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af daily new years eve 2009

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    af daily new years eve 2009

    hello all -still af and sf here - getting big new year's cold - always happens!
    well my new years resolutions

    Be alcohol free and smoke free

    Focus on my goals on a daily basis - daily calories/daily exercise

    Be nice to myself and make time to relax

    Begin tattoos

    Re start decorating house

    that's plenty!
    I am feeling positive I have learned and developed a lot in 2009 - af for 3 months(learnt a lot about what makes me tick), began roller derby,made strides forward at work,decided to go into counselling,made new friends
    one day at a time

    af daily new years eve 2009

    just like to wish you bear73 and everyone else that drops in .A happy new year, hopefully it will be a good one.:-)

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      af daily new years eve 2009

      Hello bear & mario & all to come,

      Staying in is the new going out, so I'm going to be very fashionable tonight and stay home. :H I might crack open a bottle of AF beer that's been sitting in my fridge for months when I get home from work. Rock'n'roll!

      Have a good day everyone, whether you're in, out or shaking it all about.

      Lavande - I missed your nine months anniversary - congratulations! :bday3:
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        af daily new years eve 2009

        Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!!

        Bear, I love your goals and would make them all mine, except the tattoo part.. :H:H

        Mario and Marshy, "hello."

        My family and I are going to do a grill out, despite the bad weather coming in, some small fireworks (usually do large ones but going to forego this year due to $$ and weather) and have a bunch of grandkids running around. I will make sure I am sober and happy so I can spread that cheer to the little ones. They deserve it and so do I.

        Have a wonderful day, my AF friends.

        AF April 9, 2016


          af daily new years eve 2009

          Hi all,
          staying in as well, afraid to go out in case I'm tempted.
          6 weeks AF, found christmas hard going, sooo tempted to have a teeney glass, but know it wouldn't stop there. I think at this stage if I start again, I might not stop.
          Good luck to all, and best wishes for 2010.

          My plans for 2010:

          A little bit of exercise
          Travelling to Lesotho for charity build in March
          Start my counselling & psychology course in April

          Then I will see where the rest of the year takes me!!


            af daily new years eve 2009

            Morning abberrooters!

            Hello to bear, marshy, mario, cindi, bree & everybody to come!

            Marshy, "staying in is the new going out" :H:H I'm in. I have some lamb marinating in yogurt and stuff (primarily garlic) and I have some sparkling cider stuff if I feel frisky.

            Det, cant' wait to see your Hawaii pics. Speaking of, where's hulagirl been?

            I most certainly learned a lot this year. I hope to continue the learning route with added vigor and give myself a little more structure. Maybe more than a little. I could be a lot more productive with my time. I rarely sit still, so I may need a major overhaul.

            DG, the leaf bags were in the driveway and I cleverly backed over them taking two with me. Yes, convertables DO have rear view mirrors. :H I burned up the lawmower so it was all the winter leaves at once. Thank goodness there are none left to fall, except for those stupid non-biodegradable gumballs. My NY resolution should be to figure out a marketable use for them.

            About New Years..... does everybody do the blackeyed peas and greens for luck and money or is it just a southern thing? I have swiss chard. I hope that counts.

            HAve a terrific Thursday!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              af daily new years eve 2009

              Good morning Abbers!

              Greenie - our tradition is pork & sauerkraut on New Year's Day for good luck

              Great to see everyone here today. I woke with a very strong desire to put 2009 away as part of my past & welcome 2010! I want to continue learning as well & see what I can do to make better use of my time.

              My big plans for tonight are to just stay home in front of the fireplace & TV with a cup of my favorite decaf green tea in hand

              Wishing everyone a terrific New Year's Eve, stay safe!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af daily new years eve 2009

                Hi Abbers,

                It sounds like everyone has wonderful plans for this evening! We will be staying in as well.....dinner and a movie at home...seems the perfect way to welcome in the new year!

                My grandddaughters will be spending the afternoon today with me! Their other grandmother is visiting from Holland and she and my DIL will be going to lunch and a movie.

                Tomorrow, both of my sons are coming for dinner....I am looking forward to that!

                Wishing everyone a safe and sane New Years Eve!

                xx Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  af daily new years eve 2009

                  Ready or not 2010 is almost here/here.

                  I can't say that it has been a bad year really, except for what has gone on with our economy and government...but I won't go there.

                  No resolutions here...just gifts. The gift of learning more about who I am, and a real effort to get healthier. And to be nicer.

