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February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

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    February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

    Hi All,

    I mentioned on the daily thread yesterday that February is my new January. It's time to kick my resolutions into gear which translates into getting back on track with exercise and healthy eating.

    Today I went to boot camp. It was an upper body and cardio day. There are about 20 of us who work out with a trainer from 5:30 - 6:30 am. We meet outdoors except for in the coldest months of Janurary and February. I get my workout finished before the rest of my family is awake!

    Tomorrow is kickboxing.

    So, what's on everyone else's exercise agenda for February?

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

    Yikes, I wouldn't be able to get anywhere for 5.30am, let alone bootcamp. Good for you, momof3!
    I'm gymming n swimming as usual - strolling in there about lunchtime :H
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

      Good for you Marshy,

      I'd never make it if I waited til lunch time. I lose my motivation as the hours of the day go by.

      Lots of snow here today. Roads were bad and schools closed so no working out for me today
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!


        February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

        This Can be Done at Home

        Great workout this morning. We did the Spartacus Workout developed by Rachel Cosgrove. Here it is.

        High-Intensity Circuit Routine: Men's
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

          OK - I'm crawling in here in shame. Thanks M3 for kicking things off this month!

          I had to take a couple weeks off due to the elbow problem and also had to re-think the situation with the trainer I was working with. It really wasn't for me in the end. But of course I needed to try it out to see for myself!

          I'm getting ready to start back up tomorrow using the format outlined in New Rules of Lifting for Women.

          I've been doing more research on my hip problem and squats. I'm hoping with more mobility type stretching and more gentle but persistent work on squats, things will improve. We shall see. Anyone experienced with hip arthritis please weigh in and give me some hope!!!!

          Anyway....There is so much out there between books, videos on You-Tube, etc. that I'm gaining confidence in just working on my own program rather than paying a lot of $$ to someone for help, especially when I end up having to modify so much of it anyway due to the dang limitations of my .....youth (29).

          Anyway, I've been eating like a piggie too over the last couple weeks so I'll be digging myself out of a hole!!! Tomorrow I'm going to do the first weight training plan and I'm thinking some interval sprints too.


          DG (I hope I didn't just break the whip on my fat ass)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

            I'm almost done with my diet. A couple/few more weeks left. I'm somewhere near 10% right now and I'm trying to push it lower like around 7-8%. Finally getting to the point to where I won't necessarily be embarrassed by posting a pic.

            Here's me at 165 lbs and 10ish % bodyfat last night. It's me with my shirt off so it's not work appropriate, be forewarned:

            My goal for the next 2-4 weeks is to NOT shove cocoa puffs in my face when I wake up at 1am and break into sub 10%.

            @ Doggygirl: Squats are where it's at! They hurt, even without an arthritic hip. Good for you!
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

              Hey DG,

              Sorry to hear about the hip. I'm just "crawling back" myself because of a back injury in July. Every time I started to workout, it would flare up again. Feeling good now though.

              I had a problem with my hip a few years back. I finally relented to a cortisone injection. It hurt like hell but did the trick.

              I'm sure you will find your groove with exercise.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

                M3, I don't know what's going to become of this hip. Arthritis just doesn't magically go away. If you have any good links to stuff you might have read up on that led you to a C-shot I would love to know about them if there is any info you highly recommend.

                Mean time, back to the gym this morning for the first workout of NROL4W as New Rules of Lifting For Women seems to be abbreviated. I also did 60/120 sprint intervals. My thighs should be good and sore tomorrow. :H


                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

                  Great swim today - had a lane to myself in the pool, which is pretty much my definition of a good swim.

                  DG - looks like you're back with a vengeance! What does 60/120 mean? You'd think I'd have learnt some of the exercise jargon by now, but... nope.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

                    Hi DG, I don't have any specific sites regarding hip arthritis and cortisone injections. Perhaps you can Google it. I had bursitis.

                    I do recall the doctor who injected me (who is also a good friend) saying that cortisone is often used as a treatment for arthritis. There is some other treatment called a "gold injection" too?

                    Good for you for getting out there and working out, especially when in pain!

                    As for myself, I have been a snowbound slug.

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It

                      Hi from "Down Under"

                      I've been commuting to work on my new bike... but I know I need to ramp my exercise up over Feb. Mentioned in Abbers post that I got an email tonight about another 8 week challenge from a health fitness group aimed to help a charity... cheap, positive, result driven and achieved... I'm nuts not to commit again...

                      SO... you might see me here more...


                        February Abbercizers--Let's Go For It


                        That sounds really good. Those challenges are a "win-win" for all. I really find it so much easier and rewarding to exercise if I have a goal in mind such as a race or a fitness challenge.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!

