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FEB FAST ~ Week Four

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    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

    LBH - Bless your darling parrot! Shouting its all right, i love that!

    Rav - all I can say is yum yum yum, my kinda dinner

    Sooty - Glad you have it mild, all my relatives in Scotland are snowbound again....

    Me - today was out with some girlfriends for a birthday lunch, my friend sitting opposite me had had a stressful morning and if she said it once she said it a million times how much she was enjoying the glass of wine she was having! I could have grabbed it out her hand and poured it over her head! Instead I smiled sweetly and sipped my water.... She cant be helped if she enjoys drinking poison with lunch, LOL :H

    p.s. I have a date!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

      Evening friends,

      I'll try to be pleasant even though I feel like a crab............another foot of snow on the way tonight & tomorrow.........crap!

      Chil, a date? Cool, tell us all (you can) about it tomorrow

      Sooty, put your snow boots on & come here to see this winter wonderland!

      Raven, dinner sounds good, what's on for tomorrow?

      LBH, your parrot must be a real charmer

      Well, I think I'll go find something to keep me occupied & my mind off the weather report until it's time to turn in.
      Have a good night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

        Evening Everyone,

        Sped, I live about 2 hours east of Lafayette. In the middle of the northern part of In. Is your son excited about the move? You probably told everyone this but I was gone and missed it.

        LHB-It sounds like good news for your old parrot. Does the TV hubby set up seem to help keep him company? It sounds as if your yard is going to be lovely this summer.

        Chil-I hope you have a great time on your date!

        Hello to Raven, Sooty, Lav, MissB., Lode, Cyn, Sky, Red, Dill and everyone.

        I have made it through another humpday. I think I will put on my jammies and grab a book to read in bed for awhile.

        I hope everyone has a safe, af evening.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

          I should know by now that when I have patches of (otherwise unexplained) grumpiness, it is hormones. Anyway, much better today And didn't go to a networking function that I really wanted to go to (for the subject matter) because I knew there would be wine there and today I didn't feel strong enough to say no.

          LBH - that parrot sounds like a character!! Not surprised at his/hers fan club at the vets!

          Chillgirl - good luck with the date!! and good on you for smiling through the lunch!

          Thinking of all of you that are in the snow. We are having an indian summer here (we didn't get a real summer so the late warm weather is very welcome, except that everyone is back at work and grumpy because they can enjoy it!!)

          :H:H You probably didn't want to hear that did you!!!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

            Good Morning Gang
            Where are our Aussie mates who usually welcome in the day!?

            Lav - I dont blame you for being so fed up, all that snow! Is this very unusual for you at this time of year?
            The weather has been really freaky here too, the other day we had so much rain on one of our islands there were severve mud slides and two days ago there was a tornado just up the coast from me and this is in a place where the sun usually shines for over 300 days a year!

            Miss B - Good desicion not to go to you fuction, when we dont feel strong enough there is no point in putting ourselves through the misery.

            I have one of these daily affirmation calendars and as I was putting yesterdays in the bin this morning i stopped to read it properly, it read "I release all guilt and emotional hurt, i am free!" This perfectly describs how im now feeling in my new AF life........

            Ok guys "THE DATE" its not the conventional type (why would it be?!) its not actually going to take place until 4 weeks today but hey im excited so wanted to tell you! When I joined MWO in Dec I formed a very close friendship with another member and we continue to be amazing friends and support to each other on a daily basis. We often spoke of meeting but one small problem was he was in the USA and im here in Portugal! Anyway, we are meeting up for a weekend in London! (I dont think he reads all my posts, but if you are D i know you wont mind me sharing this with my friends here). IM EXCITED
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

              Good morning to all my Feb Fast Friends,

              Lav, we were forcast to have to days of snow and for some reason we only had snow in the morning. It is like this every year since I've lived here, with the constant snow. A good reason to move.

              I had a craving last night on the way home from work, as I had a really stressful day. A day where I felt incompetent and "not good enough." I thought the craving through and was able to easily say "NO WAY," to myself. Seriously, the short satisfaction the alcohol gives is just not worth the long hangover and lack of sleep. Physically, I feel better. Eating healthy and lite gives me strong energy and a feeling of being young. It is a positive thing. When you drink, you are so busy recovering that healthy eating is kind of useless.

              Chill, how nice that you have your weekend in London to look forward too. Exciting! Your friend who was going on about her wine sounds annoying. I liked your thought tactic - if she enjoys drinking poison with her lunch.:H

              Alcohol is poison for the select group who has more than the one or two recommended drinks. I am included in this group. For such a long time I have poisoned myself. I am amazed at how resilient my body is. My mind is taking a bit longer to catch up.

