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af daily sat 6 feb

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    af daily sat 6 feb

    Good morning all - popping in quickly before I leave for skate practice.
    Really lovely to be smoke and alcohol free - it's not so lovely to have a cold again but i guess it's the junk leaving my body.

    Skating today, then to London to watch skating - start tattoo on Monday!
    Next in the office on Thursday so all good - there's an all day meeting on Wednesday.

    Want to get my food back to being healthy again - more fruit and veg and less junk/white carbs. Have a good day
    one day at a time

    af daily sat 6 feb

    count me in

    What type of tattoo are you getting Bear?? I love tattoos, done well, am an artist.............have 3 myself................

    Sorry about the cold, hopefully it passes soon, get as much rest as you can between skating etc..............easier said than done, I know all too well~~

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      af daily sat 6 feb

      Good morning Abbers,

      Thanks for the start up bear - happy skating!!

      Great to see you hear MA, hope you are feeling much better

      In the midst of a huge blizarrd right now - the weather folks are talking about an 'epic storm'!!!

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday.
      I'm staying in - for sure

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af daily sat 6 feb

        Morning abbers!

        Busy bear! Glad you're doing well. What's the tat going to be?

        MA, sorry I'm asleep when you're awake. You keep settling into your new nest and taking care of yourself. Easy does it.

        Lav, what tiara for your big blue head? My sister said if they get 5 more inches this year it will break the 100 year record. They have no power at the moment. I hope you not needing to go anywhere this weekend. We had sunny blue skies earlier, but not so much any more.

        LVT, there is someone performing at the coffee house tonight and in the e-mail blurb, it said she used to play with the band "Biscuit Burners".

        I'm just happy to be AF and feel clear and free. Plain old happy....
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          af daily sat 6 feb

          Good Morning!!
          Lav, I am thinking of you getting burried in snow! Stay warm and just enjoy the day!
          Bear...Happy skating!
          MA..So happy you have joined us on this thread! You are sounding so good!
          Greenie, you crack me up!! Enjoy your saturday!
          I am off to my daughers, to work on the nursery!!

          Wishing everyone a Super Sober Day!!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            af daily sat 6 feb

            Happy Saturday Ablanders! It's probably Sunday by now for Leelou and Guitarista and the folks "down under." Maybe Miss Behavin' too? Anyway, I'm lousy at my geography and time zones!

            Bear, thanks for kickin' things off. Have fun skating! I'm fighting the bad food battle again lately so maybe we can team up for a clean eats challenge or something.

            Good to see you Cowgal! I'm wishing you a weekend filled with peace of mind, no matter what is going on around you.

            Lav, that storm sounds scary. I hope you are safe a warm this weekend!

            Greenie...:H Biscuit Burners!! If we ever get bored around here we should start a thread for good band names - real or imagined!! :H Are you going to the coffee house to see this person who used to be a biscuit burner?

            Kate I bet you are having fun working on the nursery!

            I'm looking forward to catching up around here. Probably my last day to spend as much time goofing off here as I have been this past week. So I'll make the most of it!

            Went to AA this morning and then out to breakfast with my friend who turned 78 (oops I mean 29) this week. A whole group went to breakfast and we had such a good time. I'm still getting used to doing "normal" things like this - stuff that I just stopped doing entirely when drinking became my only real priority.

            We read this story out of the Big Book today. I usually only post this stuff in the AA thread but I could really relate to this woman's background as a career type, and how AL slowly took over through the years. Not suggesting AA is the right solution for everyone, but I figured some people who are high functioning alkies like I was for at least several years of my professional life might find it interesting.

            One of the parts that REALLY jumped out at me was when she said
            "I gave up on relationships of significance, saw my friends less, and stopped committing myself to most social occasions because I could never count on being sober. More and more, I just worked and went home to drink - and the drinking was starting to outstrip the working."
            Anyway...that's what I learned in sober school today! I will be thinking of all of you who might be affected by the storms and hoping your power and heat stay on!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              af daily sat 6 feb

              Afternoon all,
              Any tips or hints about how to get ruthless about decluttering? I'm determined to have ity all in order by Wednesday!
              Keep on keeping on


                af daily sat 6 feb

                Lav, I think this will fit.

                Big Blue Head Tiara

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  af daily sat 6 feb

                  Suni;802049 wrote: Afternoon all,
                  Any tips or hints about how to get ruthless about decluttering? I'm determined to have ity all in order by Wednesday!
                  Hi Suni! I love the tips on The Fly Lady web site! Your personal online coach to help you gain control of your house and home

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    af daily sat 6 feb

                    Hello All,

                    Blizzard here in Northern VA. We already have 2 feet of snow and it is still snowing like crazy. People are starting to lose power because of the wind and trees falling down. Unbelievable.

                    I was at the shopping center on Friday. There was a line out of the door at the liquor store...folks stocking up for the blizzard I guess. I definitely would have been in that line 2 years ago.

                    I'm just hanging out and catching up on things. I am quite restless though. I think it is the anxiety over being snowed in for an indefinite period of time.

                    Take care all. Happy sober day.

                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      af daily sat 6 feb

                      M3, I hope you have plenty of supplies! Sounds like it might be really bad and take a long time to get things going - dug out and back to normal when this is over.

                      I would have been in that long line at the liquor store too. I would have probably been more concerned about having an adquate booze supply than food / battery / water supply.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        af daily sat 6 feb

                        Doggygirl;802046 wrote: that's what I learned in sober school today!
                        I like this - sober school! :H

                        Suni;802049 wrote:
                        Any tips or hints about how to get ruthless about decluttering? I'm determined to have ity all in order by Wednesday!

                        If you haven't worn it for a year, you're not going to wear it
                        . Chuck it out!

                        momof3;802057 wrote:

                        Blizzard here in Northern VA. We already have 2 feet of snow and it is still snowing like crazy.
                        Take care mom0f3 & Lav! They're showing pix of Washington DC on the news here.

                        I entered a photography competition a couple of weeks ago and the winners were published today. Guess what? I didn't get placed. The swines! Bang goes my new career in photography :H

                        Have a sober day all!
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          af daily sat 6 feb

                          Oh Marshy! I meant to tell you that I really really WANT that woman's Mary Kay umbrella! I've never seen one and would LOVE to have one!! So, next time you see her, could you politely wrestle her to the ground by whatever means are necessary and then politely just take it from her? And then send it to me? Sweetly of course.... :H

                          runs off to contemplate how wonderful a Mary Kay umbrella would be.....

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            af daily sat 6 feb

                            well, by the grace of God, Allah and Budda (I think it took the combined effort ) I'm 2 years AF today!

                            it's a bit of a surrealistic feeling. Seems like yesterday I was on here typing with one finger because I had the shakes so bad. my heartiest thanks to all of you. xxxxxxxxxxxx
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              af daily sat 6 feb

                              Wow Marshy, You're seeing pictures of Washington DC in England! I live about 5 miles south of DC.

                              Yes DG, I hear ya. I would have wanted the booze above all things.

                              Do they still do Mary Kay pink cadillacs? How about a pink lexus? What I would truly like is a bright pink VW beetle!

                              AF Since April 20, 2008
                              4 Years!!!