                  Also no black eyed peas nor sauerkraut-although I like both. I did see an awesome recipe with the peas, but I know no one else would eat them.

                  We have no plans to do anything tonight. I would enjoy staying home and watching movies, but there is this little voice telling me I am getting old and boring--so I better go out and watch everyone else get drunk??? I don't think it would be any fun for me. We went to friends last night for the game, and I don't know if hubby started early, or if his tolerance is going down, but I hate it when he gets to the point of slurring and that stupid drunk look on his face. Ugh. But I had fun regardless.

                  So anyway, happy new af year to all my MWO friends. I am very grateful for all of you! :h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    af daily new years eve 2009

                    Happy New year all, lets keep it sober! x
                    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                      af daily new years eve 2009

                      Hi everyone! :H I posted on the New Year's Day AND now the New Year's Eve thread. In that order.

                      Bear, thanks for getting us started today! Love your goals. I can't wait to see your tattoo once you get that going - I hope you will post piccys!

                      Marshy - LOL about staying in is the new going out! Well, me and Mr. Doggy are up with the modern times then. Staying in. I will be sticking to my exercise / diet regimen so dinner for me with be 130 grams of pork and 95 grams of brown rice and a small salad. Doesn't that sound exciting???? Actually, when it's 5 meals a day this hasn't been hard to follow at all. I can just FEEL those muscles getting buff buff buff.

                      Hi Mario and Happy new year!

                      Happy new year Cindi! Your family plans sound fabuous. Do lots of people where you live do fireworks for new years? People in my town don't do much of that, thank goodness. The Grenade Launching that one of our neighbors does once a year (4th of July) is plenty, thank you very much!

                      Hi Bree! Congrats on your 6 weeks AF! You are wise to recognize that if you can't stop at just one, (I can't either!) that doesn't change after 6 weeks of sobriety. (or 6 months or 6 years, etc.) I suffered more than necessary before finally accepting that and getting on with LIFE!. I'm interested in hearing more about this:
                      Travelling to Lesotho for charity build in March
                      Greenie, here is my Big Question. When you backed over the leaf bags, and were pulling them down the street under your convertible, were you wearing your bath robe? And did you have bed head? That's what inquiring minds want to know.

                      On a more serious note, Greenie and Lav you are both right about this past year being a good learning year, with hopes for more of that to come in 2010. I too need to work on using my time more productively. Happy New Year Lav and Greenie!

                      Happy New Year Kate! Have tons of fun with your extended family tonight and tomorrow!

                      LVT, I can't even imagine going through the challenges you have gaining your own sobriety, but having a spouse who isn't there yet. I know lots of people work through it and it can be done. I'm grateful that is not among my own list of challenges. You have done an admirable job balancing your family life, IMO, considering the circumstances. If you would rather stay home and watch movies, I say do it! (or come home early and if hubby stays, hopefully someone else can drive him!) HAPPY NEW YEAR. Be good to yourself.

                      Happy New Year! You bet it will be kept sober around here.

                      This is my first full sober year since becoming an adult, which was a long time ago. Well, not THAT long as I am only 29, but you get my drift. I'm quite a happy camper about that.

                      Zoom zoom....hey where is Deter with those pics? And I'm with Greenie - where is Hulagirl??

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        af daily new years eve 2009

                        Happy Sober New Years Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        the way I make fireworks it's a damn good thing I'm not drinking LOL! ok then.....

                        thought about going out but honestly I find most AL-infested parties to be utterly boring these days, not only that bout they are smokers so Dx is going in my place and I'm staying home where it's warm

                        ok, I tried to post my turtle pic but had trouble so trying again:

                        (I took this picture a couple days after Christmas at Waimea bay, on Oahu. ) it's a 'honu' which is the Hawaiian name for a sea turtle. They come to this particular beach to lay eggs, and in this case take a nap in the sun.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af daily new years eve 2009

                          and some surfer dude I photo'd. it's a long way out so I'm surprised this came out so good.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            af daily new years eve 2009

                            Welcome home, Det! Love the pics. Hope you had a marvelous time. I'm staying home tonight, too. It's calm, peaceful and safe!

                            Happy New Year, All!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              af daily new years eve 2009

                              Great pictures Deter,

                              You must have had a great trip!
                              No party for me either - sitting safely in front of the fireplace with my deaf green tea, ha ha!

                              Have a happy & healthy 2010!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

