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AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

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    AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

    Tuesday again!

    View from my kitchen across to Canary Wharf (the "new" financial district) in the distance through the trees this morning.

    Red sky in the morning, shepherds' warning. Heavy snow due tonight! Yippee! Just as well I bought a new pair of walking boots in the sales yesterday - I might need them sooner than I thought.
    Off to gym & swim to get back into my exercise regime after Christmas.
    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

    Hi Marshy and all to follow,
    I love that shephards warning quote, I havn't heard that in years!
    My Tuesday is drawing to an end, a different day indeed and relaxing out on the deck on a lovely evening after all the excitement....

    Firstly, DH and I went to the movies for the first time in about a decade! We were given Gold Class tickets, so saw Avatar 3D in style, and loved it!
    Then a quick dash home to cook a farewell dinner for our guest from Japan (son's girlfriends mum), and cooked a beautiful Aussie eye fillet, tender, melting kind (decided against roo sausages), then pavlova for dessert! Then the fun begain....

    DH has been building a shed (long story), over the last few days and he accidently disturbed a possums home in old wood he had stored away, decided to show our Japanese guest the possum! Possum was now awake as it was dark; so no luck! DH then got torch and looked in trees in backyardb near our deck for possums etc.. As we could hear them in the trees.

    Guest and DH under tree, admiring 2 possums frollicking in the branches..... DH then spots snake in tree right next to possum no.1, I walk down to get a better look... Japanese guest still under tree admiring our "wildlife"! .... Looking up at the spotlighted possum and snake............snake drops out of tree.... Right toward us (and guest)......3 screams, 1 international, run for your life kinda scenario immediately takes place, kids watching us grownups from the deck in no doubt amusement..... Snake biggest one we've seen all season, our two cats trying to conquer the unwelcome visitor..... DH deciding if killing snake is not a good thing in front of guest... Finally, screams and snake slip away into the dark!
    Possums happily doing their thing still.... Grownups go up for a cup of tea.....

    I am making tea in kitchen, next minute, 4 screams and eeiccks heard from the deck... I look over and see guest climbing on top of kids trying to get away..........
    And DH getting his thong off to kill the biggest flying cockroache that decided to aim for our Japanese guest!!!!!!! It was HUGE!

    Oh, and did I mention a gecko poo'd on me before any of the wildlife saga started!!?!

    We have never had a snake jump out of our tree before!

    So on that note, may your day be calm and free from frights!


      AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

      Morning abbers!

      Nice view marshy!

      Leelou, ROFL!!!! WHERE was your video cam???

      Nothing but regular stuff here. Regular is good. I've been a hermit lately.

      Have a good un!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

        Early morning on my Day 5 AF. Looks like another cool one. I am still shuddering after reading about the dropping snake. I cringe when I see a small one on the ground anywhere close to me. Yikes.

        Golf later I hope. Get the RV ready for another move to a new locale. Bike ride of course.



          AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

          Good morning Abbers!

          Sunny but very chilly again this morning - no outside activities for me today!
          Leelou - snakes, flying cockroaches........sounds like a nightmare to me! Glad you seem to be able to take it all in stride

          Nice picture Marshy! Bundle up for your upcoming snow event!

          Hi Greenie, I'm staying in as much as possible too in this frosty weather!

          com1 - good job on your 5 AF days!! It keeps getting better & better. Do you take your RV to warm weather locales to play golf? That sounds nice

          Had a busy day planned for myself yesterday but ended up watching my grandson instead all day. That was a lot of fun but I really need to get back to my plan today

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

            Day 2 here and doing well.

            Cold and snowing here...still. Suppose to be like this all week. It's good to get out and get fresh air and exercise by shoveling snow 2 or 3 times a least that's what i'm telling myself.

            Have a good day all...



              AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

              I live in a small village about 3 miles from Bath when its snows the road blocks and everyone that drives to work is stuck. I walk and will get through!
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                Morning All,
       todays photo....lovely!
                Leelou....OMG...the thought of that snake falling from the tree will give me nightmares...arghhh!
                Com1...Well Done on 5 Days!! Keep it going! It does keep getting better
                Greenie.....I love playing hermit!
                Lavende....A day with your grandson sounds great to me!
                Don....Happy to hear that you are on day 2.....Remember the Rules...and see you tomorrow on Day 3!

                I have another busy work day, but first I am off to the workmans comp doc for my final evaluation. My ankle is good, but back and wrist...not so much....damn.....I am really working to move past this event and the resulting injuries. See what can happen sober, just walking down a sidewalk!
                Very Cold here and snow on the way for later today....

                Wishing everyone a day of Peace!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                  Terrific Tuesday all Abbers! Not much new here cept, oh yes, still sober and loving it! Sobriety truly is a mindset and not just wishful thinking!

                  Hope everyone has a wonderful, kind and fullfiilling day.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                    AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                    Hello all,

                    Marshy;785582 wrote: Red sky in the morning, shepherds' warning. Heavy snow due tonight! Yippee! Just as well I bought a new pair of walking boots in the sales yesterday - I might need them sooner than I thought.
                    Here's another, "Mackeral sky, mackeral sky not long wet and not long dry."
                    It's supposed to snow here too, tonight, hope so. To listen to the newsreaders and weather people you would think the UK was blanketed in snow and cut off from civilisation!

                    That snake was probably scared too I guess leelou, sounds a fun evening.

                    Reaching the end of day 13, hope everyone either has had, or will continue to have a great day.
                    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                      AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                      hi all day 5 here af and sf - cold brrr - snowing again - long day at work - need to work on work confidence and not letting stuff get to me and my self esteem - off to do some affirmations
                      skating cancelled due to snow - no exercise today - tomorrow work at home as will be snowed in. will go on rebounder if so - need it to keep me sane.
                      hope you're all good- more buffy tonight - yay

                      anyone know any easy meditation downloads(free) or good sites, thought may help with confidence.
                      one day at a time


                        AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                        bear73;785788 wrote: anyone know any easy meditation downloads(free) or good sites, thought may help with confidence.
                        Here ya go bear

                        Meditations : Suzanne Bovenizer
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                          Top of the Tuesday ABeroooos!

                          still under the weather here with double ear infection now (ugh!) but grinding along. Feels like I'm deep sea diving without a helmet.

                          Kate, for your joints you may want to check out cissus. here's a review:

                          Super Cissus Rx Reviews: 9.9/10 -

                          I started taking it for my ankle and other body parts that are starting to squeak and threatening to fall off

                          Don, glad to see you here sticking with us brother.

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                            Having a hard time here this afternoon on Day 2.

                            Nervous, craving, antsy, chills, The Beast putting nothing but bullshit thoughts into my head,....

                            Withdrawl....gotta love it..

                            I'll make it.....just checking in.



                              AF daily - Tuesday January 5th

                              Hi everyone! Doing another zoom zoom check in here. Congrats to EVERYONE having a sober "today" whether it's your Day 1 or Day zillion. Very special :yougo: to those who are in the early days - HANG IN THERE!!!!

                              Marshy, thanks for getting us started today - love your view! I haven't heard the red sky warning in a long time either - I remember my Grandpa always saying that.

                              Leelou, your wildlife story had me :H. But when I got to this part, I thought I was going to DIE :H!!!!
                              And DH getting his thong off to kill the biggest flying cockroache that decided to aim for our Japanese guest!!!!!!! It was HUGE!
                              Well, you know where my mind lives.

                              Back to book keeping! I'm glad year end only comes....once a year.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

