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af jan 2

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    af jan 2

    hey there - day 2 here - cold is taking a hold of me - got some good medicine now so hopefully soon be leaving.
    I'm feeling very pensive about friendships, my role in them when it goes wrong and patterns i get into.
    no exercise today - too blah, may bounce for 15 minutes if i feel better,have a good day y'all may pop back later when i am bit more focused
    today is 1200 calories, only goal for today and putting paul mckenna back on my i pod
    one day at a time

    af jan 2

    :goodjob: on the AF. Take care of that bug. No fun being ill.

    Day 2 AF here as well. Let's keep it going.



      af jan 2

      Hello AFers,

      I have a cold, also, Bear. It keeps lingering and lingering. Ick.

      Com, it is good to see you again.

      Hanging in there sober, myself and happy to be that way!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        af jan 2

        Morning abbers!

        I crunched over the frozen grass (in real clothes I'll have you know! :H) to take care of the neighbor's dog. He wouldn't have anything to do with me last night but hey ho, today is a different story! A lonely night really changed his tune. I'd bring him over, but he's not really a nice dog and I could do without a dog fight on a weekend $$$!

        The living room startled me this AM with the decorations gone. Looked a bit naked. This year's decorating was easier because LAST year I undecorated sober and everything was neatly organized. I shake my head at the things I did half assed while I was half baked.

        So TODAY is the day for the garage. I'll fling open the door and start packing up moving FH things out. I'm excited! Think I'll put a pot of soup on for my reward at the end of the day.

        Sorry some of you are sick. It makes you slow down a bit so try to take advantage the time with naps and a good book. Lots of times we dont' allow ourselves that. I dont' anyway but I'm working on it.

        WOW, you know what??? Maybe I'll find my purse!! I always wondered if it was in the garage!

        HAve a great one whatever you do!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          af jan 2

          Good morning bear, com, Cinders & Greenie,

          It's a chilly 27 degrees here this morning but at least the sun is out!
          Today it is my turn to take decorations down - it's time!

          Other than that, I have no plans for the day. A pot of soup sounds good Greenie, think I'll do the same.
          bear & Cinders, hope you feel better soon ~ think chicken soup

          Have a terrific AF Saturday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af jan 2

            Hello abbers,

            I'm surrounded by ill people at work too. Coughing, sneezing, spluttering, hacking. Sounds like a hospital ward.
            I'm so looking forward to finishing today and getting a few days off. Feel as though I've been working all over Christmas and New Year. Oh wait, I DID work all over Christmas and New Year. Ready for a bit of a slack now.

            Pix in the paper of what I missed by going to bed early on NYE. Although I might have done that a few times in my previous incarnation...

            New Year's heave | The Sun |News

            Have a good day all!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              af jan 2

              OMG, marshy! I think she has my purse!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                af jan 2

                greeneyes;783995 wrote: OMG, marshy! I think she has my purse!
                Don't think you'd want it back now :H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  af jan 2

                  Hey Guys,
                  I don't know any ill people! The weather here is still deep and crisp and even. I got out for a 5 mile walk yesterday and I feel all snug and warm and lazy today. But my biggest achievement is that I got over my first Christmas and New Year completely AF and now I'm coming up to three months! Yah-freakin'hoo!! OK so I'm a bit heavier but noobody is purfect -right? One thing at a time.
                  Happy New Year everybody. I have the feeling that 2010 is going to be just great.
                  Hey Bear! hang in there. How are you doing? Email me.
                  Keep on keeping on


                    af jan 2

                    Does everyone have a cold? I'm on day 8 of this one. Lost my voice today, but feel pretty good...oh well.
                    Had a sober NYE for the first time, yippppeeee! Hope we all get to rid of this cold stuff.
                    Let's all do the next right thing.
                    Love and Peace,

                    Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                      af jan 2

                      Hello Ab Landers!

                      Bear, thanks for getting us started today. Congrats on Day 2! Hope you get over that grunge soon. Seems like there is a LOT of cold / flu gunk going around this year.

                      Com - good to see you and congrats on your Day 2!

                      Cindi, hope you get over your cold soon too.

