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FEB FAST ~ Week Four

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    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

    Hi all,

    I had long post where I had responded to everyone. But thanks the cat sitting on my lap, I lost it!! I am just glad to see everyone here still fighting the good fight.

    Sped-Did I read your son is moving to Indiana? I live in In. If he is moving to the southern part of the state, near Bloomington, it is quite pretty. I can guarantee though, the weather will be very different than New Mexico.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful and af day.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

      I have a demanding orange tabby editor myself, Lil, glad you are home and with us again. I hope I get to be where you are Shelley, not in particular your day from hell, but the fact that alcohol is genuinely fading as an option. Right now I am just trying to build skills against my own variants of the perfect storm. Good for you also, Ms. B., on your weight loss, that must be a good boost to your confidence, we all know this process has so many benefits. Hi Sooty, Red, Dill, Cyn, Raven, Lav, and Lode. And all of you temporarily silent troops. I have lots of little tasks today and then late this afternoon Lord Bird Heart and I take our last elderly parrot to the vet. She seems physically healthy but is having some distressing, seemingly anxious, agitated behaviors probably related to losing her longtime buddies over the past year. None of them were the same species and they lived in separate areas but they had their funny bonds and habits, it used to sound like the Waltons out there when I put them to bed with all the ?goodnights? going back and forth. I am sure she will put on a good show at the vet and make everybody laugh, but loss is tricky as we each know. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

        Hi Gang
        I am always journaling but not in an organised way so I keep finding notes in drawers that i've written. Today I came across some I'd written last year, I hope you dont mind but I'd like to post some to give me some clarity on where i've reach since then...

        QUOTE "Well this is the 1st day I've felt good about myself since friday (5 days ago) I drank so much to try & get away from the thoughts in my head, it worked! But it wasnt worth the two days of pain which followed.. Im just beginning to feel I can cope again, Im still in a deep gloom about my life anf there is so much saddness & resentment coming out to do with O (my estranged husband). I cant believe that im still carrying this around with me, its so pointless."

        Oh boy do I prefer AF life! It doesnt make problems go away but alcohol so magnifies things and makes mountains out of moleholes. My new life has very quickly become the new norm which is of course a good thing but I need regular reminders of the old life to make sure im not tempted back there.

        LBH i do hope your parrot will make a recovery. I wish everyone well with our individual trials of which I can see are never ending but we all seem to share a common ability to meet them head on and deal with them.......
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

          Hi Red, and hi everyone

          Thank you for remembering me! I am here! Quite a coincidence that you mentioned my name as this is the first time I've been on the message board for ?? 3 ?? weeks? I've been away for two weeks, one week home in the middle, but was working 10 or 11 hour days and just too busy to do anything except work work work. I guess it's taken my mind off other things though, so not complaining.

          I was going to try to read a bit to catch up, but there's no way realistically that is going to happen as it's now 7am and I have to start work in an hour and heaps to do before that.

          I loved the poem, Lav. Really great to see everyone here, I hadn't realised till now just how much I'd missed everyone. Will hopefully be able to check in a bit more regularly now.

          Love to all



            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

            hey guys, just saying a brief hi, Have had a long long day. Always feeling better for reading your thoughts and hearing about others healing AF lives, it's good to know Im not alone.
            Hope to have more energy to chat tomorrow.
            I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

              Good to read everyone's posts tonight. The winter weather is getting to some of us. WE NEED SOME SPRING WEATHER!! I won't be getting any soon though. My forecast is snow for the forseeable future.

              I took a risk today and talked to my boss about the person at work who I have had trouble with for a long time. Last week she attempted to humiliate me in front of my colleagues. I said nothing back in response and asked him if there is a way I cannot work in a department away from her. He said yes. So I hope he means it and it is possible. I am trying to take care of myself. Some people are just poison and the only solution is to get away from them. Anyway, for today I feel relief.

              Mandalay, it is so good to hear from you. Hope you start to have more time to post and share. We miss you.

              Chill, thanks for sharing your journaling. It is very meaningful to remember thoughts from the past. When the insanity of this disease hits, the memories of the past often are forgotten.

              Spedtech, sounds like a stressful time, but you handled it really well. Sometimes it feels good to eat too much and lay around in bed. Finding new ways to cope is everything in this journey.

              Hello to everyone else. I am off to watch American Idol. AF of course.


                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                Evening friends,

                Still chilly & raining here. Weather forecast is calling for snow Thursday & Friday. This winter is beginning to feel like a damn nightmare!!!!!

                LBH, hope your parrot's checkup went well!

                Mandalay, welcome back, missed you!

                Greetings Raven. Think I'll head out for more mushrooms tomorrow

                Red, I've had my share of miserable co-workers over the years too. Wish they would just stay home!!

