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wed 30 dec af daily

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    wed 30 dec af daily

    Hey there - up early today to meet good friends in london today - one has been in the US for last 9 months so it will be great to catch up with everyone.
    I am consciously steering my focus back to my daily goals - it will take time but I am determined to do this.
    Good day all, I have the christmas cold that is doing the rounds but not feeling too bad, today I will eat 1200 calories and walk for an hour (to station and back)
    If I am feeling ok after the day out I may run/walk at the gym or use my rebounder.
    one day at a time

    wed 30 dec af daily

    Hi bear and everyone who pops by, I have been away for a few days, just re-read previous posts and it's been a good read!
    I am so very grateful for such a relaxing holiday so far. It's been great not being hungover; and I plan on keeping it that way!
    Tonight we went to a birthday dinner, it was easily Being AF as it was at a Japanese BBQ restaurant. We cooked our own meal in the middle of our table, it was so yum, healhy and no need or desire for AL.
    Have a great day everyone, this year is nearly over!


      wed 30 dec af daily

      Hi Bear and LeeLou,

      Still hanging in sober my way. Yay!!

      It is going to be a cold, cold New Year's for us. Snow is in the forecast. Not sure what we will do. Hubby says no fireworks this year and I don't blame him. Us southerners have thin blood and the cold just doesn't appeal.

      I have a head cold and now my chest is hurting. I am not hungover and dealing with it, though. Just sick on my own right.

      Hope all have a wonderful day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        wed 30 dec af daily

        Morning abberrooters!

        Hi bear, you're doing so well with your calories and exercise! I'm sure lunch will be great fun. I love that sort of thing.

        Hi cindi & leelou!

        I had almost forgotten how much I love cold spaghetti for breakfast. There went tonight's leftover dinner. I forgot to tell you my sister had peppermint ice cream for me at Christmas. THAT is sisterly love!

        Before I left I almost killed myself raking and bagging the leaves in the front. Six huge bags all ready for today's pick up. No, make that 4. One is torn open in the street in front of the house. One is down the road somewhere. Whoda thought TWO lawn & leaf bags could fit under a miata? :H Guess I'll get my rake and go get some exercise. Ran over my own feckin' bags...... grrrrrr. Hey, at least it's not raining! And sober life is easily taking things in stride.

        I am back at the hole as in physically present. Wrapping up the end of the year stuff. It is strange being there - I have so many different kinds of memories attached to it.

        In the book I'm reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain", the dog (in first person dog) has mentioned several times "What you manifest is before you". It caught my eye as I have read things about the law of attraction, manifestation, etc. Wonder where he's going with that - from a dog's point of view?

        Off to mainfest a bag of leaves...... Have a wonderful wednesday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          wed 30 dec af daily

          Good morning all Abbers,

          Nice to see so many here already today

          Cinders, I sure hop you feel better soon - no fun being sick even if it is better without the hangover!!!

          I'm blowing off my work today & going to my daughter & son-in-law's house. They are getting ready to put up the sale sign & need some help with a few quick projects. I've done this sort of thing many times before - I can help Of course doing all this with no hangover is such a blessing!!!!

          Wishing everyone a happy AF Humpday!
          We really do rock!!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            wed 30 dec af daily

            Good Morning All,
            I am in the middle of my week of vacation! Just hanging around home...reading, cleaning, organizing....pretty much doing as I please!

            New Years eve will be spent quietly at home...dinner and a movie in! We will Probably watch the ball drop in Times Square via CNN....we can see it happen at 10PM our time!! Don't you just love satelitte tv!

            I am having a great time with my new Kindle that I got for Christmas! So many books, right at my finger tips....anytime, anywhere.....who could ask for more!

            Have a Great Day All!

            xx Kate
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              wed 30 dec af daily

              Hello friends!

              Wow, everyone sounds pretty great! (sorry to you that suffer from cold and flu symptoms!)
              I've been busy trying to get my work caught up from last week, and getting ahead for the short week that is here. Hubby is on vacation this week and it kind of messes with my routine. Yesterday when I popped home briefly to grab my son to take him for b-ball practice I noticed he had company which I know = beer drinking. This was around 2 pm, so I wasn't too excited about the condition he would be in later. I made some comment about him not getting much done since he had company and was sure the beer drinking had taken priority. He got a little defensive and stayed out working in his man cave until late. I REALLY have to make an effort to stay out of his business and keep to my own. If that is how he thinks he wants/has to live, then that is up to him.

              We are going to friends for the Husker game tonight, but no plans for tomorrow night. I guess if hubby wants to go somewhere we can, but I would just rather stay home. My son wants to have a couple of friends over, and I warned him that I would probably be here, which of course cramps his style. He was reminiscing about the good old days when we would take them in to the in-laws and we would drink beer and visit and then leave them there while we went to the bar. Those were fun times, but things have changed and I have different ways to enjoy myself now. Most of my friends don't do the bar scene anymore and my in-laws moved away anyway--it's not just me.

