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AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

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    AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

    Good morning Abbers!

    I didn't see a thread started for here it is

    Nothing big on my plate today, work this morning, meeting a friend for lunch this afternoon. Skies are kind of gloomy, oh well!

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

    Sometimes you gotta take the initiative Lav. It's gloomy in Bath Uk too and snowy to boot. I am stuck in but it's all good AF I am reading a book on staring my own business.
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

      Morning abbers!

      And a lovely morning it is!! Crisp blue sunny day! Another 20F morning. One Christmas I played basketball outside in shorts and a tee-shirt. Here you don't really switch your seasonal clothes around - just the extreme ones.

      I got an e-mail from a GF that was a birthday party invitation. This is a GF who has had discussions w/ me about how much less she drinks these days, etc. In the e-mail, she announces bon fire, loud music and drinking everywhere... and spare beds just in case. And to pass the e-mail along as she didn't have address for everyone she wanted to invite.

      Wow. I haven't gotten past wow. Wow.

      Much to do! Have a a day to remember! In a good way of course.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

        I Officially hate cigarettes now!
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



          AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

          Good Morning All!
          Greenie....Wow! Is my thought as well! It's so funny how we notice "crazy talk" in regards to drinking these days! Last week I took a client to lunch, her husband whom I cannot stand invited himself along. This is the guy that got absolutely S--t faced at a lovely dinner party given by a a major vendor over the holidays! At lunch he kept laughing and carrying on about drinking...not funny, nor entertaining!

          It is so great Living Sober!!

          Have a good day all!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

            Hello abbers

            Lav - thanks for the start. Funny how some days this thread is very busy and some days not.

            Greenie - will you go to the party?

   - Are you seriously thinking about it? I had my own business for about five minutes until it went belly up.

            I'm umming and ahhing about going to an AA meeting tonight. I arranged my day so I'd have time for it but now I'm home and warm and it's dark and cold outside... I have about an hour to decide.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

              Happy Tuesday ABenators!

              just a quick howdy doody then I zoom zoom back to work saving the world one clove at a time.....

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                Hello ab landers! Lav you are probably in the midst of a great gal pal lunch by now. Hope you are having fun! Thanks for starting us off today!

      , what type of business are you thinking about? Hubby and I have our own and we hope we never ever ever ever ever have to go back to corporate life and Boss Slavery. It's not a cake walk but at least we have some influence over our own destiny rather than the situations we've both experienced with bad bosses from time to time.

                Greenie, your GF sounds like a couple of friends / acquaintances I have who seem like they might be in a place I've been (for years): Knowing that alcohol is a problem (talking about cutting back) yet wanting the party to continue. I'm so glad to not be in that place any more. I think one of my neighbors that I owe an amend to is in that place. How are you going to respond to the invite?

                Change, welcome to the Annoying Ex Smokers Club! :yougo: (actually, I try not to be annoying but to humbly remember what a very difficult addiction that was for me to give up....)

                Kate that sounds like an obnoxious lunch you had to endure..

                Marshy, you just keep me :H you are so funny!!
                I had my own business for about five minutes until it went belly up. :H I don't mind going out in the cold in the AM's even before the sun is up. But I can relate to the evening outings and some hesitation - especially during the winter! I promised my chiro I would go to a nutrition seminar she is hosting tonight and I KNOW I'm going to be "meh" when the time comes. But I am determined to keep the committment unlike the old days....... So let us know what YOU ended up deciding! (thank goodness AA is a meeting by meeting decision rather than a firm committment each and every time, eh?)

                Deter, you always have me :H too! saving the world one clove at a time.....
                :H Hope you are having a good day. I never DID see those pictures. Are they in your gallery now??

                Today is a just a pleasant day of cruising along through normal Tuesday stuff. I'm sort of glad the holidays are over and life is getting back to a normal routine. Other than the aforementioned evening nutrition seminar. What's cool is that I'm going to support my chiro who does me some favors in the chiro realm from time to time (i.e. I get some freebie adjustments now and then) She is also a client of DH and my business. So it's the nice thing to do - go support her seminar. And I'm sure I'll learn something. I'm glad I'm not fretting, stressing, and drinking over it, then looking for an excuse to not go because I'm drunk.

                You are right Kate! Sober Living is good.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                  Hello abbers,

                  I'm finally back in London and looking forward to 'normal life'. At least it's a lot warmer than the -15/-20C in Dadsville that I visited over the holidays.

                  It's my birthday tomorrow (yes, I'll be 29 yet again!) and I'm in the process of doing a mental inventory of where I'm at. I'm really pleased about my recent 'outreach' efforts to get in touch with people I was close to in the past but lost contact with after sliding off the map. I had a few London xmas lunches with such people in December and a few more later in Dadsville. One encounter was particularly intense with a woman whose husband of 20 years she recently discovered had had gay affairs for the past 10. Their divorce in now finalised. Anyway, she got into mindfulness meditation a while ago and lent me a book by Kabat-Zinn I remember WIP talking about. I'm treating it as a sign from the universe. It's been on my to-do list forever. Also, her father was an alcoholic - I told her I'd heard of the book on this website. Perhaps tomorrow, at the tender age of 29, I'll be mature enough to get started!


                    AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                    Pamina it's great to *see* you! Sounds like you have been a busy girl taking steps forward in your life. Happy-day-before-your-29th-birthday!! :bday7::day4::day5::rockband::b&d:
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                      Hi All,
                      Day 9 and life is good......went to the gym and ran and did some weights, then sat in the hot tub and watched it snow outside.

                      I feel great and I love being AF!



                        AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                        Shoot, don... what could NOT great about some good exercise and watching it snow from the perspective of a hot tub?

                        How am I going to respond to the invite? I'm still on Wow. I do have an earlier commitment to another GF. Timing wise, I can leave commitment one, slide by the birthday party and do a quick duck in and out with a desertish food item and gift. I look at the situation not in terms of danger factor but enjoyment factor.

                        Where has cindi been?
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                          Don, good to see you rockin' again today!

                          Greenie, I mentioned the neighbor I owe an amend to, and of course your post got me thinking about bon fires in days gone by. (we haven't had a big one since I've been sober)

                          I recall (in a fuzzy sense) a bonfire where said neighbor and his partner decided it would be a good idea to pull their car up close to the fire. When they later went to leave in said car, they hit at least 3 trees on the way out. Since that is my "bonfire" image, someone "a deserty item and a gift" just doesn't seem to fit. More like "some cheetos and a six pack...." :H Now I'm thinking "why did they drive the car down by the fire?" Now I remember. It was to have loud music. It probably would have been easier on the car if the battery had gone dead playing said loud music.

                          Oh my. I hope your friends bonfire is nothing like that one was. And I didn't think I had a real problem with alcohol??????? :egad:

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                            OK, how about this. Bring peppermint ice cream, eat it in my car from a neighbor's driveway and leave the gift in her mailbox. :H
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF-DAILY Tuesday Jan. 12

                              mmmmmmmm ice cream
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