              OK Dill, American Idol is a huge disappointment to me this year. Last night with the guys was really bad. Also, I like Ellen Degeneres, but her style of rating the singers is driving me crazy. She repeats herself and it is clear she is not in the music business. :H LIsten to me, like I am in the music business. It can only get better from here. I may need to take a break from it.

              Sooty, reading about your mild weather made me really jealous. I want spring!!!!


                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                Red - Well done in not caving in after a stressful day. Its a great sign when we can think through logically why not to drink rather than just immediately pick one up... must be a good step on the path to recovery.

                I like what you said about our bodies and our minds taking longer to catch up. When you think of yourself as a soul and your body as the vessel which allows us to maneuver through life isnt it just insane how we treat the one thing that is totally on our side and which we cant live without?! Its like coming home every night and completely trashing your home.......
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                  Good morning,
                  Thinking about all that snow. Long ago before NM I lived in Chicago and what I remember most was that it seemed like spring would never ever come. And now my son is moving from southern California to Indiana! Lil, he is excited and happy to move to Indiana, but it's about the job more than the place. For me I can't wait to start exploring the midwest. Any Indiana suggestions?

                  Chill, your date sounds exciting. Is it a romantic or platonic date? This old lady wants to vicariously experience this event. Read about the violent storms in Portugal. Am wondering, have you settled there permanently?

                  Miss B, always interesting to think about southern hemisphere seasons. Indian summer in February. Congrats on your commitment to staying af.

                  Raven, are you a total vegan? If yes, is it for health reasons? I am pretty much a vegetarian. Did eat meat about a week and a half ago, bison sausage in a stew. While it was yummy, my body really did not want to digest it. Plus on my run the next day, I felt sluggish, slower than usual.
                  Your meal, the chickpea curry, sounds wonderful.

                  LBH, went to get an estimate on my car. The auto body shop office had an enormous cage with a large gray parrot in it. His name was Ugly. He was beautiful! But would not talk to me!

                  Red, Dill, what's with Idol? The singers are gawd awful. The judges are acting so oddly, so bored. And what a mistake Ellen D. has turned out to be.

                  Lav, are u cross posting?

                  Where is Cyn??


                    FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                    Sped - I moved to Portugal 8 years ago partly for the climate and I absolutely love it here but Im very open to moving on, i truly believe im home wherever I happen to be as long as im happy

                    Not sure if date is platonic or romantic yet but whatever the outcome we have a very strong connection and Im so looking forward to meeting him...
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                      Morning friends!

                      If anyone wants to make snow angels you can come here.............

                      Chill - we apparently have broken all sorts of records here on the East coast this winter! I know people in other parts of this country are used to these huge snow events.....I'm just not a big fan!
                      I have read about some of your severe weather too, saw pictures of flooding on Madeira Island. I hope your meeting in London goes well for you - that's so nice

                      Greetings Lil & Shelley! Hope you both have a great day!

                      Miss B - Indian summer right now sounds fabulous to me

                      Red, good job on defeating AL last night! You do get to a point where the AL thoughts just seem stupid & it's easier to push them away!!!

                      Dill, are you here this morning??

                      Wishing everyone a good AF Thursday, I'll be back later with a snow update.......
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                        Hi everyone, sorry I'm late posting - I was out this morning and haven't had chance to get on the net till now.
                        I hope you snowbound ones are coping, dull and grey here today and heavy rain forecast but no snow!
                        Well its 25 Feb so we're nearly there ....have we got a name for March???
                        Have a good day gang


                          FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                          Greetings people. Its a 31 day march so I am guessing we will be tired at the end of it.
                          I am cooking more vegan treats for tea to drive the wet weather blues away.
                          Being Vegan has become about health although it started with being 'alternative/counter culture', it makes me feel somehow floaty and sharp at the same time and has replaced alcohol as a healthier obsession.
                          As for you chill, I guess I believe love (or the hope of it) is the reason most of us get of bed in a morning.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                            Rav - I couldnt agree with you more! :happyheart:
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                              Not too much fun in the indian summer last night ........ too hot to sleep and I've just woken up feeling (and looking!!) like a wrung out dish rag!!

                              Feeling very happy about the prospect of Mr B coming home tonight after 2 months of working in Australia. Will stay close to home for most of this weekend I think.

                              HAve a good weekend everyone!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                FEB FAST ~ Week Four

                                Good afternoon from here. Another big successful push in my cold, dark, windy back garden; it was funny in that it seemed that the sun would peak out momentarily every time I went in the house. Flirting I suppose. I hope everybody has a good day finding real pleasures to take the place of alcohol in our lives whether they are in the garden, art, food, love, books, films, friends, family, pets, walks, studies, workouts, rest, dreams, or restorative silent sleep. I am sure there are far more from which to choose, there appears to be quite a menu. Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

