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Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

    Hi all! Mary thank you so much for starting the weekly thread for us, and thank you and everyone for the terrific posts so far. So much of it hit home for me!!!

    I especially like this topic that was touched upon several times - summed here by jessie:

    jessie;797015 wrote: Dancelot, I really enjoyed your post and the wisdom in it....throwing away relationships to allow myself drinking time (alone)...that was me. And simultaneously complaining about loneliness, how insane. All the best to you all.
    I too did all kinds of insane things to achieve the "relief" of being left alone, to drink when and how much I pleased.

    We talked at the meeting today about the realities of life - the ups and downs. I don't like the "downs." Who DOES like downs? I'm sure people who have never drank or who drink normally don't like the "downs" of life any more than I do. I'm so grateful that I'm finally learning about acceptance, and also having the courage to change the things I can rather than trying to drown out life in alcohol.

    I was thinking today about the post Cindi made a couple of weeks ago about spiritual bankruptcy. I really appreciated that post, and it drove home to me why spiritual growth is so important to my recovery. I really didn't understand before AA how spiritually bankrupt I had become with all the lies and selfishness, etc. I'm so glad to be on a better path.

    Dancelot, I feel like these meetings help me screw my head on straight. I particularly like the days when I can go first thing in the morning.

    I'm so grateful not only to be sober, but that for today, the obsession to drink has been lifted. I could not possibly do all the things I'm actively doing today if I were drinking, or even obsessed with thinking of drinking constantly. I have a life again!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

      cpn1004;797007 wrote: Greetings all. I am on the road this week in Stamford, CT. A little cooler weather than Texas. I started with my 630am meeting in TX and hope to catch a couple of meetings here. It will be a challenge since I have not shared with coworkers my AA life. But I have my own car so I may sneak out. How's that, sneaking out to NOT drink.Life is funny.
      :H:H:H I hope you will tell us about the CT meetings! Travel safely.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

        Thank you Dancelot for your wonderful post. I loved that you even thought up an excuse for the garbage man. That's something I definitely would have done. And I was always so happy when my husb did things w/his friends...only to have him come home to a comatose me.

        DG: Always good to see you. I too am so grateful for having the obsession lifted.

        Phil: I haven't shared my AA membership w/everyone I know. A few of my trusted friends & family. I'm OK w/that. People will find out about it when/if it's supposed to happen.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

          Dance, I agree. I feel the same way sometimes. I think the program would be beneficial to other people who aren't alcoholics to help with their character defects. I don't believe it is only alcoholics that suffer some of the maladies that are mentioned in the big book. Maybe someday someone will write a book to help non alcoholics with their problems.
          And yes, it is good therapy for a low price.
          I'll keep going.



            Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

            My husb, who is not an alcoholic, comes to my Sat. meeting w/me sometimes. He often says (kiddingly) that maybe he'll start drinking so that he too can join AA. The tools & principles can apply to anyone. My husb is in Alanon, but the focus is very different.

            As for me: I'm dealing w/alot & staying sober throughout. Sometimes I shake my head at myself, wondering why I thought drinking would make me feel better or help me cope.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31


              I finally got to a meeting last night after a few weeks. Whew. The relief I felt when I walked in the door and saw my friends there was immediate. It was actually a better feeling than I ever had with a drink.

              I love the start of the year in AA because the Daily Reflections and the readings are all about the beginning steps. Where I am.

              I posted on another thread to a member here about how us alcoholics never did learn to live life on life's terms. I used alcohol starting at a very early age to relieve stress. I would come home and drink a glass or two of wine and get that immediate relief. Then, when I was having a good time, I made it better by adding alcohol to the mix.

              Having finally figured out that I am, in fact, powerless over alcohol once I take that first drink, and that abstinence is my only choice if I want to keep my power, I am now looking down the road and realizing I must now learn to live life on life's terms. The good, the bad and the ugly.

              I thank God for AA. Those 12 Steps are a template for learning to live that life and live it well.

