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January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

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    January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

    THANK YOU MANDALAY!!! He is now HIDDEN!!!! YEAH!!!:thanks:
    Good Night All!!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

      Late check-in for me and I certainly have appreciated the reflective posts. I?ve always liked you Lode and my former self is quite fond of your former self as well. I am so glad we found you again, Finding, and I love the collective us too; keep close no matter what. Ms. Dill of the clear eyes and head, it is so good to feel more and more able to respond adaptively to what arises and not have as Lav and Lil remind us anything to apologize for or have hidden and in danger of discovery. Cyn, I put my personal and our household 2009 financial records to bed this morning; everything in its place so that Lord Bird Heart can as usual, at his insistence, do our taxes ?one day? (his ?stuff? is randomly distributed in a twelve state area). I really would prefer to do our taxes myself but it seems important to him and I let it go with only moderate horror, there is a reason I was lovingly known as the ?anal sphincter? in graduate school. SD, I understand how unsettling an ex can be in the best of circumstances. I once really loved a fellow but broke things off with him for a very good reason. Even though this was my idea, many years had passed, and I am not prone to hysteria, when I heard in passing from an old friend I encountered in a busy department store that he had married and had a child I fainted on the spot, dropped like a rock. Do whatever you need to keep yourself on an even plane and your heart aimed toward your personal goals. Your writing project sounds intriguing Mandalay, a story that needs to be told, a psychological autopsy. I need to be off for now, see you tomorrow. Hi Red, Sooty, MM, Shelley and Open, I?ll catch up with you and everybody I missed soon. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

        Beautiful posts, as always. Thanks everyone. Dill - your family is in my thoughts and prayers, and you are so to be congratulated...being there for people when they are in need.

        LBH - very impressive, the 2009 taxes put to bed. If you feel too bereft, I invite you to my office - I can't think of mine until this Ball is over in February!

        Finding - did we start on here about the same time, late summer? I remember reading some of your posts, I think. Good to see you again.

        SD (hope your boy feels better!), Sooty (mashed rutabaga, yum), Red, Man, Open, Lav, Lil, (Lode - thanks for the list) and anyone else I may have left out - hope you had a wonderful AF day - I did, and I was thinking of you all.

        Off to burn the midnight oil getting ready for a presentation in the morning. Will pop in during the afternoon tomorrow - is it possible that it's hump day again?

        Happy soberness!
        to the light


          January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

          Hi there sweet friends,

          Just a quick one for me tonight. Been reading, writing, reading, writing, teaching, writing, sleeping. I wanted to pop by for a few minutes and tell you thank you for your kind comments about my (gulp) list and fears about posting. Feels good to have done that little bit of reflective writing.

          I'm glad to hear everyone safely aboard the sleigh today/tonight. Be back tomorrow to catch up more.



            January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

            Good morning on Wednesday morning.

            I had a really good day yesterday, feeling wise. The dark cloud has lifted, I don't know why, but I feel so much better. It may be the eating plan. Wow. I am sleeping really soundly too. It makes a difference. No cravings, productive day, all good.:h

            Lodestar, Cyn, ladybh, sounds like you are very busy, but good busy. Along with AF. Keep up the good work.

            To everyone else, dill, lavande, sd, mandalay (thanks for telling me to peel the veggies) Sooty, lilmea, findingms, have a wonderful productive AF day. Strength and hope to all.

            Today I commit to being AF. :l


              January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

              Morning Just Do Its, Happy Humpday. More snow here overnight, getting really bored with it now. Its quite slushy though and thankfully it isn't freezing.
              I think I might make some soup (just for a change!) Haven't decided which one yet but don't worry I'll let you know and if its nice I'll supply recipe . It won't have rutabagas in it though cos I don't have any at the moment!
              Have a good day everyone and if you're just waking up have a good stretch to warm up those muscles!
              See you later
              love Sooty


                January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                "To teach men how to live without
                certainty and yet without being
                paralyzed by hesitation is perhaps
                the chief thing philosophy can do."

                -- Bertrand Russell

                Greetings JJDI's! It seems this is the morning for brief posts. I had to bake a birthday cake before work, plus had lots of household chores that I needed to tend to since last evening we had company and got nothing accomplished, other than a bit of comraderie and conversation!

                Perhaps you are all scratching your heads as to my choice of quote for today, but if you substitute our little crew here as the subject then I think you will see it. This journey is frought with uncertainty, but we cannot let that prevent us from action. And our philosophy? What exactly is our philosophy? What propels us forward?

                Gotta go! Happy Humpday All!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                  Good morning friends!

                  Happy Humpday to everyone
                  Pouring my second cup of coffee - it's hard waking up in the dark! Where is the sun anyway?

                  I have a full day of work ahead so I'd better get right to it!
                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF day, I will check in later!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                    Missed you all yesterday but read posts this morning.
                    Dill, I like your quote very much. To me our philosophy, summed up so very nicely by B. Russell, is one of faith. Faith that if you hang in there, hang on, things do pass and sometimes they even get better than you ever thought they could be. Also good for you for being there when people you care about need you.

