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January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

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    January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

    dill;791305 wrote:
    When I choose to drink, I usually think to myself that it will be OK this time. But it isn't. The "off switch" is still not working. I think I am getting to the commitment, but I'm not fully there yet. Does that make any sense at all?
    Dill ~ thanks for sharing this. I haven't tested my switch and I'm pretty afraid to given what everyone shares here. I've never been a regular drinker of anything. Even as a kid I couldn't get through a movie because I'd drink so much lemonade I was always running to the bathroom.

    What you say makes total sense to me, but I think your commitment is huge. You are here working at it everyday. Your goal is an entirely AF life and like any goal, putting in the work is required. I appreciate your honesty immensely, as it gives me insight into the possibilities in my own journey. Would you talk about what happens with the "off switch"? Do you mean the "off of alcohol switch" or the switch that allows you to shut off once you start? I like that you said "when I choose to drink..." also, because it is a choice. None of us here are functioning on autopilot ~ we are aware of what we're doing, perhaps largely because we're here and thinking deeply about it. You are loved whether you chose to drink or not, but I bet you love yourself more when you don't. Your commitment to never giving up inspires me.



      January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

      Wonderful, beautiful, inspiring writings, all. Thanks everyone for your honesty, rants, and empathy. Reading this, I feel like we are tending the first few sparks of a fire, or sending our breath to warm the crocus that wants so badly to emerge from the frosty ground.

      Sorry I couldn't be part of chat today - it sounds like it was fun. I'm hoping to have a lighter work day tomorrow - hopefully will be able to get more caught up with everyone. In the meantime, know that I'm sending energy your way for a great Sunday.
      to the light


        January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

        I've had a couple of busy-ish days, although I admit to a bit of lazing around on the couch reading fluff this evening. Whatever works I guess. Kept hearing that 2 year old voice in my head, "I'm bored" which leads to thoughts of drinking, but honestly the cravings weren't that bad - for whatever reason.

        Just wanted to check in and say hi. Hope everyone had a good AF day.


          January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

          Sorry to have missed you in chat too, Cyn. Finding ~ tell those voices to STFU and keep doing what you're doing! Read all the fluff you want, watch movies, chat online, eat bonbons, anything to fight off that boredom. It's a real pain in the butt, isn't it? Think of how crappy the morning could be...wouldn't it be boring to wake up feeling hungover again? Take it nice and easy tonight and treat yourself like you deserve to be treated.

          Sending :l out friends


            January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

            Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. --Helen Keller

            I am positive I would not be where I am today if it hadn't been for this thread. Bits of each of you are being permanently woven in to my internal fabric, strengthening the spots that have been torn by alcohol.

            Lode, when I refer to t he "off switch" being broken I mean that once I drink that first glass of wine, I cannot stop from having the next and the next etc. Thank you for your thoughts and perspectives. Than you, too, Openheart. I hope that will be the last time I have to post about a relapse.

            Chat was REALLY fun! I'd like to do it weekly, or bi-weekly. I would prefer Sundays because Saturday I like to go to Church in the afternoon at 4:30. It's been part of my AF plan for awhile now. Like Red, I have been very conscious of the need to repair my spiritual side. That, and for me, Sunday afternoon is a challenge. Chatting with you all would do me a world of good!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

              Good morning all!

              Dark, damp, kinda gloomy here hoo!
              Think I'll turn on all the lights & ward off the blues as long as possible

              Dill, we can do a weekly chat whenever you like! It is nice to gather together like that - our own little fellowship

              Think I'll just spend some time at my desk today...........always something to do there.
              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday, I'll be back later.

              Winky Lav
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                Lav! That was your 2000th post! WOW! I feel like you should get a prize for that! I will just say thank you for all your support and positive contributions here and on MWO at large!


