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AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

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    AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

    Holy Late Sleepers Batman! - as Boy Wonder would say. Always fun to start the thread off on a crisp and cold Chicago morning.

    As I laid in bed last night, I had to most wonderful wave of gratitude wash over me. I was just thinking about everything that has been given to me because of my sobriety - things that I never dreamed of (or only dreamed of) when I was drinking. We had delayed flights, blizzards, family issues, etc. when I was home at Christmas, yet the only memories I have are good ones of the time our families spent together. THOSE are the promises that can come true, and I wish I could have bottled that to sell, cause I could be one rich man!

    Hope everyone has a safe and happy Tuesday. We're one day closer to New Year's Eve - better break out the sparkling grape juice cause that's about as close as I get to alcohol these days, and I couldn't be happier!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

    sniffing and waiting

    Thanks AA! I spent time with family too. I had an unexpected 2 hour late start due to an entire computer network system being down. I just went with the flow. I makes a difference when there is no "drinking time" interference because there IS no drinking time. I also discovered Martinelli's sparkling apple cider. Quite tasty and "special" feeliing. It's great to be with family and be happy and relaxed. Actually it's great just to BE happy and relaxed most of the time.

    Happy Tuesday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

      Good morning AAthlete & Greenie,

      You two crack me up

      Just dropping in to wish everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
      I have some work to attend to - gotta get moving!
      Enjoy your Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

        Good morning, AFers,

        So grateful to be able to come here and read what all of you have to say.

        I am plugging along sober, myself, and looking forward to a special New Year's Eve with family.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

          Hello everyone. Looking forward to my first AF New Years eve in, gosh.... 41years?? Yikes!
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

            Goodmorning Abbers!! So great to be sober and hangover free. It really is a FREEDOM feeling.

            Getting close to New Years and I have my rubber band securely in place. Only had to "snap" it a couple of times yesterday!

            Phil, I'm looking forward to a sober New Years Eve as well!

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

              Hi guys. Tired but looking forward to AF new year party. Me AF that is most people there will have a drink but I am ok with that.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

                hey there day 2 af and sf for me - firmly sticking to nicotine patch this time.
                survived holiday at folks - full of food but no alcohol for me - lots for everyone else BUT i was better able to deal with parents' 'ways' that previously I would be reacting to/stewing on.

                I got to thinking why my af/sf/weight loss goals have failed - it's because i want instant reward(big weight loss/long time af/sf) and if i don't get it i get scared and give up.

                This time round with all of my goals i am focusing on what i need to do NOW to reach the goals,results will take care of themselves - and that is how i will measure my success.after all it's partly the lifestlye change that happens on a daily basis - not just when you reach a goal.

                I will focus on
                not smoking TODAY
                not drinking TODAY
                sticking to calorie limit and exercise plan TODAY

                I will weigh and measure myself monthly and focus on the now (including enjoying this time off from work - rather than fretting about this time next week)

                Has anyone read the power of now?I assume it's about this type of thinking.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

                  Good day AbLanders! Thanks AA for kicking us off today and with such a great story to share about your Christmas. It really nice to be able to go with the flow. And Greenie you are so right - back when I was drinking any sort of delay or blip in the "schedule" would have me spinning in a bad direction because unexpected stuff interfered with my drinking schedule. That was the bottom line fact for years and years and years but only recently have I truly admitted that. I'm grateful I don't live for my next drink any more.

                  Lav, HAPPY 9 MONTH AF ANNIVERSARY!!! So sorry that we didn't get a thread going for you on Saturday!

                  Cinders, it is wonderful to have you back and sober. Whatever it takes! WE CAN.

                  Phil, I could relate to that except I am only 29. Really.

                  R2C, good for you with the rubber band trick! Whatever works. For me, sobriety is worth walking across hot coals for if that's what I have to do. (hopefully I won't have to do that though! :H)

        , I think you bring up a good point - being OK with other people drinking. Not that I love spending a lot of time in drink drink drink environments, but that's not due to the people. The folks who can drink safely have every right to drink. And even the folks who maybe cannot drink safely, but who choose to drink anyway have a right to do that - so long as they don't endanger the lives of others. It's really a waste for me to spend any time being resentful because others can drink, and I can't (safely). Life is much more enjoyable having moved on from that place. Good for you seeing that!

                  Bear, I think you are on an excellent track to view all of your goals one day at a time. I used to not believe in one day at a time. (and there are plenty of old posts of mine around here to confirm that!) I used to think I needed a Grand End Game in mind all the time. (i.e. I Will Never Drink Again) Somewhere along the line in AA my thinking sort of morphed over to more of an ODAT way of viewing things, and I am SO much happier and content as a result. I haven't read The Power of Now but Determinator and some others who HAVE read it really speak highly of it. It's on my "reading list" for someday! Have you started reading it? I'll be interested in your thoughts if you do read it.

                  My life was so empty before and it sure has filled up! I'm realizing that I HAVE to get better at implementing some time management techniques every day if I am to accomplish all that I would like to. One thing I need to get a handle on is my "computer time" that is reading / posting to my active web sites - this one, the figure skating forum, and the work out forum. I cannot afford to NOT visit MWO at least once a day. Sobriety MUST remain my #1 priority each and every day to make everything else possible. But I just can't spend as much time on the forums as I'd like!

                  So with that....I'm off to put away my Mary Kay stock which is currently all over my spare room! It's like a pink explosion in there!

                  Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday December 29th

                    Aloha from Hawaii peeps and peep-ettes! just a quickie as we are on our way to our 'last supper' and off to the airport. have some great pictures to share when we get back. wonderful to see all your shiny happy faces

                    be well,
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