                    Red, am glad for your good day yesterday, that the dark cloud's gone somewhere else. I too had a very upbeat day yesterday without any specific reason. I went to therapy in such a state and felt like saying thank you very much, I am now cured of the blues and no longer need your services. What ever my mood, I am forever surprised when it abruptly (as it so often does) changes.
                    Guess that's where faith comes in.

                    Lode, this is the first time I have ever posted daily on any type of network, site. And it took me many months to achieve the comfort zone I now find myself in here. Thanks from me too for your thoughtful post a couple of nights ago.

                    Cyn, I am just fascinated by the whole notion of a Ball. Share some details. They're having a Ball in Mansfield Park right now. Seems lately half of my mind is constantly filled with J. Austen.

                    LBH, TAXES! Isn't it too soon?? We always hire someone to do it even though these days our financial situation is not that complicated. Interesting story about fainting in the department store. I have not had an ex in a very long time! Hey, how were the vegetables?

                    SD, how can you watch The Biggest Loser when American Idols on???

                    And Lav, Lil, Sooty, Find, Man, good morning.

                    Remember, keep the faith!



                      January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                      Good Morning!

                      Quick check in as I've got many classes to get to and make up from missing yesterday. Thanks LBH for your story about the dept. store....I'm sure I would do the same thing if I learned that my ex remarried and had a child (ecs. since he told me he didn't want any of those things again....of course waited until August when he didn't "need" me or anything anymore to tell me...before that in June it was the total opposite. He's a nut job!!

                      Cyn-do you mind me asking what the presentation was on??

                      Sped-I used to watch Idol but I'm soooooo hooked on Biggest Loser....I just love watching the growth and progress of those amazingly strong individuals. Having struggled with weight myself (since have had my stomach stapled)...I find what they go through emotionally to be just as big of a challenge. Weight like al I think is an addiction and it all stems from somewhere...getting to the root of it will in the end help to overcome the battle! Just my .02!! :H

                      Lod, Red, Sooty, Lav, Dill, MM and everyone else....happy Hump Day....gotta get busy!!
                      4 more days until I see Brett Favre!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                        Morning -

                        Lodestar, thank you for sharing your personal insights.

                        Dill, I'm sorry about your SIL’s cancer. I hope it was detected early. It is a scary prognosis, but I’ve known several women who’ve come through it very well. I’m glad you were in a good place and able to support your brother. I know there have been times when people have called me when they needed me and if I had been drinking I would often manage to make the conversation about me. Thanks for sharing your experience and feelings about it, (and Lil, Sooty, SD – your examples, too) it makes me realize how selfish I am when I’m drinking, and how giving to others is a much better gift to myself than a drink. Some days I feel like I’m just learning to walk!

                        LBH – I have missed your writing!

                        Cyn – I started around the end of Aug. I remember your stories of your clients and their wine.

                        Red – Thanks for the reminder that the dark clouds do get blown away – suddenly and without warning! Glad you are feeling good.

                        Yesterday and today I have been remembering how it was to get through the first few days AF and perhaps that is a good thing as I recognize some of the physical and psychological hoops and triggers, but I also recognize the feeling of commitment that I had - I’m sure it is a contagion I’ve caught from all of you – thank you!

                        I need to get going for the day. Forgive me for not listing everyone’s names – but know I appreciate each of your posts. Have a good day.


                          January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                          Glad you are feeling good Red and Shelley, it never ceases to intrigue me how the very same world can transform without measure when our filters are reset. We are having a turn of beautiful weather, cold nights but sunny and forties during the day. My roasted root veggies were wonderful and I blended what was left into a soup. Hope your days, evenings are going well (I am in a hurry, but you know who you are. Great quote, Dill, tolerating all of the inherent uncertainties is a big gate to go through on the way to freedom. I remember another one but not who said it, something like ?all decisions are based on insufficient information but we are responsible for the outcome anyway?. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                            Happy hump day,
                            Catching up on the posts.
                            Dill, sorry about your SIL. but I can relate to the phone thing. I just would not answer and see if they left a message...So glad you were present. also great quote.

                            LBH, Glad there is MWO so we can get some more information, and improve that outcome.:H

                            Lode, nice to read all your new thoughts. I know they are true.

                            Shelly and SD, I like both the biggest loser and idol. did watch part of idol last night though. Can't stay up long enough to watch either much right now. Don't know if idol will be the same without Paula. half the fun was watching simon and paula play off each other.

                            Lil, Lav, sooty, cyn, FM, red and any one else I miss. Have a great af night. :l MM


                              January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                              Just a quick check in. Feeling alittle down but hanging in there. I know this feeling doesn't last for long.

                              Hope everyone has a peaceful, af evening.
                              AF since 7/26/2009

                              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                                January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                                Hey Lil,

                                I just got on line for a quick break from work. Sorry you're feeling low - just wanted to give you a hug :l.

                                You've saved me a couple of times! Take care, do something nice for you, you deserve it.

