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January: Just Do It! Week 3

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    January: Just Do It! Week 3

    Lav - I'm all for making a list of ways to fill the black hole. That would be a dynamite tool.

    LBH - I hope you're getting your guest room ready for me....oh ok, I'll sleep on the couch. Actually, seriously, the chicken de la semaine report should be on the filling the black hole list - it was a treat to virtually taste my way through your week. Sending healing wishes to Lord BH.

    Finding - thanks for posting, and thanks for sticking with us here.

    I finally am back in my city, back in my home, have put all kitchen things back in the cupboards, (had major work done while I was away) and now, I somewhat sheepishly admit, at 8:00 pm, I am taking a hot bath and going to bed. I am deeply, fundamentally tired. Will greet you all tomorrow - hope your Friday night is care-ful.
    to the light


      January: Just Do It! Week 3

      Hi there everyone,
      Sorry I have not been present lately--this week my husband was away, which has always been a time of heavy drinking for me. Plus I was hitting my 30 day mark, and was stressing about what I would do after that. The last couple of days were tough, so I've been in the background reading MWO, but unable to post. I'm not a smoker, but I went out and bought cigarettes just because I found I wanted to feel differently so badly. Wanted that immediate fix of sensation. Smoked 2 packs in 3 days. So then I went to the health food store and picked up Kava Kava and Valerian root--didn't do much for me, if anything, but the urge was so strong to give myself some kind of "help" to get through it.

      Cyn, a hot bath and early bed has saved my bacon on more than one occasion. Would that count as filling the "black hole"? Do you like your changes to your home after all the major work?

      Mandalay--I completely get what you mean about people watching the couple next to you with the bottle of wine. It's strange--before when I was out drinking with others I would notice their drinking to make me feel better about my drinking. The more they drank, the more I felt justified in drinking. But now, I notice others' drinking so objectively--it almost is having the opposite effect on me then it did before. But am still new to these af days, so am hoping that feeling continues.

      Shelley--thanks for the cozy vision of you getting in comfy clothes with a cup of tea and catching up with friends. That definitely could fill a black hole. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister, it still must be very hard at times.

      LBH, aka the Julie Child of MWO! I am so impressed with how healthy you cook and eat. Thanks for sharing your chicken recipe. Speaking of Julie Child, did you see the movie Julie and Julia? I thought the Julia segments were so fun to watch. I loved her attitude about going with the flow and not worrying about one's mistakes.

      Hi ya, Finding--thanks for opening up and sharing about your "caving in"--It has been so helpful for me to think of this all as a process--that our journey is not perfect. Like you said, figuring out what works and what doesn't. It is huge that you recognize how far you've come since last August. Coincidentally, that's when I started this journey, too.

      Red--thanks for the movie recommendation--am always looking for a good flick to....yes....fill the "black hole". I always steered cleared of movies with subtitles, until I saw "Life Is Beautiful"--been hooked ever since. Even like to put on the closed caption option when possible when watching a movie without subtitles--I find I don't miss so much if I'm reading it.

      Lav--I chuckled when I read about your chickens going to the Amish farmer. Does the threat work? Re: your DIL and her mom and birth mother--I can understand your loyalty to your DIL's mom and the hope that having a relationship with her birth mother won't affect her relationship with her mom. I know I've felt tinges of a little jealousy when my son has gotten along so well with his best friends mother ("He doesn't joke like that with me!" "He doesn't talk to me like he talks to her!" "He seems like he has so much fun with her!") I've come to realize that those thoughts are all about my own insecurities and not really about our relationship. I try to believe that love is abundant as opposed to feeling like there is only so much to go around. I truly feel grateful that my son has another adult in his life that cares deeply for him and can bring out the side to him that I am unable to right now. Maybe meeting her birth mother will fill her heart even more with love and thankfulness for her mom.

      So--hubby is home. I made it to 31 days, but think I'm going to try to stop counting. I don't want the pressure. I just know today I don't want to drink because I know when I do I drink to get drunk and I know I don't want that.

      Love to everyone,
      "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


        January: Just Do It! Week 3

        Hi everyone!
        Another friday night out the way and a glorious hangover free saturday beginning!
        Im off to the gym to take part in a charity spin event - unheard of for me on a saturday in my previous life.

        Sped - not rushing to do a 2nd date! Im going to try to find myself a nice AF man.... and for now happy to observe and chuckle at the drunk ones from a distance.

