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AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

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    AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

    I'm ALIVE!

    Hello each and everyone, happy Sunday to you.

    Im laying in a bath, long day, and when I'm out of the bath, I'll jump on to the PC to chat more, for at the moment, i don't want to drop my iPhone into the tub!

    AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb


    OK.... I've been away for awhile, reading posts occasionally,but trying to enjoy a simple, hassle-free and near basic existence. Trying not to even think about AL at all.....hence my absence from posting...

    I have been just waking up each day, enjoying the rain, or sunshine, and just trying to include quietness ( silence) in my days.

    I know some folk can enjoy quietness at any given moment, but I realised that I don't have enough "me" time = quiet, reflective, appreciative quiet time in each day.

    SO.... I ditched the PC's calling, and the invites to do lunch...and the phone chats at night....

    instead...I just sat, read, relaxed, slept, with just me. (and my cat).(and DH at bedtime)
    It's been good!

    I've had some realisation of issues, long stemmed, that I didn't plan on...silence, patience and willingness nurtures understanding and acceptance .... but I have a long way to go. And I fear the coming months/oh my gosh........... years....... will be interesting!!!!!

    I've read your posts here, you are always in my pocket...(iPhone) and your all amazing!

    I don't get the letterbox thing Greenie...perhaps I missed something?:huh:


      AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

      Morning abbers and bathers!

      :bath2: asking about you yesterday, leelou!

      It is another glorious day here starting with another lovely sunrise! (sandwich alert) Yesterday little doggie went on sand for the first time. BIG sand at Jockey Ridge. I hope to go hang gliding there today! :chute: Really. It is unlikely that I will have this opportunity again and if I do I'll just be older so I better cross it off the bucket list now, eh? :H

      Yesterday I found a letterbox in the spooky woods (the trail wasn't as spooky as the sand road that wound around in there. It may be my favorite trail so far). The logbook that you put your stamp mark in are sometimes small pieces of unlined index cards with a hole punched in a corner bound by a single notebook ring. The pages get turned so you don't always see the "front" of the book which is the mark of the stamp belonging to the box and it's name. I pulled out the logbook and my sister's stamp was on top from 2 years ago. Cool huh? I also picked up a hitchhiker in same woods that I'll take back home and leave in a box there. Hitchhikers are mini-letterboxes that don't have a home, but travel around. It's cool to see where they've been. This one started in Chicago, IL and has been to California and back. That's why I'll take it out of state.

      I was beat and it was after dark that I was getting home so I stopped at a little place that I had my eye on right down the street and pulled in just to check it out for future reference. It was bright and cheery inside with colorful marker boards listing all kinds of offerings of the day. It's like a fish market but has a few tables and they have fried fish baskets, etc to take home or eat in. I always look for someone to chat with who has been in the establishment before. Said guy was standing thereabout to order and I ended up eating there with him and had what he was getting. I had the BEST steamed 1# shrimp and dozen oysters of all time for $10. I could eat there every day, but it's that or hang glide. :H

      I would not be doing these things if I had the company of AL in my life. I hope someone who is imprisoned by it sees and understands how important it is to remove the shackles now.

      I still have a week to go, so tell me to put on mittens when I get at the computer if you want. I CAN be quiet you know.

      Have a serendipitous sunday! (I'm liking serendiptiy.)
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

        Here ya go leelou - Atlas Quest: A Letterboxing Community
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

          Whooo, nice uplifting Sunday messages!

          Leelou- I'm with you on trying to have a bit of quiet time. I've been cutting down on time spent on the computer when I'm at home as I spend more than enough time on one at work.

          Greenie - I read that you'd picked up a hitchhiker in the woods and thought ..WHAT!!! Glad to see it's NOT some dodgy bloke in a raincoat :H Sounds like you're having a fabulous time.
          I heard some news yesterday about a woman I used to wok with who has been struck down with some muscular problem that doctors are a bit baffled by apparently but is "on the MS spectrum". Basically she can no longer walk properly and it's not getting better. She's only mid-forties. So, yeah, very important to get out there now we're free to do that.

          So far this morning I've managed to break the self-service machine at the supermarket. :H I put money in and it refused to give me any change. Much consternation and running around of staff.
          After lunch I'm off to see what damage I can inflict on the swimming pool.

          Have a good day all.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

            Marshy a guy in a raincoat would make a great hitchhiker stamp! :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

              Good morning all!

              Leelou, your peaceful time of reflection sounds wonderful. And the bath - that sounds wonderful too! Good to see you checking in and doing well.

              Greenie, I will confess that I too thought "Hitchhiker???? aka creepy dude." :H It sounds like you are squeezing every bit of life for yourself out of this trip which is fabulous! I can't wait to hear about hang gliding. I'm salivating over your dinner last night. It sounds even better because it was unexpected!