              I will admit once in awhile a thought pops into my head about how it would be nice to just go out and smoke and drink to my hearts content. But more often I think about how unappealing that is to me now. I never thought when I quit drinking, I would quit for this long--forever??--or lose almost all desire to drink. I made the observation at a Christmas party the other night after a huge meal of prime rib, baked potato, homemade bread and dessert, how much more enjoyable it was and how I didn't feel miserable like I used to when I had to drink a 6 pack or so before hand. Af life really is better.

              Have a great day all.:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                wed 30 dec af daily

                Good morning all!

                Bear thanks for getting us started today! Good for you focusing on your daily goal. Have fun meeting up with your friends!

                Leelou, so you actually cook the food yourself at Japanese restaurants in your part of the world? I love going to the ones here in the states (I'm sure they are quite Americanized! :H). The food is cooked in the center of the table but there is a professional cooking it. They usually do a lot of cool tricks with the food and their knives along the way. I hate to think of "amateurs" trying this at my table. Especially if the saki would be flowing. :H

                Cindi - great to see you here again today! So sorry you are battling a cold. Seems there is so much "grunge" cold/flu going around this year. I hope you are able to rest and let your family take care of YOU for a change!

                Greenie, it's hard for me to imagine raking leaves at this time of year!! We can't possibly rake all of ours on the fenced in part of the yard (about 5 or 6 acres) so the goal is always to TRY to get them mulched in good with the mower. How well that gets done is somewhat dependent on weather and schedules. This year, Mr. D was able to get it done thoroughly, which will make spring yard work much easier! Still not clear on how the bags ended up under your car????? I'm sure it's a funny story though. Have a good day in the hole if that is possible.

                Lav, you are so right - everything is better sans hangover! And yes, we really DO rock!

                Kate, Interesting to hear how you like the Kindle. I'm afraid I would be dangerous spending $486539567.00 downloading book after book. Maybe there will be a Kindle option for library books one day. That's probably when I will get one. Have fun on your week off!

                Mr. Doggy surprised me yesterday with a shelving unit for all my Mary Kay stuff. There is enough space for me to organize everything from my products for sale to samples to marketing materials to wrapping type stuff. All at my finger tips. I wasn't planning to buy anything new - just rummage around the house to find whatever I could to try to organize the storage. I'm so glad that he is supportive of my little venture. And more than that, he trusts that I will follow through. Back in my drinking days, I had all kinds of "grand plans" that I never followed through on. This was especially bad when I spent our hard earned money on stuff and then just let it drop. It makes me feel good that he can trust me to follow through on things.

                So...guess what I will be doing today? I'm grateful to be doing it sober.

                Deter, I can't WAIT to see your Hawaii piccys!!!

                Have a great AF day all,

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  wed 30 dec af daily

                  A shelving unit, who says romance is dead.
                  I can't even begin to think about cold spaggetti for breakfast.
                  I have been drinking cocoa in the evenings since AF, the warm cup in my hands is always a H.A.L.T. moment since I learnt of it from mario.
                  I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                    wed 30 dec af daily

          ;782089 wrote: A shelving unit, who says romance is dead.
                    :H He told me early in the day he had a present for me. But I had to wait until he picked it up. (he did that because I hate waiting for presents!!) I of course was bugging him about what it was. He said, and this is an exact quote, "it's better than a vaccum cleaner but not as good as jewelry." :H I lurves my Mr. Doggy!

                    I just got my drivers license renewal notice in the mail. (I turn 29 again in March ) It used to be that every 3 years you HAD to go to the drivers license place physically to get a new one.

                    So the last time I went to get a new license was March 2007. That was just a few months before I realized I HAD to quit AL and came here. Anyway, I remember that day vividly. I went early in the morning, of course, so I could get it over with and get on with the drinking for the day. I was hungover. As I was leaving the facility, I realized a truck was coming too fast down the small street the facility is off of, and didn't stop fast enough and got hit. It was just a fender bender but I thought 1) I'm glad I didn't drink before I came here and 2) Man am I irritated to have to deal with this and delay the days drinking.

                    Three years later, I'm glad there is a convenient "safe driver" mail order / internet renewal program now. I'm glad I qualify based on honest answers to "You are NOT eligible to use this renewal program if any of the following statements pertain to you:

                    9. You use any drugs, including prescription medication, or alcohol to an extent that they impair your driving ability.

                    Note that it did NOT say anything about actually driving under the influence. It just says USE alcohol to the extent that it WOULD impair my driving ability.

                    I can't even describe how grateful I am that the statement no longer applies to me.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      wed 30 dec af daily

                      Happy Pre New Years Eve all abbers! I'm just sitting here at work, wishing I were somewhere else? Not sure where, just not here.

                      Hoping to go see my Dad this weekend, he just had a pacemaker "installed"?? a week and a half ago and he is 83 so it took a bunch out of him. Hope he is up to company this weekend, as I want to give him a hug.

                      Got my rubber band firmly planted on my wrist and dang it leaves a deep red mark when I snap it!! Thank goodness I don't have to do that too often! Aversion therapy I think they call it??

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