        Wishing you all a wonderful weekend... the heavens have opened again here in Portugal and we have almighty downpours, looking forward to a cosy night at home by the fire with my darling dog and a pot of green tea! How times have changed.....
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          January: Just Do It! Week 3

          Hello All,

          This is a link to a post from RJ. All I knew about RJ was what I read in the intro when I first found this site. I really liked the idea that this site was founded by a women and that it addressed the unique problems women have with this addiction. This is the first post I have seen from her and thought others might like to see that she is alive and well.

          Finding-You just hang in there with us. Don't ever give up. :l

          Lav-filling that black volunteer work has helped and excercise. Also remembering to give myself little rewards like watching a funny movie or buying nice smelling lotion.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            January: Just Do It! Week 3

            Good morning friends!

            I'm seeing the sun outside my window today I will go out & enjoy it!
            I will go out & talk to my hens & remind them either they start laying eggs again on they will end up in 'Ike's' (the Amish farmer) soup pot Seriously - I could no sooner eat one of my hens than I could one of my dogs!!

            Lil, I read RJ's post last night. I think it's the first I've ever seen from her. I think she met her goal in wanting to start a self-sustaining community!

            Finding, hope you are OK.

            Open, you can stop counting days if you want - it can get kind of annoying. I still get daily email from Quit Net - they count the # of days I've been smoke free. At 250 days now....I think I get it

            Chill, hope your rain ends soon

            Wishing everyone a terrific Saturday, I'll be back later.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              January: Just Do It! Week 3

              Weekend Greetings, JJDI's!

              I am checking in kind of late this day. I have been having some problems with my computer that kept me from getting on earlier. I hope this mysterious problem just goes away, but I somehow doubt that it will.

              Sooty, I tried the online hearing test. I passed. Thanks!

              LBH, That Ode to a Chicken was an absolute delight to read. Yes, I am inspired now!

              Finding, never, ever give up! I'm so glad you found your way right back with us. Honestly, if it weren't for this group there are many times I believe I'd just have given up. Keep posting. It makes all the difference.

              Open, contrats on 31 days!

              Sped, I don't think there is an official meet up in chat set for this Sunday. I'd sure like one for next Sunday though. Is anyone else available then? That's the 31st. If I'm home tomorrow at our "usual" time (4:00 EST) I will poke my head into chat.

              I am sorry to be so brief, but my time here is short.
              Peace and strength!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                January: Just Do It! Week 3

                Good morning all - just a quick post at this moment to tell you that I found something special on the website (some of you visited it to light a candle for MA?) I haven't seen too much of the site, though it looks wonderful at first glance. But what I did see there, and just finished checking out, is a labyrinth!! Here is the link: I clicked on the (Both) option, which is a little arrow guiding you through, which gives you pictures every so often, and fabulous quotes to think on. They will disappear at their own pace, which I found a little slow, but if you click, it goes on the the next thing.
                What I love about a labyrinth is that it reminds me so much of our journey...just when you think you're headed away from the center you actually are getting close, and vice me it means stop judging and just keep pursuing the path in trust.

                Open - CONGRATS on making your goal - I really understand about counting the days - it does feel like a lot of pressure. I also understand about wanting some 'other' experience to flow in...I feel that way often. You didn't drink, and that's the main thing. One word of caution: people with alcohol issues should not take Kava. I used to take it when I was first trying to go AF, and it backfired. I was told by a physician that it has very similar properties to alcohol, and can affect one in the same way. I'm glad it didn't make you feel different -- but maybe stay away just in case?

                Chill - it feels odd, but somehow connecting, to have the same weather here in the desert as you are in Portugal. Huge downpours, which of course here only produces flooding, but I miss rain so much that I am loving it. Sounds like your fire and dog and green tea are delicious things to be enjoying.

                More later today - everyone, good luck 'walkin the walk' today.
                to the light


                  January: Just Do It! Week 3

                  Hello everyone, really late checking in today, been terribly busy - childminding all day for friend who's father died and then running the party girl daughter here there and everywhere!
                  Got a quick hour to myself before I go and pick her up from tonights revellry.
                  Lav I think I did check in yesterday - I certainly meant to - but I haven't got time to go back and check.
                  Dill glad the hearing test went well. Its a useful thing to do I think.
                  I can't make chat tomorrow cos we're out for family lunch and then entertaining family at home but would love to make a date for next Sunday 31st - does that suit anyone?
                  So pleased there is more encouraging news about CG and i will check out the labyrinth when I have more time.
                  Have a good weekend everyone, I may not get chance to get on tomorrow - keep safe and keep strong.


