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sun 14 feb

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    sun 14 feb

    morning all - happy valentines for those of you that do it.

    I'm hungover - first time in months - had beer,wine and whisky - ouch - and I smoked.
    My trigger was feeling stressed all week and not doing anything ot make myself feel better not doing exercise/challenging my thinking with CBT techniques.

    I'm getting back on the af/sf wagon and staying on it - it's a lapse not a relapse/collapse.
    one day at a time

    sun 14 feb

    Morning Abbers!

    :h:h:h to everybody!

    Ouch, bear. I have to say I'm sure as hell glad I'm not you today. You better stay up on that wagon!

    I wake up early (go to bed early, go figure) and at this house the sunrise lights up the east horizon and the warm hues dance through the numerous windows making the walls glow with warmth. The the houses on the island in the distance turn soft shades of pink and orange before going back to white against the deepening blue sky. And I just stand there with a big grateful smile on my face. Yesterday I was outside in the hot tub while it snowed. How cool is that!! I still can't get over my good fortune to be here.

    Well.... happy valentines day to me, happy valentines day to me..... Hey, I did get a card from my sister.

    Happy love day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      sun 14 feb

      sorry to hear that bear. I just did my first sober valentines outing in years and feel great.
      Happy valentines to you too greenie, my you make that sunrise sound good. Its not fortune, you deserve it.
      I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


        sun 14 feb

        Morning Abbers,

        Happy V. Day to all. It's a non-event around here.........not much to expect after nearly 37 years of marriage I suppose.

        bear, sorry to hear your report. It's up to you to decide when it's time to break the cycle - you can do it!

        Greenie, glad you are enjoying yourself! I'm stuck in the house with 4 large dogs - dog sitting too this weekend........sigh.

        Raven, nice to hear about your sober V. Day - anything's possible, right?

        Suppose I should get out to pick up some groceries as more snow is on the way tomorrow.
        Where the hell is Spring????

        Have a great AF Sunday everyone

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          sun 14 feb

          hey Lav I would say 37 years of marriage is an amazing achievement, well done to you and Mr lav, but maybe you should do something romantic? Yes all possible!
          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


            sun 14 feb

            Happy Valentines Day and Chinese New Year

            Happy Valentines Day all and Happy Chinese New Year. It's the year of the Tiger...Grrrr

            Greenie--Our family loves the Outer Banks of NC. We vacation there every year; usually the first week of September when the crowds and the rental rates are lower.

            Bear--Don't know what to say. It sounds like you need to do something differently if you really want to remain AF. Have you ever seen the quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" (or something like that)?

            Raven--Another victory.

            Lavande--Happy day to you too. I am sick of the snow too! It was a novelty at first but it has gotten old very quickly.

            Off to a Chinese New Year party today. Two of my children are from China

            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              sun 14 feb

              I'm envious m3! I have friends at home that are from china and they have a party with lots of authentic food - wife is a fabulous cook.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                sun 14 feb

                Happy Valentines Day loves!!!!!! smooches and hugs all around

                Bear, rehydrate, regroup, rebound. glad your ok.

                Greeneyes, you have a lovely way with words....I'm guessing you are a writer? or at least should be

                Dx and I had a lovely sleep-in and romantic breakfast (lemon/ginger quinoa with broccoli, avocado and cherry tomatoes) and it was soooo yummy. Next we are off for a bike ride and then just relax.

                Lavande, wow, 37 years is fabulous! what's the secret?

                ok, off to be with my snuggle partner.....

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  sun 14 feb

                  Broccoli for breakfast Det - is that the way to a woman's heart? That's obviously where I'm going wrong...

                  It's funny how the men here are loved up (Raven, you dark horse!), and the women are... meh, take it or leave it :H

                  Lav, I hope you get some smooches from the dogs at least!

                  Greenie, I was going to ask if you've been swimming in the sea, but I suppose not if it's snowing!

                  Momof3 - what does a tiger year have in store for us?

                  I've been for a swim, then lunch with a friend, then to the health shop to pick up a few bits and got some Dead Sea salts. Have just had a bath with them in and feeling verrrrry sleepy now. An early night with Virginia Woolf, I think. Oo-er.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    sun 14 feb

                    Year of the Tiger

                    Marshy, Here's what I read about the Year of the Tiger. I really don't believe in this stuff (well, yeah I do a wee bit), but this year has really started in a dramatic way for me and for many of my close friends and family. I like the last sentence, in particular.

                    PS...Greenie, the food is going to be yummy, yummy.

                    Year of the Tiger

                    This is definitely an explosive year. It usually begins with a bang and ends with a whimper. A year earmarked for war, disagreement and disasters of all kinds. But it will also be a big, bold year. Nothing will be done on a small, timid scale. Everything, good and bad, can and will be carried to extremes. Fortunes can be made and lost. If you take a chance, gamble for high stakes, but understand that the odds are stacked against you.

                    People will do drastic and dramatic things on the spur of the moment. It is not surprising that Watergate and the drama of Nixon's resignation culminated in the hotheaded year of the Tiger. Tempers will flare all around and it will be a trying time for diplomacy. Like the Tiger, we will tend to charge without thinking and end up regretting our rashness.

                    Friendships, joint ventures and deals requiring mutual trust and cooperation made at this time are brittle and will be easily broken. However, the forceful and vigorous Tiger year can also be used to inject new life and vitality into lost causes, sinking ventures and drab or failing industries. It will likewise be a time for massive change, for the introduction of new and bold, especially highly controversial, ideas.

                    The fiery heat of the Tiger's year will no doubt touch everyone's life. In spite of its negative aspects, we must realize that it could have a cleansing effect. Just as intense heat is necessary to extract precious metals from their ores, so the Tiger year can bring out the best in us.

                    Just one brief word of advice for this unpredictable year. "Hang on to your sense of humor and let things sizzle out!"
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      sun 14 feb

                      momof3;806154 wrote: A year earmarked for war, disagreement and disasters of all kinds. If you take a chance, gamble for high stakes, but understand that the odds are stacked against you.
                      :egad::egad:I'm trying to psyche myself up to take a big gamble (not financial) and this doesn't bode well! And I'm so sick of war.

                      Looks like we're in for a bumpy ride.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

