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AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

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    AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

    It seems quiet here...

    I have had to work overnight for a few days, not that happy about it, but its not hard work!

    Hubby and I went for a good bike ride on Sunday, and I'm back to normal work as per normal tomorrow, which means my new bike and I are going to be beat friends!

    I watched a few French movies last night, enjoyed!

    Can't wait to be back in my own bed, back into a healthy routine!

    Hope you all have a good day...

    AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

    It's quiet here because we are still on Monday. :H:H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

      Well I will get on Tuesday

      Regardless...I kinda like the thread being posted ahead of time...since I usually post too late to get any responses.

      The depression and anxiety are just what I have been trying to numb and avoid. Life right now seems like too root Chakra has been rocked to hell and back. The root is the safety and security....not so much for myself, but I am scared to death for my kids.

      My job is on the rocks...not just for me....for everyone in the office. Its just all due to economy. I do not like my job...because I am selling a bag of theory it all looks great...on the behind the scene....its crap. I am having a hard time morally even selling the product to someone....but, I need the pay check.

      I want to change my life. I am going to see a therapist to freaking learn "how to make decisions". If it was just me...I already know what my decision would be...but, my family counts on me for the $$. And I lam ucky to even have a job....but, am I really lucky when it is sucking the life out of me?

      Now that I no longer numbing myself....I almost feel like I am in a box...caged into something I can not get out of. I can barely breath. I needed AL to stuff those feelings! And quite frankly he did a good job.

      I just now want more.....I want to wake up everyday and not cry....I want to be proud of what I do. Not only what I do for a living...but, what I do for a living rolls over into every part of my life. My job is not my life or even me...but, it rolls over.

      So off to the therapist...I will go.


        AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

        LeeLou thanks for starting it out early today. Starting to get back into posting. Been AF for 19 days now. But, I have to say that I feel fortunate - have started a new AL-Free life and it feels better each day. An exciting journey has begun, It opens up some many new opportunities for positive change - some that I clearly know about and some that I don't even know yet. So glad to have this forum and the friends I have met here.

        YogaHeart25, I can not even imagine what you must be going through, it must be very hard. A hard time for you, but it is an extremely positive thing that you are not drinking and talking about this transition your going through and doing something about it - thats all any of us can and should do - You should be very proud of yourself for climbing the steps - hard work. Stay strong, don't be afraid - think positive thoughts and keep climbing. A job does not always define you, it is sometimes just a means. But, you already know that and you want to change it. Stay the course, even if you don't know what your path is. I certainly don't - I leave that up to the man upstairs - look and listen for the new doors to open. So, by being AL-Free - sooner than you might imagine, those stairs won't seem so hard to climb and new doors will open for you....

        To you and Everyone else, Happy Tuesday! If it is not happy for you - just pretend it is and you will feel just a bit better. Peace Out, TWO


          AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

          Hey, I'm back on the right day! Nothing like being so completely punctual that I'm a day early!

          That reminds me of how I read newspapers, I always read them when they are a day old, that way, all the bad news I read doesn't upset me so much because it is old news and no doubt the current newspaper has new bad news, so it takes the edge off what I'm reading.
          I've done that for years!

          Have you ever noticed how children can adapt to change more easily than us adults? Reading comments of uncertainty in today's world reminds me to be open to change, even if it's got you restless with fear, or is harrowing and scarey, because change brings new experiences that enrich us and make us more flexible than we knew we were.

          Really, the "NOW" is what I need to give my energy to, not the past, not the future, but the NOW. I'm sure reading day old news helps me remember that.... Past has gone, future hasn't arrived, I'm here now!

          Happy NOW everyone.


            AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

            YogaHeart, my heart goes out to you. I spent many years in a job I hated, but had to keep up because of my kids. Finally I'm out of it. Keep your eyes open and keep praying - a door will open.
            You can be very proud of yourself for going through this without AL.
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

              Hi abbers,

              I was woken up by the recycling truck collecting everyone's empties - not mine! Haha

              Leelou - the early thread start is obviously popular (hint, hint). I'm the exact opposite with news - I'm an absolute news junkie and love watching rolling news channels!

              :welcome: YogaHeart & ThisWayOut.