              I also thank God for MWO and my friends here. Without MWO, I would never have even figured out how to start this journey.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                I also thank God for MWO and my friends here. Without MWO, I would never have even figured out how to start this journey.
                Oh my gosh Cinders, this totally sums up how I feel. Before MWO, I never had any sober time, I didn't have a clue where to begin. And living with alcoholics all my life, I didn't have anyone to show me the way.

                When I first joined in 2007, I bought all the supps and the CD's and immersed myself. I was extemely active on the boards. I stayed sober for 6wks with my hubby! It was heaven. Then I suppose I thought I was "cured". Hah!! I have been fighting this battle ever since, much like you in many ways. I have had way more sobriety the past 2 1/2yrs but have not made it to total abstinence. Sans rehab, I have tried everything. But like you I will never give up hope. I keep reading and attending AA and waiting for my spiritual awakening. I KNOW it will happen, and I welcome it with open arms.

                I attended a speaker meeting this weekend, and the man who spoke had 42yrs sobriety!!! My goodness, that almost as long as I have been alive. This man also had Parkinsons and he described how some of the drugs had effected him, not a pretty story. But the main point he made was, we as alcoholics have a choice to not pick up that first drink, unlike Parkinsons, in which he has no choice. That really stuck with me. We DO have that choice, albeit not an easy one at times, but a choice none the less.


                And I agree that AA is a way of life, not just for alkies, I think the Big Book should be taught in school. It sure would save a lot of kids from having to learn lifes lessons the hard way. I love all the principals that AA spells out. I only wish I would have found it sooner. But I'm sure there is a reason for the timing.
                Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                  Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                  Cindi: I could have written the post you just wrote. MWO was my starting point toward recovery. I knew I was drinking too much but didn't know what to do about it. Like you R2C, I came here in '07 & had a very up & down path. AA along w/MWO has been the combo that has been working for me these last 10 months (ODAT). I thank God for that.

                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                    I too came here in 07 for the first time. Didn't want to hear anything about AA.
                    Tried, but not too hard. Stayed sober here and there, but stayed away for a while. When I hit bottom, I came back to stay and started AA and outpatient therapy. With all 3 and my higher power leading the pack, I've come 9 months. Never would have thought that possible a year ago.
                    Amazing isn't it. We are all a miracle.



                      Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                      good morning everyone,im not around much,but its always nice to read progress,1 day forty years,jsut the same,one drink from a drunk,i to lerned lots from AA,good and bad,take what you need,leave the rest behind,the doors are never closed,i havent been to an AA meeting since middle December,but ive also been thro there doors for 10 years,not a long time,hate going to a meeting and have to leave cause i hurt from sitting to long,i no as long as you show up,we as human beings , even tho sober, are judgemental,you can see it in the eyes,but its not a reason to drink,as ive said many times, i personally like this thread,if someone comes on, if you dont have somthin positve to say,dont say it,listen and lern,or in our case read and lern, have a wonderful day all gyco


                        Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                        I too like this thread, as it gives the message of hope & recovery despite the fact that people are in different places. I don't go to other threads as much as I used to (there are only so many hours in the day), but I know there have been conflicts & disputes. Not so this thread. I haven't felt the least bit threatened or ridiculed in any way. That's saying something! Because I can be thin-skinned & overly-sensitive (char. defects of mine). I just get so much out of this thread that I look forward to it each AM & read a few minutes during the day.

                        I have to remember that we're all on the same path. As Gyco said: one day or 42 years. We're all doing it ODAT (one day at a time). Yes, it gets easier as you accumulate some sober time. Yes, the obsession lifts. But we're all subject to stinkin' thinkin' from time to time. The old "I'll just have one" myth is so, so tempting to old-timer & newcomer alike.

