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AF-Sunday January 17th

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    AF-Sunday January 17th

    Good morning Abbers,

    Sleeping in again?
    Marshy, hope you are off today & relaxing

    Dark & damp here today, oh well. I'll find something useful to do & keep myself occupied!

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF-Sunday January 17th

    Terrific AF sunday indeed Lav and it does seem a bit quiet here. I need a Lazy sunday I think after work all week and doing teenage daughter shopping yesterday.
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      AF-Sunday January 17th

      Hello Lav & & all to come,

      So far today, I've:

      Overslept (yay!) and had to reschedule gym appointment
      Set fire to the oven (not very serious)
      Burnt some rice (much more serious)
      Oversalted the roast veg

      Got to make some bread now. What could possibly go wrong? :H
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF-Sunday January 17th

        morning everyone,

        haven't been posting much lately as since Xmas I have had a succession of relatives staying from Atlanta, Singapore, Australia and Canada ....... my mother is 85 and not in great health and my brother has terminal cancer, so they have all been coming over to see them before they pop their clogs. It has all tested my patience!! The last couple of days have been really nice though ..... me and my sister and her daughter (my niece) and her 6 month old baby. We all get on really well, and the weather has been atrocious, so we have spent lots of time indoors and chilling out and talking. And my great niece is such a beautiful wee baby ..... at that lovely point of smiling in a way that melts your heart!!

        Thye are all leaving today and after that I'm going to bed for a nana nap and to enjoy the sound of a house that has only me and cats in it!!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          AF-Sunday January 17th

          Glorious day so far! Rain cleared unexpectedly and I jumped into clothes and headed back to the art museum to watch the Ansel Adams documentary I couldn't find on line. Pouring rain when I got there of course. They showed the movie in the theater instead of the education room like yesterday so it was real "movie seats" instead of folding chairs and I was the only one in there for most of the 1 1/2 hour show. When I got out , the line to get into the exhibit was a mile long. So glad I saw the photo's yesterday when I could stand solo in front of each one. The sky had cleared again and was the air was a wonderful temp and breezy with billowy clouds flying by - much like Ansel's clouds. I got a coffe at a little cafe and wandered over to the riverfront park. The canal water level was topped out after the rain so I stood on the wooden bridge over the spillway in the mist from the water thundering out. WOW. Nothing like a good blast of negative ions! Oh, and then there was the rainbow. Oh, and the otter playing. Now I'm off with little doggie to the OTHER river park. Looks like I won't get to those house cleaning chores. Too bad. If this was a long time ago I would have never left the house.

          What a happy feeling!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF-Sunday January 17th

            gloomy rainy greetings from the high Sierras ABland!

            Marsy, please tell us the bread came out ok....

            MissBehaving glad your managing through a rough time

            Lavande, Raven, Greenie, I'm loving the vibes

            ps...if anyone is feeling too un-depressed just watch the movie 'the road' and that will fix you up seriously it's a great movie but utterly dark.

            ok, mushroom/potato soup is sounding good

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF-Sunday January 17th

              Guess I will start here

              I find the board a little too all over the place...and when you post its hard to track back to your post as that thread now may be on page 2-5. I really like how this thread is divided up into days.

              I have strung along several AF days...but...I find myself struggling with depression and anxiety. I guess I just thought I would be feeling better...not worse.

              Friday for business I was at a funeral home....and found myself rather jealous of the dead people. Don't take it was a light joke....but, stiill the thought passed through my head. Looking at them...I was saying to guys have no idea how good you have it! Again, light joke. And both had lived long full lives.

              I never really used alochol to sleep....but now find sleep hard to come by....and I know its fueling my depression and anxiety.

              Anyways...I know many here have some serious AF time under their belts....and would like to join the group if you will have me.

              I am taking many of the supplements suggested...some periods they work great and others not so much.


                AF-Sunday January 17th

                Hi yogahart and welcome! Great to have you here.

                I'm wondering if you are taking supplements as they will help your body recover - physically and emotionally. Exercise will do wonders as well. Be consistent with your water intake as well. Eat well. Have you read RJ's book? You can download it from the Health Store at the very top of this page.

                This will be helpful too.

                Here is a tip regarding your posts. Click on your name in a thread post. For example your post here. It takes you to a page that has your profile, etc. Then to the left of the page, click on find all posts by YogaHeart25 and it will list the beginning portion of your posts and you can click the one you are looking for and return to that thread.

                Sleep will come eventually, and the depression and anxiety will ease. It's so worth it!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