                    January: Just Do It! Week 3

                    Open-Congratulations on 31 days!! Keep rocking on. :rockon:
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      January: Just Do It! Week 3

                      I look forward to exploring the online labyrinth, Cyn. Lord Bird Heart says that I am actually a spiritual person but I just don?t know it as I am ?there? all the time. Right. More like ?out there? all the time. Open, goodness do I know that feeling of wanting to contain things, feel better NOW, change the f-ing subject?I laughed (sympathetically) at a non smoker going out for cigarettes, there are times I would smoke my feet if I thought it would help. I am valiantly making an effort to fight off the onset Lord Bird Heart?s virus as I have what will probably be my only work assignment this month on Monday and I want to be there! Sounds interesting and I have been on the phone confirming things with people out of state so I can not be devoured by anything microscopic until Tuesday! I did have an oriental medicine doc come to the house and treat the already clearly improving Lord Bird Heart today as I have been irritated with him and don?t want him to die from an illness as I would rather kill him myself. He (the doc) gave me some herbs to push this virus back and I am going for it. Very cool about Mary Ann. Resilience is one of my favorite things. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        January: Just Do It! Week 3

                        Evening friends,

                        Kind of a slow day around here it seems........that's OK

                        LBH, maybe a little Lavan-itude will help you beat the viral attack! Speaking of hens 'understood' the threat I made to take them to the Amishman - had lots of eggs today!! I still have no idea what really makes those birds tick, even after nearly 6 years of keeping hens. Who knows? Felt like a real country girl today - went out in the pick up truck & came home with 8 bales (bagged) wood shavings for he hen house & 2 bales of straw for their very muddy yard. 7-8 years ago I never would have guessed I'd be doing things like that - things really do change

                        Dill, I hope your computer is OK & not picking upi a virus.....

                        Hi Sooty - see you here today Hope your daughter enjoys her birthday celebration!

                        Hi Lil & cyn! I will go check out the labyrinth myself - sounds cool!

                        Yesterday I thought I was missing today I'm wondering about MM.......has she checked in recently?

                        Well, I'm wishing everyone a safe & comfy night.
                        Take care.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          January: Just Do It! Week 3

                          Hi everyone. I am on day 21. Am I allowed to join in here?
                          Alcohol is poison to my life - AF 04 January 2010


                            January: Just Do It! Week 3

                            Hi JJDI's, an evening check in here.

                            Lav, I seem to recall our hens would slow down in the amount of eggs during the winter months. I wonder if it is the lack of light. I know the lack of sunlight has me down lately!

                            Cyn, I am looking forward to trying that link to the on line labyrinth. I hope I have time to try it tomorrow. In the meantime, I am walking the walk. Thanks for the heads-up about Kava. Interesting.

                            Open, as a non-smoker, how on earth did you stomache 2 packs in 3 days? I'm still scratching my head on that. But, I can definitely relate to the state of mind that led you to it.

                            Mandalay, do what you need to do to get relief from your aches and pains. We've probably done more harm to our livers with al than those meds can do! You follow your doctors orders.

                            LBH, I am glad LordBH is improving and I think I must agree with him that you are a spiritual person. It flows through your posts. I am pulling for you to stay well so you can go on your work assignment. Reason is, I want to hear a description of you drive!:H I love sitting shotgun while we fly across the dessert landscape.

                            Sooty, I am glad you are having such a good visit with your daughter. And I am definitely hoping for a JJDI chat on the 31st. We'll have to get our own room again! Especially because we tend to get a little rowdy!

                            Chill, how did your charity event go? Isn't it wonderful that you had an unhung Saturday and had the energy to participate? Your af lifestyle is a gift to more than just yourself! This was your 4th unhung Saturday in a row!

                            Lil, thanks for the link to the RJ post. I am very curious about her. It was gratifying to hear that she is still abstinent. I almost wish she would write a follow up book. Oh, she could write one about how to fill the black hole!

                            My black hole met with my black cloud today and they double teamed on me for a short time this afternoon. I emerged bruised but not bloodied, thankfully. I am back to feeling a bit more even keeled. I've had hot bath with scented candles, 1000 mg L-glut, 2 calmes fortes, and some quiet time. (Oh, and some Bit-o-honey candy!)

                            Tomorrow starts week 4. Whoever gets on first should start the week 4 thread. And we must start thinking of February names. WHAT?!!! ALREADY?!!:shocked:

                            Peace and strength.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              January: Just Do It! Week 3

                              Cross-post, Sky and Lav!

                              :welcome:Sky, you are definitely welcome to join us!!!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                January: Just Do It! Week 3

                                Sky, you are most welcome. Please let us get to know you a bit day by day. This thread in its various incarnations has kept me from going off the deep end since August. I was a nightly heavy drinker for many, many years and since that time have had only a very few instances of drinking and none that rivaled my usual ordinary drill. Welcome and peace to you, you will like it here very much. Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