                        I've come a long way since I had to turn off the TV when a AL ad came on or had to sit w/my back to the bar when we went out ot dinner. I can be around drinking & feel comfortable. I am still a bit hyper-vigilant (noticing what & how many people drink), but that's decreasing as I go along. I'm left w/the total understanding that I don't drink like the vast majority of the people in my circle of friends & acquaintances. That's a good thing for me. Noticing wo/judging that I never drank & cannot now drink like a normal drinker.

                        I noticed that my husb just took the big barrel of empty soda cans & beer cans to the recycling center today. It's connected w/the liquor store. I used to do that chore, as I loved to cash in my rebate for a bottle of wine. The cans/bottles have been accumulating for a long time, since I no longer go into liquor stores.

                        Anyhow, enough rambling.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                          Retteacher -I started lurking on this thread this for that very reason. It is just so peaceful and hopeful overall. That's something I needed to maintain my sobriety, I think. No, I KNOW I need that now, and am happy to have found you guys and AA.

                          I hadn't noticed (that doesn't mean it wasn't there) a lot of conflict around here until recently, but attributed that to the recent stressful days around here. This forum is a lot more civil than some, where I've taken one look and said, "No thanks!" All this new stuff I'm picking up from AA has helped me so much in being able to distance myself enough that I'm more able to accept that not everyone's going to agree with me, some may not like my opinions or me, but I can accept that and them. This kind of thing used to bother me (after all, I'm just trying to help!).

                          I noticed something else the other day - where I live, the city is divided into wet and dry areas, and alcohol isn't sold everywhere. My favorite AA group meets just past the liquor line. I used to associate that route with the discount liquor stores, and now I barely notice them - now it is the route to my favorite meeting place. I also have a joyful little anticipation going on as I'm driving, rather than the slightly desperate feeling I used to have - do I have any left at home (since I never remembered), how much should I buy, and what kind(s), will I run into anyone I know.....
                          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                          AUGUST 9, 2009


                            Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                            isnt it odd how much wisdom one can have without taking a drink,and most of us,or i, years ago tht it was the other way around,i to use to pop from thread to thread,i lirk and sometimes try to help someone new,it was odd the other day,went into the insside pocket of my old jacket, and found an empty,dang,lol,vodka bottle,one i finished,i lerned a lot in treatment,i beleive bill and bob said some will not lern what they need at AA,some have to be put away,im starting to understand tht a bit better these days,as my sponsor and many friends at AA said,you have it,just takes time to let go,im glad i got you folks and others here at mwo,was away for a while but i think all stay a while,gues i had to vent thnx all


                              Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                              I agree that this thread is absolutely wonderful. Everyone who posts on here offers so much insight and wisdom. The longer I read on here, the more I am making the connection between how I have been seeing and dealing with life and my drinking. I have been fooling myself into thinking the reasons were just life's circumstances. I think that's a good revelation, because now I know there are tools available to help.

                              I am almost finished reading the book "Undrunk" that Phil suggested. I am ashamed to admit I had no idea what all AA is about. I have been very judgemental in the past of AA members, but I am beginning to see them as very strong people who took responsibilty and made positive changes.

                              I am going to my first meeting tomorrow night ( there, I said it now I have to do it...)
                              I am a secret drinker and very timid about opening up to anyone, but I think I'm ready to take that leap.

                              Thanks again to all of you. Like I said before - you're my heroes.

                              A special thanks also to those who are new to AA and have been posting their experiences. I just hope there are people like you all there.

                              Have a super evening!!!!

                              AF 01/30/10

                              Look Back & Thank God
                              Look Forward & Trust God
                              Look Around & Serve God
                              Look Within & Find God


                                Weekly AA Thread - Week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 31

                                Horsegirl -

                                All I can say is I was pleasantly surprised. They don't pressure you at all. Even I feel comfortable talking now, and I'm the world's biggest chicken in a group of people. Now I look forward to going every day, and always come away with something positive. There's a great group that meets 5 minutes from my house.

                                Good luck on your meeting - let us know how it goes!
                                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                                AUGUST 9, 2009

