Hi everyone! Merry Christmas to one and all. My overwhelming feeling this morning is one of gratitude. I am so grateful to be sober today. I am so grateful for the positive turns that life has taken since dumping AL. My life isn't perfect but it's so much better than that lonely, desparate, suicidal place that I came from.

    Today will be a laid back one here. I'm going to AA this morning - I'm looking forward to seeing the friends there who are planning to go before their Christmas activities begin. Mr. Doggy sleeps in! This evening we will go have dinner with my parents and my brother and nephew. I got my Mary Kay inventory order so I need to unpack all of that and organize it this afternoon. LOL, that will feel l ike :coolsanta: came!!! :H

    I hope everyone has a very special day.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

    Merry christmas DG, and to all my friend's here. Have a safe, sober, and magical day!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

      Yes, have a magical and sober day, all.

      Much love from my home to yours,
      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

        Merry Christmas

        Merry Christmas everyone, our Xmas is nearly over, and it was a quiet, relaxed and yipee I'm on holidays! Wishing you all a special day.


          AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

          Hey all,
          I remember thinking how much fun it was to drink champagne on Christmas morning while opening presents. Pretty ripped by mid morning, maybe a nap and then dinner would just about be a disaster.
          I am so done with al. Sometimes/often wonder how I let it go on for so long.
          Had a wonderful Christmas Eve. Friends and family. Fantastic food. Now I'm just sitting here by the fire waiting for everyone to wake up. There's a half empty/full bottle of white wine in the fridge just looking at me every time I get the milk for my coffee. Makes me shudder to think about having a drink this morning. As I said, I am so, so done with al.
          Hope everyone has relaxing, peaceful day.


            AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

            Merry Christmas!

            I'm grateful to be here AF with all of you DG, Guitarista, Cinders, Leelou & spedteach!
            My plan is to relax by the fire today & wait for my son & his family to return this afternoon - no stress

            Wishing everyone a wonderful & relaxing day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

              Hello again Absters!

              Our Christmas ends up being more "peaceful" than we originally thought and planned. We were to have dinner at my Mom & Dad's house tonight which involves a drive that is normally about 35 or 40 minutes across country roads. Well, the weather has turned from rain and 40 degrees to snow/ice and 22 degrees todayl. The roads were REALLY slick without a salt truck in sight, so we turned around and came home.

              I'm glad to be sober and clear headed to make sound decisions like this. I'm afraid that even last year - my first sober Christmas - I might have still been so guilt ridden over past holiday drinking disasters that I might have wanted to forge ahead even though the conditions were definitely not safe.

              The sober life keeps getting better. Not perfect. Not problems magically disapperaring or anything. Just WAY better than being drunk every day.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

                You"re so right, no matter how I feel, which is kind of low right now, it's so much better than being drunk!!


                  AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

                  Merry Christmas everybody!

                  Sorry to hear you're feeling low Spedteach but it will pass, hopefully soon.

                  DG, that sounds absolutely like the right choice. Slippery roads are a nightmare. We've got that here now as well after going from -16C to -3C with more snowstorms on the way tomorrow.

                  I've done OK so far, but Christmas is a bittersweet experience. I love the holiday, the food, the decorating, but I'm organising the whole shebang for my sister for whom it's all very important. As she has mental problems, her contribution to anything practical is zero. Last night she managed to forget her handbag in a cab and I phoned around at midnight to recover it. Figuring out how much I'm happy doing for her without getting resentful about it is a fine line and an ongoing challenge. Still, I think I'm getting better at it ever so slowly.


                    AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

                    Good evening Abbers,

                    Just wanted to stop by again, say good night.

                    DG, so glad to hear you decided to stay home. Better safe than sorry, right? I'm sure your parents understood!

                    Sorry your day wasn't the best spedteach, tomorrow is just about here!

                    Pam, I'm sure you are a good sister - wish I had one

                    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

                      I saw the glasses of oj at 9 AM. Then I noticed they had a couple cubes in them. Later I saw the champagne in the fridge. I wondered if that was what I called "normal" drinking. Then I quit wondering because you know what? It doesn't matter what I think. It only matters that I don't drink and that I am grateful, sooooo very grateful for that. It was a wonderful day from start to finish!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Christmas Day 2009

                        Merry AF Christmas everyone! ok, i'm late but I was busy defrosting here in Hawaii, don't you all feel sorry for me? ahahahahahaha!

                        much love,
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

