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af daily jan 3

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    af daily jan 3

    Good morning all - still got my cold but using it to just chill out - off for a skate this afternoon with some of the derby team round a nearby lake - can't wait.
    I am back to work tomorrow - but I am feeling really rested so I'm not dreading it like usual.

    I really am going to relax more this year, not take things too personally and focus on my outside work life. I had got TOTALLY stressed out by work which I then used as the reason to drink./smoke.

    Exercise for me is roller derby 3 times a week at the moment but walking to work and back everyday - 80/90 minutes a day so I hope that will chalk up some pounds lost!
    Once my cold has gone I may look into joining the local running club.
    It's going to be a good 2010!
    Day 3 here and I am looking forward to more AF days and a more active life.
    one day at a time

    af daily jan 3

    Hi Bear! Thanks for getting things rockin' and rollin' here today. Happy Sunday one and all.

    Handling stress in ways other than trying to drink it into submission is a great topic. The serenity prayer has been such a good tool for me. I spent most of my adult life trying to control all kinds of things that are simply NOT within my control at all. Mainly what other people are doing. That caused a lot of frustration for me both at work and in my personal life, especially with husband and family. Everything would have been great LOL if they all would have just done what *I* wanted them to do!!! That was a huge source of stress for me.

    These days I try my best to really look at situations that I'm feeling stressed about, and try to see whether the situation is really one I can do something about, or if it's something I need to just accept and move on, whether I like it or not. It's not always easy. But gettinng this right just part of the time has really helped reduce my stress levels.

    Bear I think you hit on a great point about balance. Stepping back and seeing my problems in a broader view of life helps me keep problems in proper perspective. None of my problems have been "end of the world" problems, at least not yet. (as we are all still here!)

    Because trying to drink stress away doesn't work. Finally figured that out after about 30 years of trying. :H

    So what are your tricks for stress reduction?

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      af daily jan 3

      High there doggy and bear. After days of feasting and family I will be glad for the quiet of getting back to work tomorrow. A while sober and my job seems boring, as if I have done it the last couple of years because I was able to drunk. Now I feel it may be time for a change/step up to something more challenging/rewarding.
      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


        af daily jan 3

        Hi all,
        I've decided to post in this section this month, since I plan to keep January AF. I had some wine every day from Christmas Eve through yesterday. Nothing awful, just not where I want to be.

        Raven, I also will be looking for a job change this year. I am now 55, and can afford to work part-time instead of full-time. I am fortunate to be in a professional field (health care) where there are openings. This is one of the many blessings in my life, and I want to enjoy my new time available mostly without alcohol.

        I was never a daily drinker, mostly a binge drinker. I will need to be very careful the rest of my life. Less alcohol will always be best.

        I will also continue to work on my weight. I lost 10 pounds last fall, and would like to lose 7 more. My exercise routine is pretty firm, but I like to add frequent bursts of activity when I'm home to keep up my metabolism. I'm not on a diet, just trying to live by a better eating plan featuring lots of fruits and vegetables, home-made soup for lunch every day. Nothing fancy, just the basics.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          af daily jan 3

          Good Morning, Bear, DG and all to come.....Welcome Sunbeam!

 is always present, sometimes of our own making and sometimes not. Meditation really helps me, as does listening to soothing music and reading. My exercise routine really slacked off this past year.....after spending 16 weeks in a leg cast for my broken ankle along with a wrist cast....I really fell of the wagon. I have been active all my life with exercise. So...I am back on the wagon...gym 3 days a week and yoga 2. DG...I wish you lived kick my butt!!

          I am also working at getting into a routine of writing early in the AM....I want my book published by the end of 2010, so that I can move back into consulting and cut back on work hours and reduce job stress. I really want to spend my time on things that I enjoy doing....spending time with grandchildren is a top priority! Healthy insurance is such a huge issue for me, which is why I am back in corporate America. Unfortunately it seems that my grandchildren will be adults before health insurance is fixed in this country...arghhhh!

          But...with all this said....I am Happy to Be Sober!! Alcohol is such a waste of time and energy....Seriously!! Just a waste of time!!

          OK...time to read the paper and watch "Sunday Morning".....I love Sunday!!

          Have a wonderful Day All!
          xx Kate
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            af daily jan 3

            mORNING ABBERS.


            Kate, I've been wondering about health insurance lately as I am about to switch companies because of premuim rape and I am tempted to ditch it. While irrational rebellion is part of it, There are other aspects to the thought process. I was wondering why ins. is so important to you. I noticed Det said he didn't have insurance.

            I've gotta run across the frozen tundra to tend to the dog next door. Be back later.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              af daily jan 3

              Good morning bear, DG, Raven, Sunbeam & Kate!

              Enjoying some hot coffee in front of the's a chilly 16 degrees outside!

              DG, I'm a lot like you in having a history of creating a lot of stress by wanting to control everything in my life. I know, for sure this comes from being raised by a supreme control freak. My father was very nasty though when things didn't go his way - me, I just get a bit bitchy! I am better now though, I have forced myself to just sit back & observe without reacting.

              I'm off to spend another day helping my daughter get her house ready to sell. I just ask her what she wants me to do & keep my thoughts & opinions to myself See, this is good practice!!

              Have a great AF Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af daily jan 3

                Good Morning Greenie.....
                Did you wear your "Babie Dolls"..across the frozen tundra??? That would wake up the neighborhood!

