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Trying a different way...??

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    Trying a different way...??

    Hello everyone-:new:

    I wanted to post because I am trying to stop drinking AGAIN and I need your advice.
    I have tried AA about 10 times-sponsor, told family the works. I start feeling happier when I'm sober but its still that first time and lots of mood swings depression, anxiety. When I get to 3 months like its on schedule I have a horrible freak out and drink and within a week I am right back to drinking the way I drink...3 glasses of wine before work, about 7 after work. Sometimes sneak a couple on lunch but don't usually get a lunch break. SO I decided to see a counselor who then referred me to a psychologist....he prescribed what's called a medical detox with Valium and an anxiety drug. He also gave me a couple weeks of Campral to try, but only if I need to its not really part of the plan. I am planning to start next Monday. Can anyone who has tried this advise me on what to expect or helpful suggestions? He also says I need some sort of sponsor, just any woman whose a positive influence that I can talk to. I have tried AA so many times and I had to just admit it wasn't working- at least not AA alone. Please, if anyone has tried a medical detox what can I expect I have always SELF medicated, never taken any antidepressants. Thanks!
    I ain't afraid of no ghost....

    Trying a different way...??

    :welcome: marriedgirl29

    I'm one who did a home-detox with valium.

    1st can I ask what dosage has he prescribed and 2nd have you booked a few days off from work?

    J x

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Trying a different way...??

      Married, I can't help you with the med aspect of your question. Just wanted to let you know I'm rooting for you to succeed. Keep trying different things until you find what works for you.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Trying a different way...??

        No, I have to work all those days. My husband doesn't want me to start the program when we go on our little vacay to a mountain town cabin this weekend but I think it might be the right time since the stronger doses are in the beginning and at least I'll be off work. Let me grab the bottles and tell you what he prescribed me....I know it's fairly strong I have been drinking a lot for a LONG time....and I'm only 28. I'm really very terrified of quitting even though I know I'm not normal. Dad and grandparent's alchoholic. The doctor said he could tell I was getting anxious by the end of our meeting- shaking my leg, etc. and he thought this was what I needed even though it sounds like a lot esp for a non pill user like me.

        OK...its a weird start strong taper off deal...1 valium(generic diazepam) 10 mg 3x day...2 well as Celexa generic Citralopram 20 mg half pill for 4 days then 1 daily for the remainder...the valium tapers to one 20 mg twice daily for 5 days then half pill twice daily for 5 days. He says if its too strong take half pill.

        As I mentioned before I am going to keep trying and the forums are really helping me get the strength to hope again. When you keep failing at AA you kind of lose hope. But I saw an HBO special about alchoholics taking Naltrexone and started researching online and decided to try something different. Thanks for reading and any feedback is very welcome.
        I ain't afraid of no ghost....


          Trying a different way...??

          Correction second phase valium 10 not 20 mg twice a day they are 10 mg pills so 1 pill twice a day
          I ain't afraid of no ghost....


            Trying a different way...??

            Hi again married,

            That's about the same as my doc prescribed and I have to say I was pretty much wiped out the 1st couple of days. I just slept and slept.Just woke up to use the bathroom and drink water. That's why I asked if you had some time off work.

            It would be good if your husband was there to supervise the taking of the pills as it's very easy to forget when you've taken them.

            Have a chat with him.

            I'll be on here again tomorrow.

            Don't worry we'll get something worked out.

            J x

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Trying a different way...??

              Maybe I should just wait until my next weekend off...might be a couple of weeks but at least I would be off and could rest and relax while I detox. I work at a bank and I am scared of being "out of it" while I'm accountable for cash etc.
              I ain't afraid of no ghost....