              Yoga - I don't know how long AF you are but it does take a while for our minds and bodies to heal and calm down, especially if you've been drinking heavily for a long time (like I did). It feels raw and unsettling at first but will get better in time. I know how stressful upsets at work can be - have looked at job ads to see what else is out there? I know the economy's not good but you might be surprised what's available - and that way you can take some control rather than waiting for the axe to fall.

              This Way - well done on the 19 days!

              Have a great day everyone.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                Great thread this Tues!!!

                I can relate Leelou, working nights sux, but it pays the bills and getting used to it(plus getting along so well w/coworkers is a big asset) doesn't happen in most medical facilities as I have noticed over the yrs.

                Yoga, can totally relate to feeling how u feel, may have a little to do w/ attempting to go totally af, 13 days now, was pretty successfully moderating on the baclofen until my last debaucle, ruined a friendship, had horrible hangover, which I hadn't had since before starting baclofen 8/ really off scedule working nights, another thing that sux about it, the eating/sleeping/taking meds stuff gets really f'd up!! Mine might also be the stress of change coupled with divorce, changing the entire life, alone!!! Scared shitless!!!

                And leelou, thanks for getting us started!! :thanks: Didn't mind u starting earlier than the actual Tues, wish I'd have known, would have come by earlier!!

                Hope everyone has a wonderful day, tho it is Tues, it is like my Friday!! Just did 3 12 hour nights, that is almost 40 hours, no wonder I feel brain dead...... Scarey thing is I have a jam-packed day?!

                Lots of love,:l:h

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                  Morning abbers!

                  I had the productivity switch on yesterday and it was grand! I didn't eat dinner till 9 PM, but I was really pleased. I like efforts with real visual results and grumbled through the paperwork accordingly. But the garage sorting was glorious! I've got a busy day downtown today and included in that is a session with a friend for energy work and then lunch with her.

                  So much more than simply unhung!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                    Hi All,
                    Day 16 here and all is well. Spent the weekend in Michigan taking care of FIL who is going through his second round of chemo. My wife picked up some kind of stomach virus and spent the day Saturday in the ER.

                    Both Fil and wife sick as a was a lot of fun....

                    But I did it sober....and that's what it's all about.....dealing with life's ups and downs without drinking.

                    Hope you all have a good day!



                      AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                      Hi All
                      sounds like you have a lot on your plate Don. life is hard when you are dealing with family members health. It is good to see you in a strong place building your foundation back up.Yes this is life and it is so much better facing it sober.
                      As someone who worked in a job my whole life that I didn't like I can relate to all here who find themselves in this situation. I look back and see how I used al to numb my life. I had other options in regards to what I did off the job.I chose the easy way out al. I wasted a lot of my life. For those younger than me, you might not be happy doing what you are doing ,and have to do it to put food on the table but find constructive outlets. Look for a passion outside your job that can add to your enjoyment of life.

                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08
                      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                      AF 5-16-08


                        AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                        Greetings all,
                        I speak just for me, but I found it better to deal with issues without alcohol. It was tough for me at first (well still is sometimes), but now I just "feel" the stuff, good, bad, whatever. Sometimes it helps me to write down the feelings. For over 30 years I reached for a beer (well not just one but maybe 12 or so) anytime I felt uncomfortable. Hell, I reached for the beer when I felt good to celebrate ya know.
                        It has been much better without alcohol.
                        Have a great day.
                        Love and Peace,

                        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                          AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                          Hello Abbers!

                          Chief, congrats on your 16 AF days! Thank God you were able to be 'present' for your wife & her Dad. I went thru all the years of caring for sick & dying parents....rough times, my thoughts are with you.

                          Greetings to everyone, just stopping in to say Hi
                          Wishing a good day to one & all. I'm dragging already....noisey spouse woke me up 2 hours early today - grrrr!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                            Just stopping by to do my daily check in and say hi too, love n light to all.
                            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                              AF Daily -Tuesday 19th Jan

                              whew, tired late night check-in from a casino in the hoary depths of Las Vegas (or is that Whorey?) hahahah, at any rate my sense of humor is still awake, and Im AF in the lions' den.

                              the creepy thing about this show is it's the same tradeshow in the very same casio where I had my last binge. creeeee peeeeee! but also amusing.

                              anyhow, hope your all good and well. YogaHeart, you may want to do some advanced breathing exercises, I'm sure you know the techniques. they are powerful stuff.

                              love to you all, time to zzzzzzzzzz
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

