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AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

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    AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

    Hello abbers!

    Glad to see everyone made it through despite maybe a few disappointments. But how could one day live up to all that hype and expectation? There's a post by Mario in long-term abs about remembering not having unrealistic expectations of ourselves or others over the Christmas period.

    The highlight of my day yesterday were two "small" things. On Christmas Eve I brought home a bottle of champagne that I'd been given at work that I was going to take round to the friends I had lunch with on Xmas day. So I was home alone with it on Christmas Eve. It was the first time I'd had alcohol in the house since I stopped drinking, and although I knew I wasn't going to drink it, and it was champagne and I never liked that anyway, I was *conscious* of it sitting in the kitchen. And just when I'd forgotten it, I'd go and make a cup of tea and see it sitting there.

    Anyway, I'd told my best friend about it, and although she doesn't "get" alcohol problems, she's been very supportive since I told her all about mine, and she called on Christmas Eve night and said "where's the champagne?" and asked me if I was OK. She called again last night to chat about our days and maybe partly to check up on me. So I'm feeling very glad to have the best of best friends.

    Belated sandwich warning

    Second thing that happened was that my nephew had driven to Poland with his wife for Christmas (his wife is Polish, they went to her folks). They drove flat out like the kwazy kids they are and it took them 24 hours door to door. They arrived in the wee small hours of Christmas morning. I wasn't expecting to hear from him but he sent me a text wishing me Happy Christmas. I was very touched that he'd remembered his old aunt in among all that.

    Phew. So! Be grateful for the little things! Could have said it in six words.
    I'm off to work. Also grateful that I'm getting paid time and a half today!

    Have a peaceful, sober day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

    Good morning Abbers!

    Thanks for starting us off Marshy, glad you made it thru the holiday despite that dreaded bottle of champagne Nice of your nephew to think of you - I have one like that too!

    Nothing big planned today, just going to play it by ear. Pouring rain today, last weekend's snow is disappearing quickly. Here comes the mud!!

    Wishing everyone a terrific day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

      Morning abbers!

      Grateful to be here with family, having a wonderful time, & a sober white christmas.

      Hoep everybody is well!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

        My nephew called me at 5:30 this morning (he knows I get up early) just to say good morning and to make sure I made it through Christmas. What is it about these nephews??


          AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

          Marshy, I swear, there could be a Lifetime movie around this bottle of champange! Good job on handling this all so well!

          Greenie, happy to hear that your Chrismas is such a wonderful one!

 nice that your nephews are so thoughtful!

          My Christmas was wonderful! All my kids and grandkids, Dave, my closest friend of 28 years, more like a sister and my childrens Aunt. The dinner was spectacular! My granddaughters were so delightful! Lot's of love, tons of laughs and yes, our Christmas was white!

          I am on vacation!! Yippee...a week of doing excactly what I want to do!!

          Have a terrific day All!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

            Happy Boxing Day everyone! Marshy, if you are going to start issuing Sandwich Warnings then you are going to have to start writing much longer posts. Otherwise, just a Finger Sandwich Warning is plenty. :H Thank you for getting us started today! That is AWESOME about your friend who cared enough about you to think of you alone in your place with that bottle of champaign. Congrats on reigning victorious over AL once again!

            Lav - it seems you and I are trading rain/mud and snow/ice. We had the rain/mud yesterday and today it's snow/ice!

            Hello Greenie Bean! Sounds like you are having a fabulous Christmas.

            Spedteach, that is nice about your nephew thinking of you. Hope you are feeling better about life today. Even if you aren't, I'm betting it's still better sober than it would be drunk.

            I was up and at 'em early today. Started the day at AA which was a really good meeting. Then braved further driving in the snow story to do some grocery shopping. I can't believe in the business last week, I forgot to stop and get more dog food! We feed raw and used the last of our chicken and turkey for the dogs last night. Can't believe I forgot that - normally I avoid the stores on the weekends! But all is right with the world now. (well, if you are a doggy at my house all is right with the world!)

            I had plans to do lots of things today but Mr. D's dog training is cancelled. So I might just do what is absolutely necessary and then maybe curl up and watch some Netflix movies or something. The snow is really pretty out the windows so I won't be sitting in front of the 'puter all day, that's for sure!!

            Happy UnHung AFness to all! Where is Miss Behavin'?????

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

              Hi Kate! Wow - sounds like you are having a fabulous holiday. WOO HOO for your week off!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF daily - Boxing Day (Saturday 26th)

                glad its mostly a happy christmas for everyone, I am busy with family commitments but trying to make sure I log on here daily if only briefly. Good to keep in touch with my AF community during a time where most of the world including all adult members of my household are enjoying a glass in a way I never can.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