              Marshy - you crack me up!
              After lunch I'm off to see what damage I can inflict on the swimming pool.
              That is a sad story about the woman you work with and the MS related illness. You are so right that we never ever know what might be in front of us. All we really have to work with "for sure" is RIGHT NOW. I still have a ways to go to maximize my life "right now" (I'm a procrastinator still!) but it's not as empty and horrible as it used to be just drinking all my "right nows" away.

              I was about to start whining about being cooped up still with an arm that's feeling much better but this rotten cold. However, there is plenty I can do right here in my house when I am not resting. So you all have inspired me to not allow this day to go to waste just because of a cold!

              I didn't put a sandwich warning on top of this post. 1) it's not one of my longer ones and 2) I assume everyone probably knows just to grab a sandwich without the warning.

              Hello to all yet to come and a big dose of strength and hope to anyone struggling.

              Chief, where have you been? Where are all the others on the "lost" list Greenie posted yesterday? COME TO THE MOTHER SHIP!!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                Morning Abbers,

                Lav is here - she's not going anywhere

                Enjoying a sunny weekend here, watching the snow melt.......still so much left. Maybe tomorrow's rain will help!

                Greenie, you are having a great time, I'm happy for you

                Leelou, relaxation, some Me time is always a good thing - very healing!

                Marshy, hope you left some water in the pool, ha ha!!!

                DG, hope your arm continues to improve, always nice to have all appendages in good working order

                OK, off to do some shopping at BJs - running out of necessities here!!
                Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                  Happy Sunday ABeroooos across the fruited plains!

                  hang gliding? how fun! looking forward to hearing about that Greeneyes.

                  thanks for the start LeeLou, you sound great.

                  Cinamonkiss, big welcome and congrats on your AF time! love the name btw.

                  woke up this morning to a foot+ of snow. think I'll just sit tight today.

                  the gunshow yesterday was fun and I ended up buying a couple of kitchen knives LOL. you never know what you'll find at the shows. a lot of cool old collections and inventors are to be found at them as well.

                  be well loves, and all to come
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                    Hi All,

                    2 feet of snow on the ground and it's suppose to rain tonight and all day tomorrow.....what a mess that will be!

                    Day 49 here and loving life. No matter what happens everyday, I think to myself how much worse it would be if I were drinking. I'm so glad I'm sober.

                    Off to the gym.....think I'll run today. There are alot of 5k and 10k runs coming up this spring and summer that I want to do, so it's time to get used to running those distances...

                    Hang Gliding, Greenie?.....that should be a blast!

                    Hope everyone has a great AF day!



                      AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                      Hi All
                      I hope it is Ok for me to jump on this thread. I always read but have only recently started posting again.
                      I couldn't help to post after reading Greenies post. Hang gliding and picking up hitchhikers ( I thought it was a person at first). Scared me that we might need to call an Invervention!!
                      It reminded me of this summer when I went parasailing in Key West. My son and I were on a trip down there and he wanted so badly for us to parasail. I too thought I am not getting any younger, I have only so many more vacations with my 15 year old son, and I might as well shorten the bucketlist. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Great view, really peaceful and something special to share with my son. Another completely sober decision that I will never regret.
                      Have a great day!!


                        AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                        OK, THAT was grand!!! I had a ferociously good time!! Honestly, it is easy-peazy! The hard part is making your brain hush up - that and walking backup the dune. I now have my own little hang gliding log book! It was just me and one guy who was also doing it for the first time. He said he had been thinking about it for years, and asked me how I came about to be there. Ermmm..... saw the sign yesterday.... :H

                        I could not ask for a more beautiful day! Deep blue cloudless sky and a nice cool breeze! I'm in for a quick lunch, then off to Pea Island for a letterbox and to catch the sunset. After a game of frisbee with the dogs....

                        I know what you mean time2! I loved parasailing!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF-Daily, Sunday, 21st Feb

                          [QUOTE=Doggygirl;809683]Where are all the others on the "lost" list Greenie posted yesterday? COME TO THE MOTHER SHIP!!!

                          I'm here!! Thanks for the call out. I do read the thread from time to time but I've been off on an anxiety spiral related to my flatshare. On reflection not a good reason to stay away.

                          The good news is I signed a new lease last week so my own eviction is no longer in the cards (but that was uncertain for 3-4 weeks). The bad news is we found a really nice guy to take up our third room but our idiot landlord rejected him, on really spurious grounds and after a drawn out traumatic process of checking his references. The other bad news is we're back to square one in terms of finding a new person and until we do, we'll have to pay extra rent. But the other good news is that the rejected guy has really grown on me with each interaction, and connecting with him has made me realise I might be ready to start dating... Well, perhaps. I mean *might*. As in maybe. But seriously folks, I've had nothing resembling even a flicker of an interest in such a scenario for the past few years. Something is definitely shifting in the energy levels.

                          The parasailing/gliding sounds fab!

