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AF Daily - Sunday December 27

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    AF Daily - Sunday December 27

    Hi everyone! Happy AFness to all. Yesterday was so beautiful the way the snow was falling. I want to take some pictures today from my office roof top porch and maybe venture out there with the doggies for some pics.

    Little Cooper (the baby Shepherd - Mr. Doggy's newest addition) is getting all full of himself. Part of his "training" right now it to spend about 30 minutes a day in our little fenced in yard by himself - just exploring things. LOL the neighbor was out yesterday and Coop is getting very brave about trying to scare him away. :H We need that on video!

    I'm sort of glad the holidays are past and I'm excited to get regular life back up into full gear! This is totally different than in past years where I was glad to get the holidays behind becuase I did dreadful things and was full of regret, etc. And I always had some sort of wish (with no plan) that my drinking would somehow not be such a problem (but I still wanted to keep on drinking) in the New Year. What a mess.

    So cool to not only have more interesting goals now, but they are more realistic as well!

    Happy AFness to all!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday December 27

    Good morning DG & everyone!

    Torrential rain all day yesterday, 2" total - sunshine & 50 degrees today - better

    I totally agree DG, it's wonderful that I will have no regrets about the holidays this year! I didn't drink therefore I did nothing stupid - not exactly rocket science, huh? I'm looking forward to more & more freedom being AF. This is something I can definitely get hooked on

    Wishing everyone a terrfic day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Sunday December 27

      Good Morning!
      DG...I would love to see those photos! Still very cold here, but sunshine!

      I love that LVT! "looking forward to more & more FREEDOM being AF"! Yes! it truly is Freedom....freedom from the horrible self imposed imprisonment. The endless torture of ourselves and others. Count me Hooked on Sober Living!

      Have a wonderful Sunday All!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        AF Daily - Sunday December 27

        hey all - well i did drink but not disastrously, not a hangover in sight.
        Now Christmas Day is over I am back on the AF way of life once more, plan to quit smoking tomorrow too - patches all ready and I will get back into my exercise regime before December is out.

        I had a really lovely lovely time but to be honest it would have been as great sober (3 friends were af on the day and rest of us except one were very moderate) - I didn't get drunk at all.

        i KNOW I am happier af though and 2010 will be the year for me to finally commit to it - I really want my slim fit body back too. A friend popped over who has got into running - looking amazing - I used to be so much more fit and active and it really helps me with stress management.

        new year's resolutions for me
        stop smoking
        stop drinking
        exercise more
        But most importantly to be kind to myself (which partly involves the above 3)

        have a peaceful day - I will be back here daily for my inspiration
        one day at a time


          AF Daily - Sunday December 27

          Afternoon abbers!

          Getting ready for the holiday drop in. Seems to be a very popular annual event. It'll be nice to meet the neighbors. They all live pretty far apart. Still having a great time!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Sunday December 27

            Good mid-day everyone,

            Well, after doing it up a "good" one on Wed, I have been staying sober.

            I noted a couple of calls I made that night and I wonder what I said.

            Yesterday, after being sober on Christmas and very happy about it, I met with my girl and we went shopping for deals on Christmas decor. We didn't find anything. Geez. On the way home, that well known thought popped into my head and I just headed the car home and said, "no." It turns out it didn't kill me to say no.

            I have decided that every time I think of drinking, I will force myself to think of something alternate. An action that is good versus an action that is destructive.

            Well. Onwards and upwards. I've been playing this game long enough.

            Time for this little girl to get 'er done and grow up.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Sunday December 27

              Its been the best christmas in years and it is being AF that has made the difference.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily - Sunday December 27

                Hello & goodnight abbers!

                Too many chocolate nuts again today. Hey ho. Back to the gym tomorrow with all the other Christmas fatties

                Cinders - sorry to hear that. I know you've tried lots of different things to beat this. Out of all the things you've tried, which do you think has been the most successful/helpful? And are you sticking with it?
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Sunday December 27

        ;780607 wrote: Its been the best christmas in years and it is being AF that has made the difference.

                  That is AWESOME to hear! So very happy for you and your loved ones.

                  Cinders, never give up. I was curious about how the Bac was going - Marshy asked a far better questions! (broader!)

                  Marshy, the only thing that has saved me from the Cookie Monster this year is the new diet / workout plan. The only day I really dived into the sugar since I started this was at the in-law party. Then I consumed enough sugar to feed a small country. If I had not had a reason to follow a plan the rest of this holiday period.....:egad: I can't even imagine!

                  Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting life back to normal now that the Big Holiday is behind us. New Years will be no biggie. The only big decision to be made will be whether to stay home that night, or to go hear the AA speaker who is supposedly very good. Quite a difference from the old days.

                  Mr. Doggy said something interesting when we had lunch together today. It's a keeper I think - might even be my New Year Siggie Line:

                  Life got a whole lot easier immediately when I realized my problem was me.
                  I could relate to that.

                  Hope everyone is having a nice evening!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Sunday December 27

                    Wow! DG....very insightful of Mr. Doggy......and in my book, he is 100% on the mark with this one!

                    We talk about triggers, and urges and cravings etc. but the bottom line is that the problem begins with us! I know that I have done a lot of thinking about this and my biggest reason for not stopping long before I did was a "What the Hell I deserve it" attitude! That crazy out of control need for instant self gratification and thinking that each time the outcome would be different than the time before. As Determinator would say "YOWSER!"

                    Raven.Joy......congratulations...I am so happy for you, and that you are learning the Joy of Sober Living!!

                    Have a Delightful Evening All!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      AF Daily - Sunday December 27

                      Hi All Abbers! Happy Monday morning to you from sunny but COLD california! I'm back, been lurking now and then, and I want what all of you here I am!

                      I watched a tv show the other nite, "Til Death" with Brad Garrett and Joely Fischer. There was a parapalegic in a wheel chair on there who wore a rubber band around his wrist and everytime he had a negative thought, he snapped it on his wrist to remind himself of all the good things he had.

                      I had a light bulb moment and decided I will wear one as well and everytime that nasty ole AL trys to creep into my thoughts, I just snap my wrist (sometimes harder than others) and remind myself how wonderful life is as a sober person. (I might have to switch wrists here :-)

                      Everyone have a wonderful day, and to quote my dear, sweet, elderly daddy "In this life, no matter what your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole!)

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

