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AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

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    AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

    Good morning Abbers!

    Everyone sleeping in???

    Just wanted to say hello before my day gets going. My grandson, Mr Busy is coming over shorthly.........I will be tired tonight

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

    Lavande;791366 wrote: Everyone sleeping in?
    I wish! Been at work for six hours. :H Only another four+ to go, then I'm off until next Weds
    Lav, I spent ages working out your mushroom deal. It was like one of those maths questions at school: "If Lav buys 3lb of mushrooms for $4, and Marshy buys 500g for ?1.50, who has got the best deal?". I knew I should paid more attention at school. (BTW, you got a GREAT deal :H).

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

      Morning abbers!

      Greenie is green with envy over lav's muchrooms. I know someone who orders her own mushroom log with spores on it or something and grwos her own. I'll see if I can hunt down the link.

      Going to see the Ansel Adams exhibit at the museum today and to a coffeehouse (advertizes as smoke and alcohol free) to see a music something with a GF (the one having the birthday party).

      Marshy, did you decide on a staycation?
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

        Good Morning, Abbers!

        Lavende, Happy belated Anniversary! Time with your grandson sounds wonderful! I am joining my son and granddaughters for some time in the park today! It will be 60 degrees here!

        Greenie....I love Ansel Adams...sounds like you have a spectacular day planned!

        Marshy.....only a bit to go and then 4 days off!! Yippy!

        Have a great day all.....and all to come!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

          Hi everyone! Happy Saturday...I'm getting ready to batten down the hatches. Were supposed to get 10-15 inches of rain over the next couple of weeks here in sunny Ca! We need it, just not all at once. Ah well, someone bigger than me has made the plans so I will go along with it.

          Hoping to catch a quick bike ride this a.m. before the storms start. Wishing everyone a great AF weekend. Extra big hugs to all those who are struggling.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

            Happy Saturday ABland!

            I'm also jealous of Lavande's mushroom stash!

            also bracing for the wet weather starting tomorrow. nice today tho! been out rolling
            around on the ground at my System class and enjoying life.

            Coffee houses are the best! highly awake people together in discussions, or quiet contemplation. compare that to a nasty smoky bar with TV's blaring. No comparison!

            be well peeps
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

              Here's a link for my mushroom loving friends........I live nearby

              Kennett Square, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Saturday January 16th

                Oops, duh!!!

                I posted on yesterday' thread, I am in a time warp, sick in bed all day yesterday, lost thre entire day, but needed it apparently, feeling better today for it! Found a lovely little apartment today to move into once I get divorced! It has a pool, gym, funny, went to check out the gym and talked to these two who were there, I said "you guys look really familiar" they said the same, turns out we just were at the same aa meeting an hour or so before this!! Is this a positive omen or what?!?! I think I will like it, a but expensive but can make it work, can be pretty frugal w/ my $$ when I need to, am planning to get a dog, am allowed a pet there, adopting(probably) ruby's australian sheppard, they r great w/ horses too...... It is all looking up!!! Life is good, esp af!!!! Yeah!!!!


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