                Yes, healthy insurance is a high priority to me. For one thing....should a serious illness occur, one cannot recieve care without it. Yes, we can go to a community hospital ER..but they are only required to take care of an emergency....."Treat em and Street em"....and even then, the hospital will collect for the bill.....they will now even attach your paycheck!

                Although, I have been very healthy most of my life, I am a cancer survivor and I understand how important good medical care is. I was fortunate that due to a routine physical my cancer was discovered early and therefore, with treatment I recovered! One never knows when health care will be needed.

                I have never had a car accident and I have been driving since the Model T...LOL...well almost. I still carry car insurance, though I have never had to use it. I have carried home owners insurance for over 30 years, though I have never used it either. There are times that I write checks for my premiums and I think, had I just invested the money that I have spent on premiums over the years.....I truly could retire!
                But, I continue to pay....we pay "just in case". But, the fact is that as far as health insurance, we will all need it at some point or another. One way that one can save on health insurance is to purchase only catastophic care insurance. This can be a good choice for anyone who is young and in good overall health. Quite honestly, I do not believe that health insurance should cover routine office visits....we could save so much if it didn't. Oh...boy! I could really get into a discussion about this! But, I hope this answers your question!

                Carry On!!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  af daily jan 3

                  Afternoon Abbers,
                  Wow, I love all the crsips frost and sunshiney weather. It's true what they say. The quality of light really afftects some people in winter and I find that the luminosity we've been enjoying recently puts me in such good form. Another 5 miles in today.
                  Sending my very best vibes to anyone who's feeling under the weather.
                  Keep on keeping on


                    af daily jan 3

                    *sigh* Yes, I get that kate. I do the same. The staples in my head could have been far worse - you never know. I'm just so annyoyed (my polite term) at the health care industry. Fox network raised access fees and our cable company asked customers what they wanted to do - pay ransom or let them pull the programming plug. We said pull the plug. Of course health care is not watching TV. I don't care about TV, but I do care about my assets. Honestly the first thing that should be done is to remove the paid health insurance perk from the ones that are making the feckin' laws. Done now.

                    Hi to everyone! Brrrr!!!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      af daily jan 3

                      Hi abbers,

                      OK, I'm jumping on the (more) healthy eating bandwagon. My diet is pretty good apart from acquiring a sweet tooth when I quit drinking, and lack of protein I think. Among all the New Year diets that the paper are full of, I read one that made sense to me - complex carbohydrate + protein at every meal.

                      I've bought some soya protein powder to ensure I have some protein for breakfast (smoothie or on porridge or something), and a ton of dried beans to make sure I've always got something to throw in vegetable stew or soup. (Greenie, I had a look at the whey protein but it had lots of sugar in it, so I went for the soya protein instead coz it doesn't have sugar. Dunno what the difference is tho )

                      Suni - gorgeous day here! I was lugging all my beans back from the supermarket, and a man walking towards me said "Blue sky & sunshine! What more could we want?". And he was sober too! Doesn't happen often!
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        af daily jan 3

                        Marshy mine has 2 grams sugar per serving. A trace in daily percentage. Is that a lot? I'm ignorant in those percentage things and all.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          af daily jan 3

                          greeneyes;784612 wrote: Marshy mine has 2 grams sugar per serving. A trace in daily percentage. Is that a lot? I'm ignorant in those percentage things and all.
                          The one I looked at had 13g per serving. Maybe coz it was chocolate flavour!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            af daily jan 3

                            Hello friends.

                            I've been trying to be a little more observant about what triggers stress/irritation/anger in me and I realized last night that being late is a biggy for me. So an easy fix to that is to plan ahead for myself and my family who obviously cannot do this for themselves.

                            I've also noticed lately I've been having cravings (or something) out of the blue lately. Like, wouldn't it be nice to have a beer and a ciggy while I'm getting ready to go out? Not an option, so i just tell myself that it will go away as soon as I eat or drink something else. I did have a sip of champagne last night at a wedding reception and it tasted pretty bad, so I decided to leave it. A young man at the next table asked if they could have the rest of the bottle. In the past I would have probably drank the whole thing myself since it was free.:H
                            My 15 year old son made the comment about us not drinking the wine and I told him I guess I've lost my taste for alcohol. He said "that's good, right?" I said "for me it is." He also made the observation that more people just sitting around visiting were sober and the dancers were drinking. Yep. Still hard for me to dance sober, although I would have if my husband were there to dance with me--or if anyone else would have asked me for that matter.:H:H
                            Of course we got to come home to hubby who had been drinking beer while cleaning his shop all evening. He wasn't too bad, just annoys me so I went straight to bed.

                            Have a great day all!:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              af daily jan 3

                              LVT, being late annoys me as well. I have difficulty with it myself but established a reputation by waiting for chronically late husbands, who "obviously cannot not do this for themselves". Guilt by association. Anyway, my point is.... for ME anyway, trying to get them out the door on time pissed me off more than being even later. I eventually announced the time of departure and left alone or accompanied. Often to the threat of "if you don't wait, I'm not coming", which I shrugged off. I even went out of town to a concert and spent the night at the hotel which I had reserved quite in advance. And had a great time.

                              I see I'm a little opinionated today. I think I need to take little doggie for a brisk walk.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

