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    So I crashed and burned last night (Mon). Not that I would reccomend it....but, I needed it in order to realize that AF has to be it.

    Slept most of the day...and then went to yoga.

    Prayed a lot and I have a sense of calmness that all this crap will just work it self out.


    Good morning abbers!

    Yoga, I hope you have arrived at the realization that AF has to be it. It is a great place to be. The trick is holding that realization.

    My AF self is a woman posessed in the garage! I go out there just to admire it. And I've only managed the tip of the iceberg! (remember when I got a lawn mower :H) Still no purse.

    I've got to channel that into the tax stuff today too.

    Det will you see morrison? Haven't heard a peep from him in a while.

    Happy hump day! Hey, check out my post and link in holistic!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      Good morning Abbers,

      Sorry to hear about your crash Yoga. Jump right back on the wagon & refocus - you can do it!

      Greenie, you're rubbing off on me! I vacuumed half of my garage yesterday I need to focus on tax stuff today too. Boring but necessary!

      My daughter introduced me to Fatfree Vegan Recipes My rising cholesterol level is demanding more dietary changes. Think I'll go look for something for dinner

      Have a great Humpday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        And vice versa, lavande! I'm going to have the lemony quinoa with butternut squash tonight. I roasted an acorn squash last night and I have everthing else on hand!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          Hello abbers,

          Flying in from the coal face. Lav, that site looks good. I'll have a shufty later.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



            happy unhung Wed ABenators!

            my meeting is being delayed due to my coworkers being victims of Vegas nightlife not me, i went to bed early and feel like a million bucks.

            Lavande, I'm also battling the hi cholesterol thing. be careful not to cut all fat out of your diet (ie the good fats) as they are critical to heart and brain health. the heart derives 50% of it's energy directly from fat metabolism for example. Of course that would be good extra virgin olive oil and not sat fats or even worse trans fats. I'm trying to eat well on the road but it's a challenge.

            yogaheart, rest well. for so many of us AF=LIFE. plain and simple.

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)




              I have included good quality olive oil & GARLIC in my diet for as long as I can remember
              The truth is my diet has always been pretty healthy - I think I'm just battling a genetic problem! But, there's always a little room for change..........
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                Morning Abbers......Det, I am sure being back in the place that you had your last bad time with AL seems the same time, it is the place that finally pushed you to turn your life around!! And what a grand job of that you have done!!

                I am busy....have tons of work to do!! I hate mundane spread sheet stuff! But, it must be is a gloomy day I will listen to ABBA and type away!!

                Yoga....I hope that you take some time to figure out what you need to do. You were determined to get drunk and you did.....did anything truly get any better for you? I truly hope that you are able to find your way out. Nothing, but nothing is ever made better by drinking! Best Wishes!

                I am keeping Cowgal in my thoughts today, as I am sure many of us are. I hope that her recovery is swift and that she can turn her life around.

                OK....zoom, zoom.....Have a good day All
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007



                  good food and the feel good factor is all part of recovery for me. I am a vegan too, I am doing spinach curry tonight with brown basmatti Yum.
                  I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.



                    Morning all,

                    Det - it must be nice to have some free time and be able to enjoy it with a clear head!

                    Greenie you can come and do my garage any time! Mr B is a hoarder, and sometimes it gets so out of control that the car has to remain in the driveway!

                    I'm feeling a bit sleep deprived at the moment ....... it has been very humid which is quite unusual. And every couple of years the weather conditions as such that the population of this flying bug thing (dont ask me its name!!) increases dramatically. They have the delightful habit of coming in the drains, flying up to the ceiling, and then dropping to the floor when their life cycle is over. The last couple of days I have come home to them on the carpet, but worse than that is that they drop on me during the night. :H:H After two nights of this I am going mental!! Think I may sleep downstairs tonight on the couch, where it is a bit cooler..........

                    I''ve been reading a lot about diet and depression and starting to get serious about the "cut out wheat and sugar" route. Putting my back into it while Mr B is out of town ...... if it makes a big difference for me we will need to have a serious talk as his dietary preferences are very different from mine!!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe



                      Lack of commitment ... on my part

                      The last week for me included almost daily Al....mind you, very minimally, but daily. I intended to be AF and have not. I did not lie, I did not pretend, and... I did not follow through on being a part of the AF pact. Ouch.

                      "I wasn't ready." "I still had some holiday AL in the house." "There has been a lot going on." "I have too much stress." "It's ok, I am not over doing." "I can't have a social life and not have a glass of wine." "I will be ok if I manage it." "Just until I get past taxes."

                      This is the BS I am feeding myself. I wanted to let you all know that I will be back here, when I am ready to commit. I don't want to take up space with weak statements. But...I WILL be back!




                        Thank you for the support

                        Thank you to everyone for the support.

                        Did anything good come out of it? In a way yes, and in way no. Did it actually solve any of my problems...only the crushing anxiety at hand. That did get my hubby and I on the same page. I slept ALOT...which I was severly deprived of. And I was able to get some perspective on my problems.

                        That said...I woke up today grateful for my job....and closed 5 deals. All of them that I feel confident that my product will perform well for. Its the days of stress and pressure that cause me to close deals I know are shit. But being true to myself, the gratefulness and the sleep and then AF me closer to where I need to be.

                        Also, I was home for my kids because I took the day off....and it was great to have the opporutnity to do homework with them. I have to work that in more.

                        All made me important it is to actually get AL out of my life.

                        Hidden...don't leave...just be honest and ask for help. I am still struggling like hell...but its not worth it to give up.