                      Hi Greenie! I bet your neighbors were sorry that you made the trek to the neighbors house in "regular clothes." That's way too "normal sounding" for you, our dear delightful Greenie!! :H I hope you find your purse, and that it's NOT on the shoulder of a drunk girl in spike heels struggling to stand up. (hate to say it, but I've been there, done that more than once....) I ditto this!
                      I shake my head at the things I did half assed while I was half baked.
                      The only difference is that I did things quarter assed while twice baked.

                      Marshy, did you decide about going on vacation to Mexico or someplace warm? at the piccy in your newspaper per my comment above! Glad that's not me any more. I was :H at the Mary Kay article from yesterday! All funnin' aside, there really are some crap companies that just prey on people out there. It's so important that opportunities like Mary Kay or others be scrutinized just as one would scrutinize any business investment / opportunity. And if I were starting, say, a plumbing business, I would not expect to be successful by simply recruiting my family and a few neighbors to get there plumbing services from me. I won't have much of a Mary Kay business if that's the way I chose to approach it either. (well, at least not in my little family!!! :H)

                      Hi Lav!! Have fun undecorating. Me and Mr. D. didn't do any holiday entertaining this year, so we decided to forgo decorations. I'm glad now. We got to enjoy other people's decorations, but no undecorating for us! :H

                      Hi Suni! I would never make it 5 miles in the cold weather we are having here! Glad you did though. Congrats on your progress - can't wait for your next sobriety celebration!

                      Congrats on Day 8, Phil!

                      It was 0 degrees when I woke up this morning. But it's warmed up. Now it's 7 degrees. I was very glad to have a parka coat that I got last year that is too warm on most winter days.

                      I am getting ready to send in my first bi-weekly report for my new weight training program. So today I had to do weight and measurements and pictures. Now that picture business sure is humbling. Anyway, with that done I'm getting ready to tackle some year end book keeping. As boring as that sounds, it beats the snot out of being drunk already and well on my way to passing out, which is where I was at this time New Years weekend before last.

                      I am so grateful to be sober. I can't ever afford to forget that.

                      Happy UnHung AFness one and all. And if anybody IS Hung, get your but in here NOW for your :b&d: and then we'll pull you right back up here on this wagon.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        af jan 2

                        Marshy;783993 wrote:
                        Pix in the paper of what I missed by going to bed early on NYE. Although I might have done that a few times in my previous incarnation...

                        New Year's heave | The Sun |News

                        Have a good day all!
                        Hello all,

                        Great headline, trust the Sun

                        Awful isn't it. A thought crossed my mind some days ago as to how would I cope if either of my daughters drank excessively, and I thought how much I would hate to see them destroying themselves in that way, why could I not see that about myself I wonder?

                        Hopefully those girls might see themselves in the paper and wake up. Oh well, 10 happy days and more to come.
                        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                          af jan 2

                          I feel really positive having done my first christmas and new year sober in years. Thanks to everyone here for inspiration and example.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            af jan 2

                            Doggygirl;784101 wrote: Marshy, did you decide about going on vacation to Mexico or someplace warm?
                            Saga warning!
                            Funny how our minds work, isn't it? I THOUGHT I was absolutley desperate to get away somewhere warm. I booked the first two weeks of February off work so I could go away. But once I'd booked the time off I realised I'd actually just been desperate for a break from work and no longer felt the need to go away. I was still thinking about going somewhere when the Underwear Bomber struck and I went totally off the idea of getting a flight if it meant taking my undies off and being frisked by airport security. Although... now I've written that down... I see what I might be missing :H Anyhoo, no trip imminent, but time off imminent-ish!

                            Gold;784141 wrote:

                            Hopefully those girls might see themselves in the paper and wake up.
                            Hmm. I rather suspect it might be a badge of honour. You know, in the same way that people complain about how drunk they were at the weekend and how terrible their hangovers are - "normal" people, I mean.
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              af jan 2

                              Happy Saturday ABerooos!

                              The only difference is that I did things quarter assed while twice baked. hahahhahaha! and I can relate to that.

                              I refuse to get a cold. no no no no. I'm feeling way too darn good. I just got back from my first Russian martial arts class which was fantastic. Rolling around on concrete outside in the snow and ice was never so fun! how.....Russian? lol

                              Dx's friend baked up a bunch of jalepeno cookies and they are soooo good. I must stop eating them. soon i will stop. any minute now.

                              be well
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

