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Saturday, Oct 7th

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    Saturday, Oct 7th

    Taking a Break

    Just taking a breather. Hey Mojo, glad you came up with a "thanksgiving" after your mom insulted you, there! And good luck, tonight and tomorrow, Janet!!! I'm starting to get a little "cravey" again, but it's just about "topa time", and I just got my shipment of kudzu in the mail from MWO, so I can add that to my list of thanks. Those little elves at Capalo really get things out quickly! Maybe Santa sent some out to help RJ!

    Anyway, I guess I am grateful that I survived my impulse to drink, and I seem to be on my way to a productive evening.

    Mike, I'm glad you're hanging around here and being our leader for the week!

    Anyway, back to folding laundry!

    Hugs and love!:l


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Saturday, Oct 7th

      Day 4
      Good evening Absville,
      Good Topic Mike....Reasons to be thankful

      1. Most important to me..My beautiful family and their health.
      2. For my supportive friends here in Absville.
      3. To bring my children up in a quiet safe area.
      4. To ( like Mike ) finally "get it" and be able to do something about it before its too late.
      5. Headphones...( to block the noise from said beautiful healthy family )

      Kathy, thats such a shame. I can imagine you being the perfect hostess...Its his loss darling. It must have been really hard not to drink...I know you were looking forward to this evening....One virtual hug coming your way:l
      Lisa, well done for day 8...I'm amazed you ever had time to drink. The only first class i ever seen was a stamp.
      Mojomus, your mother sounds a lot like mine. She never belives me when i say i'm not drinking anymore...She has to ask my wife.....I love her to bits though.....(If it's not one thing....It's the M-other)
      Mike, Good shout on the need for a change in mood in Absville and, great topic...I read about your exsperiance with the hypnotist....Its something i've always wondered about ( what its like).....I'm dying to see where he is going with this....
      Susan, you sound happy today..I'm glad
      Kate, you also sound better than yesterday....Let it out...deep breath..."MADNESSSSS"....and relax
      Janet, your right we all do have a lot to be thankful for....You sound TOO peaceful though....deep breath..."SERENITYYYAAHH"
      Nancy, i kind of know where your coming from with the slow food...I get a real kick watching my family eat fish i have caught from the sea.....You cant get fresher than that....I think thats clever by the way....Fast food is bad for you....Slow food is good for you.
      Gabster, i have decided to retract my plonker statement...are you happy now?
      Okay..i'll pop back later to see if anyone else has seems to be a bit light here today resident wise......

      Oh also thankful this Saturday wasnt like last Saturday for me.....
      Have a peaceful thankful evening all....Love Macks:l
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        Saturday, Oct 7th

        Hi everyone -- it's good to see you. Saturdays get off to a slow start around here. Guess folks like to sleep in!

        A change in plans and a disappointment -- yeah, big triggers for me too. Glad you had your sister to talk to, Kathy, and of course you always have us. Hey, can we come over for shrimp?

        Lisa I am working today too. Ugh. But I'm going to reward myself with a NAP when I get home. I am so looking forward to it. Then tonight a nice dinner out. Yeah! Oh and Janet, I'm going to a party tonight too, after dinner. I'm wondering what to take to drink. Club soda? Ginger ale? Hmmm.... not sure. But definitely not alcohol. Will be interesting since this will be my first social event (alcohol setting) AF. I know I won't drink (not an option and I'm going with someone who wouldn't let me anyway) but I'm curious to see how I will feel around it. Wondering if I'll start thinking about pelicans as I socialize? Still trying to figure that out.

        And hey Macks I see that you are posting at the same time as I am! Hello to Susan and Mojo and everyone else too.

        By the way, I will be starting tomorrow's post EARLY since I have plans for tonight. Just in case you wonder why Mike is jumping the gun on Sunday.... of course it will probably be just in time for Macks and Lou and Liz! and all of you in North America can just not peek until tomorrow.

        So anyway I am done at the office for the day (I'm definitely thankful for that) and am going home to enjoy my NAP. Take care, everyone.

        "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


          Saturday, Oct 7th

          I'm leaving work too.... hey Mike- I have another friend working today and called her about an hour ago. She said she was going home for a nap and could I call and wake her up in an hour. Guess weekend working has its advantages - naps!
          I think I'm a little late for napping though. But I may do a bubble bath+ pj's+popcorn+movie and then bed.

          I would truly be thankful for that.

          Oh and Mike - you will do just fine tonight at your party. It can be interesting to go to parties when you have taken out any option of drinking. I think it does feel a little odd but somehow it also feels really good.
          I feel pretty happy with myself when I find I am the completely sober one. Let us know how it goes.

          Macks- Thank you kind sir and a very Happy Day 4 to you!!
          first class for an hour and a half trip is kinda silly....but I'm happy about it just the same!

          Hey Janet and Mojo, and Susan and Gabby- ... haven't yet formally said hello today so Hello!! Barb, you too- you there today?
          hey - anyone else napping this afternoon?