                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                  Hi everyone and thanks for being in chat yesterday. Wasn't it good fun? I went to bed smiling, I felt like I'd been out for the evening, it was great.
                  I'd be happy to do it again and Sunday evening at the same time is just perfect for me because I visit an elderly friend on Sundays and I get home about 4 pm your time - so just let me know and I'll have the kettle on!
                  We've actually got some sunshine today which does help to lift the spirits somewhat. I've been out shopping for daughter No2's 21st birthday next weekend, daughter No1 and I have been to town and spent a bomb.
                  I hope everyone is having a happy relaxing Sunday. Will check in later
                  love Sooty


                    January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                    HI ALL - I somehow "lost" this thread...!

                    Just want to be AF for Jan. I have 5 wks. as of yesterday... 2 more for this month. Wow, did this month go fast??

                    NEED to make this a productive day... but am Stalling. OK, SOON!!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                      Very good morning from here. It certainly was nice to balance the remarkably hard part of all this by making sound effects in chat (the camel did me in). Good going with post 2000, Lav, and keep talking, you are that cornerstone in our wall. I hope you each have a fine day and evening, tend the fire, mend whats torn:heart:. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                        Thanks for clarifying, Dill. I thought that's what you meant. I doubt very highly that I have an off switch either. Lav 2000 posts wow! That's something for sure. Keep it going, woman! Oh, and chat is good for me whenever. I'll come when I can if work hasn't got me buried.

                        I bought some All One nutritional supplement today and am going to try it for 10 days before I put out the $50/month on it. I'm pretty excited about it though. I figure it can only help.

                        Back to work for me now. Hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful Sunday. :l


                          January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2


                          2000 posts? I really do have a big mouth :H
                          I honestly didn't even notice it - guess I was too busy running my mouth!

                          The funny thing is - I don't really talk that much in person (anymore). I've just grown too lazy to pick up the phone & call someone. I think I do more emailing than anything else these days. Whatever

                          Decided to check in here while dinner is in the oven......the dark, gloominess has taken over I think. Wonder if there's time for one of Sooty's Granny naps before dinner??

                          Keep enjoying your day everyone!!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                            Hey Lav,
                            Just woke up from my granny nap.
                            I've had a good day. Biking and Buddha, always makes my Sundays rich.
                            Am sad to have missed the chat yesterday, tho I was sitting in a coffee shop chatting away with a friend from out of town, just in for the day. I would like to do weekly chat ups. Sunday does work better for me too.

                            Lode, just wanted to comment that I loved your saying "you don't have to do forever today". Very nicely put.

                            Also LBH, yes it has been a relief to me to gradually be able to put to rest my "sustained romantic illusions" about alcohol, though I did hold on to them dearly for so long.

                            Enjoy the rest of what's left of Sunday.

                            Don't know if this is correct forum etiquette, but my mind has certainly been focused on Haiti these past few days. Not a praying person, but sending hope and $ that way.



                              January:Just Do It~AF~Week 2

                              Happy Sunday all - Lav, thanks for all the posts - think of how many times you have said just the right thing at the right time.

                              I am worn out from work and travel, but my mind keeps going back to the visit from my friend last week. He is a very dear friend of many years, though we haven't seen each other for nearly 10. I got an email from him, saying that his brother had died, he was flying into my city, and he was on crutches because he had just had knee surgery and was in a lot of pain. Needless to say, I changed all my plans so that I could be in town to pick him up, get him to his hotel, etc. Later he shared with me that his brother had taken his own life, having found out that a cancer had reappeared and he had been let go from his job of 15 yrs. He left his 2 college age boys just about with nothing, but thought it better to leave them than to bankrupt anything they might have for themselves.

                              So I have thought a lot about people who feel they have no choices left, and who face such desperate circumstances. And I think about the situation that we find ourselves in -- fighting to retake our lives from a fearsome addiction; but I'm so grateful that we DO have a choice, we can take action, and we are taking action. The luxury of that fact has really hit home for me these last few days. It makes being on this path with all of you such a sacred place. Thanks to everybody.
                              to the light