                Shelley, hope your 'Me' day was good

                Wishing everyone a good AF night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                  Hi Everyone!
                  Red, I watched Idol with you last night. Mandalay, welcome back! Don't be a stranger. Like Raven, I feel better from reading evertbody's thoughts and AF adventures large and small. I missed your voice in the choir. Chill, it sounds like you journal like I do. I have found notes in my underwear drawer! Sometimes I am amazed at the ghost from the past because I remember for that moment the prisoner I once was. Shackles and all. These days, it's good to be "on parole"!:H I'm still not totally clear, but enjoying much more freedom! LBH, I hope your parrot is doing better. It is difficult dealing with attrition whether animal or human. At least we humans can frame our feelings of loss with words. That's a small comfort for us, I guess. Sped, good job on handling the stress in a healthy way. I understand what you mean about learning how to take care of yourself. I am doing the same. I have considered some changes I may need to make at work that should help me in my sobriety. I hope I'll be able to make the changes I need. Lav, this winter has been depressing, to be sure. Just hang on! You know, it's not too long 'til St. Patrick's day and the grass will reappear and turn green. At least, it usually does around here by then. Lil, was your cat getting revenge on you for being away from home for so long? Lode, Sooty, Miss B, Cyn, Sky, ((Pnut, SD, Open, Mighty)), everyone, strength and peace!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                    No job yet for today which is fine with me. I could use another me day.

                    Red and Dill, what did you think of Idol? Seems like nobody could wow those judges. Nor me either for that matter.

                    Lil, my son's going to Lafayette, probably a lot flatter that Bloomington. 18 degrees here this morning. NM can get really cold. It's just really dry. Are you in the northern or southern part of the state?

                    LBH, sorry your parrot is feeling poorly. Any chance of your getting a companion for him?

                    Chill, I have been journaling on and off since I was 18. I have volumes of old journals. For me it is actually quite scary to go back and read how low I've been. I even destroyed one journal, thinking I would never ever want anyone (like my children) to read such mad scribblings, should anything happen to me.

                    Mandalay, welcome back.

                    Oh no, just remembered it's hump day again. Maybe I should just stay at home after last week.

                    Greetings to Raven, Sooty, Lav, Sky, Miss B, Lode. everybody I did not mean to miss.


                      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                      Morning all & Happy Humpday!

                      Just when you think you've been punished enough - wham another snowstorm is on the way!!!!
                      I can't believe how much snow we've had this winter, it's a nightmare! My D-I-L & grandson are supposed to fly to Maine tomorrow to visit relatives - that may or may not happen now.

                      Speaking of grandson, he'll be here later today so I'd better get a little work done & run out for snow supplies now!
                      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Humpday, I'll be vack later

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                        Hi Shelley - cross post again
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                          Happy humpday everyone. I can't believe you have more snow to come Lav, its getting beyond a joke now and I am sending lots of sympathy your way!
                          Well Mr S and I set off to go on the little bus this morning but it drove straight past us without stopping so we caught another bus which involved a walk along the coast to where we wanted to go.
                          The sun was shining and the weather was mild - didn't need gloves or anything - a taste of what spring will be like, it was lovely.
                          Have a good day folks, see you later
                          love Sooty


                            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                            Welcome back, Mandalay, you were missed and I hope your writing is going well. You are sounding so strong and inspiring, Chill, thanks for sharing with us what things were like before. Hello to Dill, Lode, Lav, Lil, Cyn, Sped (you are right, dear neighbor, it is a dry, frigid morning again here), Sooty, Raven, Sky, Miss B, and Red. At her visit, my old parrot had office clients and veterinary staff alike doubled over laughing as when they were drawing blood, for example, she was variously shouting ?it?s all right? and clucking like a chicken. So far, things are just remarkably expensive and she has an office full of adoring fans. I am optimistic in any case. I worked hard in my frozen back yard yesterday, taking out some highly invasive vines that were fiercely tangled in thick thatches of tree roots, what a task, I had to use a pry bar and ax (whimper). I?ve got my plan in place for a simplified, more peaceful and water wise space that began last fall with ?our? sober little wall and paths by the pond. More to do of the same today so keep the coffee coming. I?m good. I hope this post finds you well and happy. Love, Ladybird.
                            may we be well


                              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                              LBH I've got the coffee on! I'll be round in a minute
                              I hope everyone has had a good day - mine has been fine. Tired now so going to wind down with the rubbish tv etc.
                              See you all tomorrow
                              love Sooty


                                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                                Hooray, over the hump and headed to bed after chick pea curry with fresh coriander and basmatti rice fried with mushrooms.

                                Hey sooty I am still off the coffee for lent but am struggling the smell in the morning...
                                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.

