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AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

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    AF Daily Thu 8 Jan


    I was up at 6:30 this morning aberoonios. My new found energy is confusing. It's the middle of winter-what gives?
    I think some of it is related to the snow. The jetstream being stuck is really bad for the economy but really good for the psyche. It means bluest of blue skies and gorgeous winter sunshine. It's been like this where I live for almost 6 weeks. I am so grateful to be alive and able to get out into it and enjoy nature's bounty.
    Keep on keeping on

    AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

    Hello Suni & all to come,

    Suni, maybe the energy comes from being AF? You sound full of beans.

    Brass monkeys here - and I think London's about the warmest part of the country so I'm glad I'm here and not somewhere really cold! Had my porridge to set me up for the day.

    Have a good, sober day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

      Morning abbers!

      We're about to get a REALLY cold snap over the weekend. I see it's windy out too; no precipitation though. It's that pretty "just before sunrise color outside". Probably no garage cleaning for greenie this weekend. Guess I'll work on tax stuff and clear FH's files and the divorce files out of the file cabinets.

      On the way to the dentist yesterday I was thinking it's time for me to find one in my own town. Then when I was there, I was informed my dentist will be retiring next month and I was introduced to his associate. I'm not going to drive out of town to see someone else, so that situation sort of resolved itself in a timely manner.

      I rooting for you who are in that first stage of sobriety! :goodjob:

      Happily sober yours, greenie!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

        Hello Ab Landers! Suni thanks for kicking things off today. Now I'm trying to recall where you live. Sounds heavenly though - enjoying the great outdoors! The only "enjoying of the great outdoors" I've done lately is from the cozy inside looking out the window. The snow was really really pretty yesterday. Lots of snow but hardly any wind, so that gentle looking snow fall. Supposedly it's blowing this morning though so will have to be careful driving to my leads meeting.

        In the drinking days, just the hint of bad roads would have had me making an excuse to just stay in bed. And be passing on the development of opportunity for my business. I'm glad I don't have to live like that any more. For those of you who are just getting your sobriety under way, YOU TOO can experience this and so many other positive changes once you kick AL to the curb!

        Marshy what is "brass monkeys?" Is that like brass balls or something???? :H

        Greenie it's suppose to get really cold here too this weekend. Definitely a good idea to plan something other than garage cleaning!

        I'm so happy for all of you who are doing the hard work to climb firmly on the wagon here in this new year. No matter how hard it gets at times, I hope you stick with it. Do whatever you gotta do to not drink. It gets easier, and it's worth it.

        Strength and hope to all!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

          I'm thinking... brass monkey balls. I would, wouldn't I :H

          Re: Freeze the balls off a brass monkey - more facts
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

            Good morning Abbers!

            Greetings Sunni, Marshy Greenie & DG! Waking up here to an inch or two of snow this morning. Not bad at all except the temp won't rise above freezing today.
            Not sure about the brass monkey reference.........something to do with it being cold outside?????

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday regardless of the weather
            Time to get to work.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

              See? Not rude AT ALL :H

              DG - you've gotta learn these phrases for when you come over for the Olympics! Repeat after me "Gor blimey guv'nor. Luvva duck. It's brass monkeys out there".

              Stay warm everyone! I've had about 10 cups of tea so far (and mushrooms on toast after the porridge)
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                Good Morning....Abbers!
                Suni, your was the first post that I read this morning.....thank you for making me smile!

                It sounds like many of us are in a the Deep Freeze! I know that we still are, but it is supposed to begin to warm up tomorrow! At least we have blue skies!

                Busy day ahead here...but, tomorrow I am spending the day with my pregnant daughter! We will be doing things to get ready for our little bundle to arrive in April! She has designed the nursery, but we still have to furnish and fill it with all things Baby!! It will be great fun!

                Wishing Everyone a Happy, Safe and Sober Day!!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                  "'m so happy for all of you who are doing the hard work to climb firmly on the wagon here in this new year. No matter how hard it gets at times, I hope you stick with it. Do whatever you gotta do to not drink. It gets easier, and it's worth it."

                  Ditto what she said!

                  I'm not sure, I have to look at the link yet, but I think it's brass balls here for sure. 14 below right now, but it is calm as can be, so not super miserable like it was when the wind was blowing 40mph! I really, really, want to stay in where it is warm today, but have obligations for 4 clients so I will bundle up and be out and about--and then a couple of basketball games tonight. I need to make and save all the money I can, a friend called me yesterday and wants me to go to the big Veterinary convention in Las Vegas next month. THAT will be a unique experience for me sober!

                  Gotta run--have a great AF weekend everyone! :h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                    hi everyone - wow early start Suni!
                    It's my day off today I went out in snow after 2 days working at home - gorgeous and quiet and loads of igloos being built all over our park. I walked for about 45 mins - then my cold has returned with a vengeance.Got a really stuffed up head/nose.

                    Does anyone know how to do the netti treatment, where you pour warm salt water in one nostril and then repeat?Yoga teacher used to talk about it but that was a while ago,may do some googling.

                    well - day 8 here af and sf - resisted temptation of a takeaway and instead going to make a low fat chicken curry for dinner - yum. last night said to oh 'do you fancy some wine' he said no luckily - then i really thought about it and realised I didn't want any either!I think people were drinking in Buffy.
                    anyway here's to an af weekend - got a party to go to this sat, assuming that we can drive there ok.Good day all.
                    one day at a time


                      AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                      Hey guys sounds like it is not just uk that is getting the big chill. But AF we all got so much more energy to keep our circulation kicking and immune systems up.
                      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                        AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                        My neti pot has given me my health back. I haven't used it yet this year, surprisingly I have not yet had a cold (since last winter). I usually get several colds per winter, starting around Columbus day. Often the colds would develop into sinus infections, but not any more. I bought mine in the health food section of my local grocery store. You just need a little kosher salt in the water. I irrigate morning and evening. Go buy one and I'll talk you through it. Some people find it feels like getting too much water up you nose when you are swimming, but that isn't true in my experience.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                          There will be an instruction booklet with the neti pot. I should think. Mine had one.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                            Day 5 here and all is well. I feel good. I love not drinking.

                            Time to shovel snow....again! Winter in Ohio....gotta love it.



                              AF Daily Thu 8 Jan

                              another late check in from the garlic flavored road warrior. I'm home again!

                              Don, your on a roll brother. you just made my day.

                              Aloha friday night everyone
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

