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AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

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    AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January;789794 wrote: I am 39 and had thought people were my age and older, now I find out otherwise. Perhaps the sense of older/wiser I was feeling comes from you guys being further along the AF recovery than me and having something for me to look up to.
    Happy Birthday Pamina enjoy the last days of the 20's while you can!
    At this stage, I can't tell who is kidding and who is serious! Just to clarify, and speaking ONLY for myself of course, I AM 29. In fact I have been 29 for a really long time. I can't speak for anyone else. Except of course for Marshy who I am SURE to my bones is lying about HER age. Not me though.

    ready2change;789799 wrote:
    But I feel ok knowing whatever happens with my job, I will be alright. But the GOOD NEWS is that no matter how upset I had been all day regarding this impending doom, I DIDNT DRINK!! I was emotionally exhausted, but went to the gym instead! Yahoo...major hurdle...I feel REALLY good about this accomplishment. Normally this would have been an excellent excuse to drink. But I refuse to turn my power over too anyone at this point in my life. Because it is MY life.
    YOU ROCK R2C!!!!!!! :rockband:

    Hmmm...peppermint ice cream for birthdays.....maybe I should reconsider my stance on having them with more frequency...

    Cowgal, congrats on your AFness!! I second the motion for you to go get some sleep now!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

      Marshy;789812 wrote: I'm 87 and look every single day of it
      Thank goodness someone around here is older than me!!!

      Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Very sweet.

      Ravenjoy, I'm not really 29 but don't tell anyone It's just that I've reached that mature middle age range where women join the trend that DG started, namely turning 29 forever and ever. See Lav, above!

      R2C - well done you!! Taking the bull by the horns may not always be elegant and turn out neat & tidy, but you did it anyway. Wow!

      I decided to postpone birthday celebrations until the weekend and express my new-found maturity by tackling some bulls of my own. Two of my flatmates are leaving for different reasons, and I had to negotiate future moves with a landlord who's prickly and hard to deal with. To my surprise, he agreed to all our proposals. Must be coz I'm so much older and wiser. Great birthday present - looks like I'm not getting evicted!

      DG - yes, my friend was obviously devastated. She had no idea the betrayal was taking place under her nose. We had a long discussion about dishonesty and denial, how patterns from our past play out in our own lives. Which to me ties in with the ODAT philosophy, Tolle, Kabat-Zinn, staying in the moment and coming out of hiding. Not possible with AL in the picture.

      This is my second birthday on MWO - woohooo!! Much less hidden than I was two years ago!

      Have a good one everybody.


        AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

        Good Afternoon, Abbers!
        Happy Birthday Pamina! I hope you have been having a wonderful day!:bday7:

        My, Oh My, so many of us are too...I had no idea!:wd:

        R2C, Great for the way that you are handling the stress of a possible job change....I know how difficult this can be.....Good Luck!

        Good for all who are in your first days of sobriety! And to the long termers.....Well Done! I find, that with each day, month and year of sobriety, the rewards are better and better!

        Have a great day all!
        xx Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

          Doggygirl;789970 wrote: At this stage, I can't tell who is kidding and who is serious! Except of course for Marshy who I am SURE to my bones is lying about HER age.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

            Pamina - re the gay husband - surprisingly common. I can think of three gay people I know (one man, two women) who are married to members of the opposite sex. One spouse knew before they got married, one found out after a few years and one still doesn't know as far as I'm aware.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January

              [QUOTE]pamina - re the gay husband - surprisingly common. I can think of three gay people I know (one man, two women) who are married to members of the opposite sex. One spouse knew before they got married, one found out after a few years and one still doesn't know as far as I'm aware.

              Oh my, I hope I'm not the one in the dark???:H:H I think not, but perhaps so...hmmm.

              Oh and BTW...I'm not 29...actually I'm 35 and holding!!

              Thanks everyone for the congrats...all is well thus far at work today and I still have a job here...guess I didn't spill as many beans as I thought
              Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                AF Daily, Wednesday 13th January


                I thought it was someones birthdays today, well now yesterday!!! Happy birthdays to u!!! Hope the were awesome!!!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

