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AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

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    AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

    Hi abbers,

    I am about to go over yesterdays posts, first time on pc today, loving freedom of holidays and getting so much done AF.

    My DH, is completely supportive, nurturing an AF year! It it is not, I just wonder how much more he can take!

    We have set healthy goals for the new year together and I'm excited about that!

    I bought a new bike a few days ago as I will commute to work that way this year, very different for me, but it's calling my name!

    Hope everyone is good,

    I'm off to read old posts... Take care all!

    AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

    Morning abbers!

    Hi leelou! I loved the holidays too. Now I need some structure. Not a LOT, mind you just enough to make some things a habit.

    Wish it was a bit warmer so I could start on the garage. I just can't bring myself to do it in this cold.

    Hope everyone has a good start to their week today!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

      Good morning Leelou & Greenie!

      It's a nippy 23 degrees here this morning! Found a dead battery in one of our garage parked cars this morning......geez! Definitely not a good day to be cleanning up out there!

      I need a bit of structure myself today, have 1 job on hold - time to get it started I guess

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF day!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

        Good morning Leelou, greeneyes, Lavande, and all the rest making their way here

        Just a quick note, checking in..

        Today is day 1 for me. Put it off a couple days, but yesterday my youngest reminded me I said I'd stop again.
        If he's noticing, then time to take a real good look at my actions.
        I'm excited...and look forward to the small smile I see cross both my boy's faces when we go out, and I turn down a drink offered.

        Off to the dentist. But first, take my supps I've abandoned for the last month!
        Have an awesome AF Monday!!

        DLA :l:l
        Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
        Sir Walter Scott


          AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

          Hi All,
 is very cold here....and, I am back to work after having vacation from Dec. 24 till today. I loved being off.....letting go of the work stress stuff....but now it is time to get focused....(not an easy task!) I am grateful for my job, so many are without jobs and for the most part, I enjoy what I do. I finished up last year On Top.....made my annual budget Plus 15%!! I am looking to do the same in 2010! Being sober makes such a difference! OK....time to face the music emails and voice mails.....I hope that I have no fires to put out!

          Have a Great Day All!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

            Merry Monday Abbers! Back to work we go. I look forward to some day enjoying the Holidays. I imagine that will happen when I get some lenghty sober time under my belt.

            Rubber band firmly in place and ready to rock and roll at work! Not really, but I will try to convince myself. Going to say the serenity prayer as often as needed and manage a better attitude at work.
            As Kate says, I'm fortunate to have a job. Has anyone seen the movie "Up in the Air"? Other than George Clooney being in it, it was kind of a bummer because his job was going around firing people.
            May have been a tad bit humorous a couple of years ago, but just plain sad in todays job market.

            Everyone enjoy your day, this is the only 1/4/10 your will ever get, make the most of it!

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

              Hi All,

              Day 1 for me as well. Took my supps and beer in the house. It's time.

              Cold and snowing here.

              Have a good day, everyone...



                AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                Yes, is time! You were here when I was struggling....your kind yet no nonsense approach to support really contributed greatly to my success with getting sober.....I will, forever be greatful to you for that!

                My heart breaks when I see you here, day after day week after week on Day 1 again. Day one Sucks! So, it is time to move past Day 1....get your act together and truly get this done!

                Rule #1....DO NOT BUY ANY BEER!! NONE! If you buy it you will drink it!
                Step#1.....Read the "Smokescreen Thread" know the one, the one that was started by your good friend, Starlight Impress!
                Step#2....Go back and read those fantastic posts by Chief.....the Chief who was comitted to many wise words there!

                Don, Come Back to Yourself...Your Family and Your Friends. We miss YOU! The REAL YOU!

                XXX Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                  Kate, I hope you know you are a fabulous lady!! No nonsense.

                  Taking those words to Don, and using them for me.

                  Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                  Sir Walter Scott


                    AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                    Thank you, Kate...

                    I helped you and now you're helping me. I do keep reading the Smokescreen thread...Star is right.

                    I want to be AF buddies with you guys again....



                      AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                      hi everyone, flying visit cos in the middle of loads of stuff but do not want to miss my daily check in! Its a fine day to be AF. x
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                        Hello everyone! Quick zoom da dee zoom for me today. Work time is back! I've got more to do than ever between our existing computer support business and my new Mary Kay business. I'm excited that all the networking activities are resuming - the old ones and some new ones for 2010. Time for me to step out a LOT further from behind the computer and get out there in the main stream of living.

                        DLA and Chief, so excellent to see you both back.

                        DLA, I hope you will burn that vision on your brain - the one of your boys smiling when you DON'T drink. You are right. If they already know the difference, then there is a problem. What excuse to drink could ever be good enough to make it worth sacrificing the smiles of your children for it?

                        Chief, as you once told me, and I have never forgotten, NOW is the best time to stop drinking. NOW. We will love ya no matter how many Day 1's it takes. But BECAUSE I love ya, I hope this is the last one for you. It never gets easier. Only harder. Another good reason to do it NOW.

                        Hello to everyone else and I hope you are all havin' a rockin' 'back to reality after the holidays' day.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                          Now into Day 2 without booze. Can see weekend being difficult as normally have wine or beer watching TV. Just wanted to check people's opinion - if I was to have 1-2 bottles of AF beer is this cheating??


                            AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                            hey there - back at work - walked an hour and half there and back, tired but pleased - still bit ill no plans to drink or smoke - 4 days until the weekend!!ate bit too much chocolate but think still within calorie limit today - night night - buffy calls!
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily, Tues, 4th Jan

                              Hi all, just ate a whole bag of cauliflower and broccoli--maybe need to work on portion size! :H

                              Anyway, just wanted to address your? foolsgold: IMHO I think it is best to break the habit of drinking al. If you look forward to a beer and tv, then probably best to do something else or drink something else. HOWEVER, I do have an NA beer or 2 once in awhile now. And it doesn't really trigger any cravings I don't think. But some will say it is a bad idea. I don't think I would drink much NA stuff until you've got some af time under your belt. But that is just my opinion.

                              Now, I am off for a walk. :h
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