            Saturday, Oct 7th

            being thankful

            Nice words by y'all. I have been on the road this week since Tuesday. I am working a trade show in San Francisco. My hotel is downtown. There seem to be a lot of homeless people on the streets here. And I suppose that alcohol, drugs and perhaps mental illness are a part of their lives. I suspect we all can be thankful that we have a safe place to sleep, food to eat and a community that supports us.
            When I look into the eyes of the "street" people, I realize that most of my worries are rather insignificant.
            Thanks for listening,
            Love and Peace,
            Love and Peace,

            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


              Saturday, Oct 7th

              Must Be the Topa

              I just woke up from an unplanned nap. Was cleaning out the clothing from my closet that I hadn't worn for a year or more and took a breather on my bed. Daughter woke me up to tell me she was going out. I think I'll go back to bed again soon! Why does everything take longer than you think it should?? Especially things like cleaning, writing out case notes, organizing files, etc.? Now fun evenings, ski trips, vacations, etc., THOSE things go by in a snap, it seems! Oh well!

              I guess I shouldn't complain. I like your thoughts Phil. I'm rather selfish, posting these thoughts right after yours, but there you have it! I do agree with you, too, though. At least I HAVE MY MESSY HOUSE THAT TAKES FOREVER TO CLEAN UP, AND CLOTHES THAT I CAN GIVE TO GOOD WILL!!! And food for my cats so they can throw up on the rug, etc.:H No really, I'm being humorous, but I am grateful, too.

              Incidently, Mojo, I didn't think that you were being a brat at all. It is difficult when your parents don't give you the support you need (did anyone read the thread in just starting out or gen discussion where someone's dad gave them a case of wine for their b-day?? ) The first natural response is disappointment and anger. I felt the same way when my friend pooped out on me today. We have to try and get past it for our own sakes, though!

              Glad that you are "rewarding" yourself with a bubble bath and a movie, Lisa! You're right about making it through the first 10-15 minutes until sanity returns and you can think straight again. I have so often caved in those 10-15 minutes instead of riding it out. I learned something valuable today by hanging in there instead of following the impulse.

              Janet, I am putting my mind to thinking up some AF drinks that may be tasty. Maybe something with mottled fruit, some fruit juice, a dash of bitters and club soda. Kind of like an AF old fashioned or something? Anyway, I'm thinking of you at your cocktail party and wedding tomorrow!

              Hey Macks, good to see you on! I love your gratitude for the headphones! And thanks for the hug, love!:l I love to be a hostess, actually, and it's something I haven't done enough of recently.

              Nancy, it's so funny that Belle eats okra! I must say that I'm in love with home grown veggies, although I do give the thumbs down to okra! Belle can have my portion! One of my kitties will eat avocado though! I'm so jealous of your new raised beds!!! I want some, but they're kind of hard to have in a townhouse! I'll just have to live the country life vicariously through you if you don't mind too much!

              Mike everyone can come have shrimp! They're super jumbos, though, so everyone can only have about 2! But I have lots of other stuff too, so there should be plenty for everyone. Just give me a few hours and I'll defrost some salmon and marinate it in lemon pepper sauce. How about asparagus? Got lots of hummous and fresh veggies for dippin? Anyone getting hungry yet?

              a;">Oops, I missed Gabby, where are ya, girl? I can't see your post, but I know you posted. Probably busy working, but I'm thinking of you sweetie.

              Where are you Liz and Lou today??? And where is Jenneh?

              And also, where are you Barb? Hope you are all okay.

              I guess we are going to have to put a missing person report out for CV. I miss her.

              Anyway, I'm glad to see you back Phil, and thanks for your words that put things in perspective.

              I'm also thankful to have the wise Mike as our Mayor this week. How do the rest of you feel about that??


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Saturday, Oct 7th

                I must be getting back to normal. Look at the freaking length of these posts! Would someone please tie my hands to my sides?
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Saturday, Oct 7th

                  Hi everybody,
                  Had a great day planting and watering and all! Whew!!!
                  Thankful that it's a lot cooler here.

                  Kathy......sorry that your friend didn't make it....Bummer!... happy you got some cleaning out done
                  A nap......whats that?

                  Lisa........Honey........Ya'll have a good day now ya hear?

                  Mike ....thanks for starting the day off on a up note!

                  Macks........gotta love the family thing!

                  The honeymooners are back safe in the USA!!!!! Thank you God!

                  Good night are the best!
                  Nancy & Belle:l
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Saturday, Oct 7th


                    Hello all in absville,
                    Just a quick note as I am quite tired and want to get to bed.
                    Kathy - I am sorry today didnt turn out as you had wanted. I was holding your hand and I was thinking of you. I love you.
                    Everyone else, love ya!
                    Day 7 today and AF. Today my father took my mother, my sister and I to the musical "Wicked" (which, if you haven't heard of it, is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of OZ" from her perpective, before Dorothy got there). Ok, before you say anything, I will say this: Before I saw it, I thought it sounded ridiculous. But it was FABULOUS!!!!!!!. We had such a WONDERFUL day. Some of you may know (or not) that my wonderful mother just came out (on Thursday last week) from a voluntary, 21 day stay at a rehab treatment centre for drinking. She is doing great. She is like a different person. And I am so proud of her. It was so nice to spend the day together as a family, her feeling so great after doing this, my dad glowing with pride after her doing it successfully, my sister finally feeling some happiness and security (she is younger) and me, day 7, feeling strong, not hung over, not feeling edgy, anxious, angry or "out of it",and not counting down until my next drink.
                    It was a great day,
                    LOVE you all - hope you are all great - will post more tomorrow, promise (yawn...)
                    Over 4 months AF :h

